The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sharna.8974


This does suck but if you look back at GW1 we actually got off easy. In GW1 it was common for them to post the wrong info and for events to end as much as a week earlier than they were posted as. I also have to say that not being able to complete the Halloween event that inconveniently ran during work/school hours on the actual holiday is crazy. People who need to take a day off work to be able to play are most likely going to try to do the whole event then. Duh. It also seems like a huge mistake that they sent out E-mails for each act that didn’t mention the dungeon closing. All the people saying that the blogs and twitters gave all the info strikes me as stupid. What company have you ever dealt with that expected you to find out details about their service on your own on the web?

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Bad luck, maybe more luck next year.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SallyStitches.4096


They had warnings on these forums, Facebook, Twitter, ect about how long the dungeon would be there. Before Act 4 was released, they warned the dungeon would close when that happened. Yet, people come here and complain. I have a busy life, too, but I managed to set aside time to run the dungeon. It took all of 10 minutes.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vithaar.8637


it wouldn’t make much sense that you can play with the mad king says and kill him in his dungeon at the same time. Act 3 went on for 3 days….
sucks that you couldn’t log on for a 15 minute run

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NightShadow.1429


To all those saying there was no warnings… there were plenty of warnings!

Martin Kerstein
Head of Global Community
We want to give you a heads up about Phase 4 of the Halloween event. Phase 4 will start at 9:00 AM PDT/16:00 GMT on October 31, and will run until we publish a new build on November 1 (which will be sometime after Noon PDT/19:00 GMT).
Once Phase 4 starts, the Ascent to Madness dungeon will no longer be available – but you will still be able to enter the Mad King’s realm, including the Labyrinth, the Clocktower, Reaper’s Rumble and Lunatic Inquisition.
Also make sure that you will “Attend the Party” in Lion’s Arch once Phase 4 starts, and do not worry: It is a non-stop party, so swing by any time you want!
Happy Halloween.

Also in game mail stating that it was open* and that it was running for a limited time. As well as the multiple social outlets that they announced all the information on. I also have a life and was able to hop on and do the 10min run. Stop kittening people. Also, you could have asked about it in LA. Guaranteed people would have told you.

“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Katreyn.4218


If anything is learned from this I think its that Anet may need to consider more ways to let people know about their time frames for events. Ie. Launcher (not links from launcher, even people are too lazy to click those, but actual news posting that loads directly), in-game news boards, character select news posting or something similar to Gw1.

At the end of the day, its sad you missed something like that, but sadly MMOs sometimes require you to stay “well informed” on dates and times of things. And if you can’t play because of IRL stuff, that’s fine, but it should be something you have to come to terms with, with your life. If they want to run the events a certain way they should be able to. People will ALWAYS miss stuff. kitten happens everyday that messes with peoples schedules. Missing one event for a holiday isn’t a big deal. It’ll be there next year. And there is always more events to experience at later dates.

Cheer up, should be some interesting event material coming in November so they say.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Outamyhead.4812


Today is Halloween, the dungeon was not there. The event is going to be around until the 5th. Every single other part of the event is going to be available all week. This is the only thing that is not going to stay for the full length of the event – it was up for what, 2 days? With no advance notice? Not quite fair. Especially since it’s needed for the title. Holiday events are supposed to be fun and available for everyone.

Not sure where you got that from, everything I have read says the Halloween stuff stops on the 1st, probably the same time as the 4th act…And I had made progress on the clock tower as well, sucks that I won’t get to finish that (got to that cog that’s at an angle where you have to jump across it to make progress to the small block and the steep beam), oh well got everything else that’s the main thing, and effectively doubled my level through the Halloween activities (41).

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


My experience was the same as everyone who missed the dungeon. I saw only one announcement that it was being closed and that was while I was at work on the day it was being removed. I thought I had plenty of time and knowing it would only take a few minutes, I focused on the more time consuming achievements first.

I just think it’s important that timelines like this are announced prominently as soon as possible so that there’s a minimum of disappointment for the players and grief taken by ANet.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eructathus.3975


So anet made an announcement everywhere except for in-game and it’s my fault for not knowing? Got it. Thanks

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396


So anet made an announcement everywhere except for in-game and it’s my fault for not knowing? Got it. Thanks

Is this sarcasm? The only announcement I saw about the dungeon being pulled was the stickied “heads up” notice on the forums, and that was posted only hours before the dungeon was pulled. If you saw other announcements, I’d sure like to know where/when because I like to think I stay pretty current about these things.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


I agree with this.. I worked really hard trying to get the title for the achievement and because I couldn’t play over the week (army) I missed this..
I feel kinda screwed over, even if A-Net have their reasons.
Like has been said, limiting content to just 2 days while the rest runs for all of Halloween is a very poor decision imo.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


If anything is learned from this I think its that Anet may need to consider more ways to let people know about their time frames for events. Ie. Launcher (not links from launcher, even people are too lazy to click those, but actual news posting that loads directly), in-game news boards, character select news posting or something similar to Gw1.

I kind of agree for the sake of simplicity and kind of disagree because I don’t think being lazy should be justified.

At the end of the day, its sad you missed something like that, but sadly MMOs sometimes require you to stay “well informed” on dates and times of things. And if you can’t play because of IRL stuff, that’s fine, but it should be something you have to come to terms with, with your life. If they want to run the events a certain way they should be able to. People will ALWAYS miss stuff. kitten happens everyday that messes with peoples schedules. Missing one event for a holiday isn’t a big deal. It’ll be there next year. And there is always more events to experience at later dates.

Cheer up, should be some interesting event material coming in November so they say.

^ This.

So anet made an announcement everywhere except for in-game and it’s my fault for not knowing? Got it. Thanks

So you missed the announcement made on the GW2 forums about the dungeon having limited accessibility, yet you managed to get on the forums to make sarcastic complaints. Right…

Protip: Whenever something new is introduced into an MMO, check the forums for patch notes/updates/announcements/news. If you can’t be bothered to click your web browser a couple times, I have no idea what you’re doing playing an MMO.

I agree with this.. I worked really hard trying to get the title for the achievement and because I couldn’t play over the week (army) I missed this..
I feel kinda screwed over, even if A-Net have their reasons.
Like has been said, limiting content to just 2 days while the rest runs for all of Halloween is a very poor decision imo.

It’s not ANet’s fault you had RL responsibilities to attend to. I’m an Army veteran myself and I’ve had to miss A TON of stuff because of the military, but it was my decision to join. I don’t tell my friends they have to have their party on a different weekend because I can’t make it, I just shrug and move on with my life. I suggest you get into that habit while you’re in the military.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

(edited by Cyric.7485)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: neolith.4573


I kind of agree for the sake of simplicity and kind of disagree because I don’t think being lazy should be justified.

Because playing the game instead of reading the forums is laziness. Yeah, right.

If an announcement is that important, it should have been ingame. They have already been mailing every char about the different acts – why was that information excluded?

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JakHammer.7094


To all those saying there was no warnings… there were plenty of warnings!

Martin Kerstein
Head of Global Community
We want to give you a heads up about Phase 4 of the Halloween event. Phase 4 will start at 9:00 AM PDT/16:00 GMT on October 31, and will run until we publish a new build on November 1 (which will be sometime after Noon PDT/19:00 GMT).
Once Phase 4 starts, the Ascent to Madness dungeon will no longer be available – but you will still be able to enter the Mad King’s realm, including the Labyrinth, the Clocktower, Reaper’s Rumble and Lunatic Inquisition.
Also make sure that you will “Attend the Party” in Lion’s Arch once Phase 4 starts, and do not worry: It is a non-stop party, so swing by any time you want!
Happy Halloween.

Also in game mail stating that it was open* and that it was running for a limited time. As well as the multiple social outlets that they announced all the information on. I also have a life and was able to hop on and do the 10min run. Stop kittening people. Also, you could have asked about it in LA. Guaranteed people would have told you.

The message you quote went up, in the Haloween Event section of the forum only, at 4 minutes to Midnight (were You awake at 11:56 PM PDT and reading the forums? That’s 2 AM in Central and 3 AM Eastern btw.) on October 31st, according to the time stamp. That is approximately 9 hours notice, if and only if you happened to be so anal and GW2 obsessed as to check the forums for Critical Information every day before you go to bed (bedtime in the US at any rate.) I will simply state that does not meet my standard for an acceptable warning, by a margin of at least 39 hours.

The in game statement that events will be available for a limited time is completely vague and non-specific. It is in fact obvious that special events are always available for a limited time, but as so many here and in other threads have stated, Everything Else related to the completion of various Halloween achievements, and/or simply for the fun of experiencing all the Halloeween event content, is still available. Indeed the pattern was that each Act added a layer of richness to the event, and I for one had no clue (sadly I am often clueless) that there was a plan to go in and gut the cake of fun. I think all of us who are complaining are doing so in response to a reasonable expectation that ALL the content would cut off at the same time, based on the information we had access to and the general patttern of such events.

That there were ‘multiple social outlets that they announced all the information on’ is perhaps the most bogus defense of the manner in which this really necessary warning was made.

Nowhere have I seen an official advisement, that if I want to really know what is going on with this game, I should ignore the forums and haunt ‘social media’.

However, as it appears that this company, like so many others, has adopted the obnoxious and underhanded practice of having the REAL, but unaknowledged, primary comunication channel between it and its clients be ‘social media’ – so as to boost their what? – “Social Media Prestiege” – I suppose I will have to now check three different places if I want to actually know what’s going on.

Finally, why do we have to use our email address for Everything if they are NOT going to use that for Important notifications? They sent two Halloween related emails to me but not one word for Act 3 or 4.

PS: As I mentioned in my first post, all nine of my other guild mates missed this closing information too. While I choose to avoid ‘social media’ whenever possible, several of them are fully competent and active users of the two most popular providers. Yet we ALL missed this info.

PPS: Please also understand that I completed at least one MK dungeon run on every one of my various characters. This is only because I happen to be a non-working shut in, and was able to spend the morning running MK after I just happened to swing by the forums at 6AM local after a bad night’s sleep. My pain is for all my friends, only two of whom had even 1 run. I sent a heads up to everyone asap, but they all work/have lives.

note to self – local time for this post is 2:26 PM CDT

(edited by JakHammer.7094)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Debsylvania.7396



The announcement on the forums (the “heads up” sticky) was made the same day the dungeon was pulled. I do my best to stay current re: game announcements, especially during special events and this was the only notice I saw. Unfortunately, the posting only provided a few hours of “heads up” and the dungeon was gone before I got home from the office.

I’m not upset that I missed out on the title because of this. I had fun throughout the event, but I believe communication could have been better.

P.S. Thank you, Jakhammer for posting the specifics about that notice. As you pointed out, you’d have to be playing very late to have seen the in-game announcement. I was already at work on the 31st before I saw the forum announcement, and the dungeon was pulled before I got home.

Deb ~The Chewbacca Defense [TCD];
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server

(edited by Debsylvania.7396)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Greyfeld.7104


I kind of agree for the sake of simplicity and kind of disagree because I don’t think being lazy should be justified.

Because playing the game instead of reading the forums is laziness. Yeah, right.

If an announcement is that important, it should have been ingame. They have already been mailing every char about the different acts – why was that information excluded?

MMO developers have forums for several reasons; one of those is so they can keep the playerbase updated with news, patch notes, and upcoming events. No MMO anywhere ever spams players in-game with information like that.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: exphryl.3857


I did the dungeon and I liked it.

I do though, have no idea why Act 3 was 2 days and Act 4 is 6….

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


If anything is learned from this I think its that Anet may need to consider more ways to let people know about their time frames for events. Ie. Launcher (not links from launcher, even people are too lazy to click those, but actual news posting that loads directly), in-game news boards, character select news posting or something similar to Gw1.

I kind of agree for the sake of simplicity and kind of disagree because I don’t think being lazy should be justified.

At the end of the day, its sad you missed something like that, but sadly MMOs sometimes require you to stay “well informed” on dates and times of things. And if you can’t play because of IRL stuff, that’s fine, but it should be something you have to come to terms with, with your life. If they want to run the events a certain way they should be able to. People will ALWAYS miss stuff. kitten happens everyday that messes with peoples schedules. Missing one event for a holiday isn’t a big deal. It’ll be there next year. And there is always more events to experience at later dates.

Cheer up, should be some interesting event material coming in November so they say.

^ This.

So anet made an announcement everywhere except for in-game and it’s my fault for not knowing? Got it. Thanks

So you missed the announcement made on the GW2 forums about the dungeon having limited accessibility, yet you managed to get on the forums to make sarcastic complaints. Right…

Protip: Whenever something new is introduced into an MMO, check the forums for patch notes/updates/announcements/news. If you can’t be bothered to click your web browser a couple times, I have no idea what you’re doing playing an MMO.

I agree with this.. I worked really hard trying to get the title for the achievement and because I couldn’t play over the week (army) I missed this..
I feel kinda screwed over, even if A-Net have their reasons.
Like has been said, limiting content to just 2 days while the rest runs for all of Halloween is a very poor decision imo.

It’s not ANet’s fault you had RL responsibilities to attend to. I’m an Army veteran myself and I’ve had to miss A TON of stuff because of the military, but it was my decision to join. I don’t tell my friends they have to have their party on a different weekend because I can’t make it, I just shrug and move on with my life. I suggest you get into that habit while you’re in the military.

So you’re saying having the Act 3 event (and requiring it for an achievement) for 3 days while the rest runs for much longer is not poor design?
It seems like you’re being very thorough about making no relevant point at all..
I’m glad you cope with the lacking thought on some decisions of A-Net, but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485



The announcement on the forums (the “heads up” sticky) was made the same day the dungeon was pulled. I do my best to stay current re: game announcements, especially during special events and this was the only notice I saw. Unfortunately, the posting only provided a few hours of “heads up” and the dungeon was gone before I got home from the office.

I’m not upset that I missed out on the title because of this. I had fun throughout the event, but I believe communication could have been better.

Fair enough I suppose. I don’t actually recall when I read the post about it, but once I found out I was up crazy late farming that instance since the hurricane effectively gave me a week long vacation. Regardless, communication can always be improved upon so we at least have that to agree upon.

Because playing the game instead of reading the forums is laziness. Yeah, right.

If an announcement is that important, it should have been ingame. They have already been mailing every char about the different acts – why was that information excluded?

Implying that clicking a couple times to check for new announcements is time consuming? I don’t think so.

So you’re saying having the Act 3 event (and requiring it for an achievement) for 3 days while the rest runs for much longer is not poor design?
It seems like you’re being very thorough about making no relevant point at all..
I’m glad you cope with the lacking thought on some decisions of A-Net, but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

I’m not making a stance on whether it’s “poor design” or not, I don’t design MMOs for a living and therefore am not qualified to make the same assessments most of the community likes to toss about when something doesn’t fit their time constraints. What I can make a stance for, however, is that it fits the lore and makes sense in terms of gameplay. It’d be silly if we were still under the threat of the Mad King escaping while he wandered about Lion’s Arch telling jokes and whatnot.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

(edited by Cyric.7485)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


I’m not making a stance on whether it’s “poor design” or not, I don’t design MMOs for a living and therefore am not qualified to make the same assessments most of the community likes to toss about when something doesn’t fit their time constraints. What I can make a stance for, however, is that it fits the lore and makes sense in terms of gameplay. It’d be silly if we were still under the threat of the Mad King escaping while he wandered about Lion’s Arch telling jokes and whatnot.

This is exactly the type of problems a good design prevents.
A workaround imo would be letting the event where you hunt villagers be one of the 4 required for “It’s a mad king’s world”, giving everyone the chance to complete it and not only those who have the possibility to play over the week.
Another thought on how this could be prevented is – extend the event until the 5th (The date the Black Lion chests stop rewarding Halloween skins) and have the party bit on Saturday.. in which case nobody could say A-Net didn’t try to be considerate of those of us “with a life”.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


This is exactly the type of problems a good design prevents.
A workaround imo would be letting the event where you hunt villagers be one of the 4 required for “It’s a mad king’s world”, giving everyone the chance to complete it and not only those who have the possibility to play over the week.
Another thought on how this could be prevented is – extend the event until the 5th (The date the Black Lion chests stop rewarding Halloween skins) and have the party bit on Saturday.. in which case nobody could say A-Net didn’t try to be considerate of those of us “with a life”.

I don’t think the event should be extended in that manner, I honestly don’t even think all that other stuff should be happening until the 5th either. To the point of my response though, the switching requirements for “It’s a Mad King’s World” sounds reasonable to me, albeit a little late to be implemented. Perhaps this is something the dev team can take into consideration next Halloween and/or for future holiday events.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Katai.6240


I was taken back by this as well. Why would you REMOVE CONTENT on the day the Holiday actually occurs? It just seemed like poor planning. You took out a dungeon and replaced it with Simon Says… what?

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seras.5702


I will say that while I don’t think the event should have been extended, I think they should have left the dungeon open till the end of the event. Of course, I know why they didn’t…RP. Wouldn’t have made sense for the Mad King to battle you to the death and then pop into LA to crack jokes. BUT…I think it was necessary only because of the constant door bugs. Anet was smart and left them open for Act IV so others could catch up when the doors were bugged. I never took on the King myself either, but I did run in and see him from afar just for the achievement.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

A tangent to what you mentioned, “Next Year”/ I highly doubt they will repeat the same events… any other MMO does not do it. Mad King may be back, candy corn as well, Halloween themed items will be but not the same stuff, not the same rewards, not the same dungeon (perhaps minigames though). It would be a halloween event but different from the previous year like any other game.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eructathus.3975


So anet made an announcement everywhere except for in-game and it’s my fault for not knowing? Got it. Thanks

Is this sarcasm? The only announcement I saw about the dungeon being pulled was the stickied “heads up” notice on the forums, and that was posted only hours before the dungeon was pulled. If you saw other announcements, I’d sure like to know where/when because I like to think I stay pretty current about these things.

Yes, I was being very sarcastic. I saw no announcements, seeings how what little free time I have for this game is spent in game, not on forums.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jump Efflorescence fatal.3584

jump Efflorescence fatal.3584

Though my indignation is, I must admit, all but engulfed by the overwhelming satisfaction that this holiday event has been for me, I do feel just a bit, a teeny blip of indignation toward ANet for this single act of content-walling.

My reason is more specific than what’s been said already:

Having played to the end of but not beyond the Act II content, and facing time away from my gaming machine, I tried to gain whatever information I could about upcoming temporary events. I found this announcement:

Act 2 of the Guild Wars 2 Halloween event is live – enjoy the festivities! DO NOT MISS Act 3 of Shadow of the Mad King which kicks off at the lion statue in Lion’s Arch at noon Pacific (12:00 PM Pacific Time/19:00 GMT) on Sunday, Oct 28 with a very special, one-time only surprise!

Worried for what I would miss since I could not make the date, I searched a little to see what would be in store, only to find the resounding reassurance that a late show to Act III would in no way mean that any achievement for the event could not be completed. So then, what about the party promised by the “Attent the Party!” achievement? Now, that does sound like a one-time-only event. I googled some more, however, and only found reassurance that the party would be a continual event all players present on the 31st could visit.

This news was great! Clearly ANet are going out of their way to ensure that all content be available until the end of the event.

But when, after a long but unavoidable stretch away from my gaming machine, I was able to fend away my worldly travails for enough time to thoroughly salve my Guild Wars 2 withdrawal, the reassurances which I had taken so close to heart were swiftly dashed.

So, my request for the dev community in future, which I defy even the most stoical and cold-hearted among the forumgoers here to begrudge, is this:

[I stress my major points in capital letters because, according to the internet, upper case English lettering is the Language of Logic.]

When you release an update with missable content, and you go out of your way to advise players of this missable content… and THEN in other discussions you take pains to reassure that certain rewards like achievements which many players take pride in attaining will NOT be affected by such a missable event—please kindly would you not sneak into that self-same content patch any OTHER missable content which DOES affect a players’ gains without advertising it in the very same notices.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: jump Efflorescence fatal.3584

jump Efflorescence fatal.3584

Just as an aside, everything I said presupposes that I give a kittens’ whiskers about achievements (or about being there in the full of it for every theme park event I can enjoy just as much by watching on Youtube) which isn’t the case—it’s just that for me, that’s a case worth upholding for those who do!

I met a ton of people, roleplayed the hell out of my thief’s encounters with the mad king, and completely validated my passion in what only a week ago (and never again!) seemed to be a dubiously supported MMO. I saved real golds to buy a swell, super-spooky present for my friend’s necromancer on her birthday—and I thrashed the clock tower upwards of 20 times! All of which count for something, though I’ll never see achievement points for any of them.

It’s a vastly populated, wide-open world out there in Tyria. Playing thoroughly enriches your character. Playing creatively enriches the game itself, and the lives of everyone you meet within it!

No matter how much content you miss out on (and though it is awful) doing something special, something a bit different in-game, perhaps with the people you’d most want to share it with is always better than any gaudily-prepackaged, loudly-touted event. It’s just that the seasonal events do happen to be a good way to bring people together for such moments—but you can always make better, or just as good, with a bit of charm and a good helping of creative spirit.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MrHanner.9854


I simply did not get credit for entering the dungeon. Very frustrating.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eructathus.3975



The announcement on the forums (the “heads up” sticky) was made the same day the dungeon was pulled. I do my best to stay current re: game announcements, especially during special events and this was the only notice I saw. Unfortunately, the posting only provided a few hours of “heads up” and the dungeon was gone before I got home from the office.

I’m not upset that I missed out on the title because of this. I had fun throughout the event, but I believe communication could have been better.

Fair enough I suppose. I don’t actually recall when I read the post about it, but once I found out I was up crazy late farming that instance since the hurricane effectively gave me a week long vacation. Regardless, communication can always be improved upon so we at least have that to agree upon.

Because playing the game instead of reading the forums is laziness. Yeah, right.

If an announcement is that important, it should have been ingame. They have already been mailing every char about the different acts – why was that information excluded?

Implying that clicking a couple times to check for new announcements is time consuming? I don’t think so.

So you’re saying having the Act 3 event (and requiring it for an achievement) for 3 days while the rest runs for much longer is not poor design?
It seems like you’re being very thorough about making no relevant point at all..
I’m glad you cope with the lacking thought on some decisions of A-Net, but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

I’m not making a stance on whether it’s “poor design” or not, I don’t design MMOs for a living and therefore am not qualified to make the same assessments most of the community likes to toss about when something doesn’t fit their time constraints. What I can make a stance for, however, is that it fits the lore and makes sense in terms of gameplay. It’d be silly if we were still under the threat of the Mad King escaping while he wandered about Lion’s Arch telling jokes and whatnot.

Your signature fits perfectly with what your arguing here. “Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.” It’s clear that you got your precious achievement title and you’re happy to see that other people weren’t so lucky. Get off your high horse. I don’t care about the title, I just wanted to run the instance with some friends, which we were planning to do on Halloween. What a crazy time to want to do a Halloween event, eh?

About the lore argument: it’s an instance. You can go into the same dungeon and kill the same boss over and over again. That same boss might even be somewhere else in the game, at the same time. This already happens, in every single MMORPG ever. Opening the dungeon back up doesn’t change the lore because it’s an instanced event.

Finally, the “it only takes a few minutes to run the instance, check the forums, etc.” isn’t even the issue we’re discussing. We’re not making a case about not having enough time to complete the tasks so stop trying to make that the issue. This is about misinformation, or lack there of. Anet has been very good about providing everyone with information about the events in-game, so why did we have any reason to think they were leaving something out of the in-game guides?

Eh, sorry for the rant.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ashara.5046


This is some thing that really annoyed me in this Halloween event. I didn’t get a chance to go into the dungeon. Both due to work and family, plus the fact that it wasn’t clear that the event would be removed before it was actually Halloween and before the holiday ended. I do get that a lot of people think that if you wanted to do it you should have put aside 15 minutes. I can understand that perspective for those who could do it. But it isn’t as simple as that, nor should it be as clear cut and excluded.

Now I am in no way saying my free time is any more valuable than anyone elses. Nor is it that I have it harder than anyone else in any respect. But I am simply annoyed that an event that doesn’t need to be removed was. In doing so removed the enjoyment of a large holiday event that should have been about being able to fully experiance it in a fair time span. Even if you miss a couple of specific things like the Mad King being sealed again or the portal opening event. Those events that happen once and in real time and allow a live interactive experiance for large groups of people is fine and I ‘m okay with that as it’s unique and will never be repeated. Yet every other event was repeated, again and again. If it was the case that you could not go into the Mad Kings realm to fight him, then you should not be able to go into the same realm to go to the PvP arenas, Labyrinth, and Clock Tower. All of which are based in the Underworld in his realm and under his control. His sealing only prevented him from leaving the underworld. Not stopped us from going in and fighting him as before.

I offer this up only as a critique of someone who really did enjoy all the event had to offer. Only to have it spoiled by a seemingly pointless and sensless decision to remove an aspect of the limited time event, by making it even more time limited. I’d ask that even if an event ends during a Holiday event that there be a means to still go into it to experiance it until the actual Holiday event itself has ended. That way there is more chance people can experiance it and potentailly reach their own goals. If this was done to arbitrarily add value to items or allow for more content spread over many years of the same event. I’d only say that if it’s exactly the same next year there will not be as much sales via the Black Lion Trading, if you want to keep your gains you will always need to add more things people will want to buy and more things people will log on for during the holiday. As simply you are competing with their other options via real life, work and family. All of which are as justifiably worth the time. You need to have a good experiance to attract people year after year.

As for the reason of lore, I’d only point out that this in no way would have broke the lore nor impacted apon the event in anyway. As the Mad King is only sealed in the Underworld and you go into the realm to fight him. The seal prevented him from fully appearing in our realm so it doesn’t even cause an issue to have the dungeon open via a portal after the fountain was removed. A door would have sufficed and wouldn’t have caused an issue as he still exists in the Underworld and would still be a boss we could fight. Just the impact of him being able to escape would be void and that would be it.

(edited by Ashara.5046)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


Your signature fits perfectly with what your arguing here. “Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.” It’s clear that you got your precious achievement title and you’re happy to see that other people weren’t so lucky. Get off your high horse. I don’t care about the title, I just wanted to run the instance with some friends, which we were planning to do on Halloween. What a crazy time to want to do a Halloween event, eh?

About the lore argument: it’s an instance. You can go into the same dungeon and kill the same boss over and over again. That same boss might even be somewhere else in the game, at the same time. This already happens, in every single MMORPG ever. Opening the dungeon back up doesn’t change the lore because it’s an instanced event.

Finally, the “it only takes a few minutes to run the instance, check the forums, etc.” isn’t even the issue we’re discussing. We’re not making a case about not having enough time to complete the tasks so stop trying to make that the issue. This is about misinformation, or lack there of. Anet has been very good about providing everyone with information about the events in-game, so why did we have any reason to think they were leaving something out of the in-game guides?

Eh, sorry for the rant.

Man, you’re coming out the gate swinging, huh? For starters, my signature is simply my mantra to life. It implies that people who just make excuses for all their shortcomings are “losers” and that those who push through adversity to create their desired outcome are “winners”, take it however you’d like.

Secondly, I’m not on a high horse. The achievement means next to nothing to me, I don’t recall ever once bragging about my achievement points being higher than anyone else’s in this thread or any other thread for that matter. Also to note, I’m fairly confident that the majority of the GW2 playerbase that participated in the festivities has the title, so it’s in no way some exclusive “Wow, I can’t believe you got that!” title.

Thirdly, the dungeon isn’t going to get opened back up no matter how much you kick and scream about it. You’re right though, instancing in such a manner that you’ve described does happen in nearly every MMO. Currently I can’t think of any unique boss types that are lurking around Tyria that you also kill in an instance, there are some you defeat, but let’s just hope ANet doesn’t have characters we kill just wandering around Tyria. Opening the instance back up does, in fact, change the lore contrary to your beliefs. The instance is about the Mad King attempting to escape his realm in the brief amount of time he has each year, having a swirling vortex that the Mad King is trying to burst through to murder us all sort of takes away from the “Hey, we saved the day!” feel while the Mad King parades around goofing off.

Lastly, I didn’t say anything about how long it takes to run the instance. As for checking the forums, that should honestly be a standard practice for any MMO player. You don’t have to be an active participant on the forums, but you really should be in the habit of checking for new updates and news periodically, especially if new content is being added every couple of days. You only stand to benefit from “being in the know” and as I responded to another poster, it does only take a couple minutes to do.

In summary, it seems like you’re just mushing everything that’s been said in this thread together and using it in an attack against me whether I’m the one who said it or not.

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

(edited by Cyric.7485)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


I finished everything, because I spend time reading the forums, the news feed before logging in, asking guild, twitter, facebook, the wiki, the main site, third party sites……

Seriously, ArenaNet posts different information on it’s official channels with near zero uniformity. Twitter might have an important note about something getting extended while no other source has it…. It makes it a pain because ArenaNet does communicate with us, if you are lucky to find where they put the communication at.

Oh, and Reddit and Guru too. Need to check them as well.

So for all of us that already know how an event will work, it is easy to tell others “they should have known”. Of course we’ll say that…. we get to gloat that we found the source. But I’ve always wondered why the login news feed is always listing patches days late, and not listing start and end dates right where people can see them. It would make sense to list gaming information where people play.

Expecting players to look up information about playing a game outside the game is logical to the point that you expect people to spend time not playing a game but instead reading about it. Really, I do read about stuff… but I realize how stupid it is to expect people to spend time their time reading about a game just so they can play it.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


I finished everything, because I spend time reading the forums, the news feed before logging in, asking guild, twitter, facebook, the wiki, the main site, third party sites……

Seriously, ArenaNet posts different information on it’s official channels with near zero uniformity. Twitter might have an important note about something getting extended while no other source has it…. It makes it a pain because ArenaNet does communicate with us, if you are lucky to find where they put the communication at.

Oh, and Reddit and Guru too. Need to check them as well.

So for all of us that already know how an event will work, it is easy to tell others “they should have known”. Of course we’ll say that…. we get to gloat that we found the source. But I’ve always wondered why the login news feed is always listing patches days late, and not listing start and end dates right where people can see them. It would make sense to list gaming information where people play.

Expecting players to look up information about playing a game outside the game is logical to the point that you expect people to spend time not playing a game but instead reading about it. Really, I do read about stuff… but I realize how stupid it is to expect people to spend time their time reading about a game just so they can play it.

Okay, this argument I can validate and you’re absolutely right. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal to have to check the forums real quick, however, I think ALL the needed information should be on the forums in the Announcements area. As I said above also, it would be very convenient to have the information on the log in newsfeed, but at the same time if it was at least collectively in the GW2 forums it still wouldn’t be a big deal to me. The fact that the information is fragmented between a bunch of different websites is a problem and I’ll readily admit to that. I suppose I may have just lucked out by checking the forums when I did. :\

The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

Not really sure what you’re so agitated about, I apologize if me having a different opinion from you upsets you. Perhaps the public forums isn’t the right place for you…

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

(edited by Cyric.7485)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

Not really sure what you’re so agitated about, I apologize if me having a different opinion from you upsets you. Perhaps the public forums isn’t the right place for you…

How can you “not be sure” what I’m so agitated about? We’ve been complaining about it for an entire thread.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

Not really sure what you’re so agitated about, I apologize if me having a different opinion from you upsets you. Perhaps the public forums isn’t the right place for you…

How can you “not be sure” what I’m so agitated about? We’ve been complaining about it for an entire thread.

Allow me to elaborate on my previous response to you. I don’t understand why you’re calling me out specifically as if not caring about an achievement is some kind of elitist attitude or something. I understand what you’re all complaining about, I just don’t really get why you quoted that part of my response and added “surprise, surprise” to it. /shrug

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


The achievement means next to nothing to me,

Surprise, surprise!

Not really sure what you’re so agitated about, I apologize if me having a different opinion from you upsets you. Perhaps the public forums isn’t the right place for you…

How can you “not be sure” what I’m so agitated about? We’ve been complaining about it for an entire thread.

Allow me to elaborate on my previous response to you. I don’t understand why you’re calling me out specifically as if not caring about an achievement is some kind of elitist attitude or something. I understand what you’re all complaining about, I just don’t really get why you quoted that part of my response and added “surprise, surprise” to it. /shrug

but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

You not caring about the achievement lets you be lenient with A-Net.
If you look at other comments, there are people who care for the achievement and got it and still think it is wrong. Your opinion is biased and I suggest you’re the one who should exclude himself from this discussion.
“I don’t think it’s the government’s fault the minimum wage is too low for you to make a living. being middle class, I think it’s your responsibility to prosper economically and reach out of your low economical standing – despite the handicaps that prevent you of doing so.”
Point is, if in simulation or in real life, you have to take in consideration the circumstances of the people who belong to what ever you’re running. No, you don’t understand what we’re all complaining about.

(edited by Emashu.5913)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Act 3 had a cool dungeon, Act 4 had… a crappy game of “Mad King Says” ??

None of the stuff from Act 1 or Act 2 was removed before the 31st, why remove the most fun halloween dungeon on the 31st, leaving all of the weaker content playable? Made no sense to me…

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cyric.7485


but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

You not caring about the achievement lets you be lenient with A-Net.
If you look at other comments, there are people who care for the achievement and got it and still think it is wrong. Your opinion is biased and I suggest you’re the one who should exclude himself from this discussion.
“I don’t think it’s the government’s fault the minimum wage is too low for you to make a living. being middle class, I think it’s your responsibility to prosper economically and reach out of your low economical standing – despite the handicaps that prevent you of doing so.”
Point is, if in simulation or in real life, you have to take in consideration the circumstances of the people who belong to what ever you’re running. No, you don’t understand what we’re all complaining about.

LMFAO!!!! Wow bro, you took this to an entirely different level. This entire thread is based on how people missed the MK instance due to RL responsibilities and are agitated for not being provided with ample warning regarding the instance’s imminent removal according to the OP. Just because my opinion is “biased” or conflicting to your own doesn’t mean I should remove myself from a discussion, lol. I’ve already conceded that ANet’s information needs to be disseminated in a more organized and prompt manner, what else do you want from me? xD

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eructathus.3975


I came back to respond to Cyric’s response from yesterday, but I think I’m just going to turn around and walk right back out…

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


LMFAO!!!! Wow bro, you took this to an entirely different level. This entire thread is based on how people missed the MK instance due to RL responsibilities and are agitated for not being provided with ample warning regarding the instance’s imminent removal according to the OP. Just because my opinion is “biased” or conflicting to your own doesn’t mean I should remove myself from a discussion, lol. I’ve already conceded that ANet’s information needs to be disseminated in a more organized and prompt manner, what else do you want from me? xD

There’s more than poor communication though. When something is only available for 2 days you’re not giving people enough time to make it. Some people are indeed busy for 2 days and might need to schedule their playtime for another day. I don’t see why they didn’t just make it available for a longer period of time. As another poster said, it’s poor game design and the whole situation makes me feel like they don’t care enough about the players. I care much more about every single piece of an event being accessible to all players so everyone has a fair chance to enjoy the fun seasonal content (including that clocktower that so many complained about) and less about 4 perfectly timed Acts. For me personally it would not have mattered if they gave advance notice because I would not have been home anyway, hence why I would have preferred it be open a lot longer. I would have loved to get the title and grinded all night on the 31st before I realized the dungeon was already closed. Very disappointing.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


They clearly said it would stop being available Halloween day at 9:00 server-time. If you missed it, tough kitty, wait ‘til next Halloween. It was available for 2-3 days, and if you couldn’t find 10 minutes to set aside to try it out (we’ll say 20 for logging in and finding a group), then you’ve only yourself to blame.

The Mad King dungeon - I heard it was cool.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emashu.5913


but you have to accept these type of things are more important to others than they are to you.

You not caring about the achievement lets you be lenient with A-Net.
If you look at other comments, there are people who care for the achievement and got it and still think it is wrong. Your opinion is biased and I suggest you’re the one who should exclude himself from this discussion.
“I don’t think it’s the government’s fault the minimum wage is too low for you to make a living. being middle class, I think it’s your responsibility to prosper economically and reach out of your low economical standing – despite the handicaps that prevent you of doing so.”
Point is, if in simulation or in real life, you have to take in consideration the circumstances of the people who belong to what ever you’re running. No, you don’t understand what we’re all complaining about.

LMFAO!!!! Wow bro, you took this to an entirely different level. This entire thread is based on how people missed the MK instance due to RL responsibilities and are agitated for not being provided with ample warning regarding the instance’s imminent removal according to the OP. Just because my opinion is “biased” or conflicting to your own doesn’t mean I should remove myself from a discussion, lol. I’ve already conceded that ANet’s information needs to be disseminated in a more organized and prompt manner, what else do you want from me? xD

No. Having a warning would not make this change any less wrong.
You’re able to “shrug and just move on with your life” because it isn’t as important to you as it is to others.
And excluding yourself from the discussion was a reply to what you said in the previous comment. In my opinion, saying people should handle with it because you can – is wrong, more so than “being agitated”.