The secret to the watchtower
Lol well i wonder , i completed 46 times atm , and i enjoyed it.
Maybe hell for bots , is actually heaven for players.
ok so if 5% can finish it and think its fun that makes 95% that can not complete and probably think its not fun at all
Please stop complaining about the Clock Tower. I completed it, and I am absolutely terrible at jumping puzzles. Do you know how I did it? I spent 15 hours going at it. Hundreds of attempts and hundreds of failures. It’s designed to be hard. It’s not a requirement to complete it, and it’s just fine the way it is (minus some issues with lag on certain overflow servers). If you want to beat it you have to work at it. It’s not handed to you on a silver platter.
ok so if 5% can finish it and think its fun that makes 95% that can not complete and probably think its not fun at all
i’ve spent like 7+ hours trying to get to the top… i’ve never been able to do it and still think its fun there goes your theory!
haha so you are telling me its designed to be buggy, have random camera problems, and designed so you cant see anything because of other players? It seems like they just threw something together and said kitten the problems it will only be up for a couple days and hell we can just say its supposed to be hard
all you need for the clocktower is dedication man. nobody says its going to be easy, but what do you expect? you get free level 80 exotic boots from it. i dont really get the purpose of this post but i just wanted to point out that your aunt’s sister would also be your aunt lol, unless it is your mom…
hahaha the whole thing was a joke about how hard it was but I do feel it is beyond hard. I just dont see the logic behind making something that you intend only 5% of your players to actually beat.
haha actually best way to describe this puzzle is they must have had been playing Diablo 3 when they decided to make it.
I guess Anet should simple change the name , instead of calling CT a JP , should be called a Jumping Challenge , you cant beat , well you cant sorry.
The idea of it being a puzzle makes people believe that , just cause they know the way , they will 100% get there.
I think they should take away the achievement for it. That way if you are the 95% you dont get screwed in the bum twice, once for not beating it and getting rewards and once for not getting an achievement
I think 95% is a bit exaggerated All my friends got it, but no one in my guild did it in less than 4 hours and the majority took about 7 hours, I personally got it during my 8th hour. It’s not some quick mindless run a-muck. It took time, work, stress, and most importantly hours of practice and when I got it, it felt earned. It’s the only achievment that really carries that feeling. Which begs the question: Why did Pumpkin Carving get a Title, and not the Tower?
Also: i like the idea of an achievement that not everyone can get. It’s kinda what makes an achievement significant.
(edited by Genreninja.8516)
It took me 40 mins for the first time, and I spent 6 hours to do it 100+ times. (Considering the first 40 mins) Including some tries to get all the chests and random things like that. (It seems to be impossible to get all the chests tho. At least without any buff. The second chest is far off the way.)
Anyway, it’s the best JP so far, and the most fun thing on all the game for me. (That’s why I spent so much time clearing it again and again. xD)
Anyway, a guy can clear it, save it on macros, and then… you have bots able to clear the tower. Since it’s the same thing again and again. - Of course, they will get banned, for using macros, but… :P The botters can still do it and farm it.
It took me 40 mins for the first time, and I spent 6 hours to do it 100+ times. (Considering the first 40 mins) Including some tries to get all the chests and random things like that. (It seems to be impossible to get all the chests tho.
At least without any buff. The second chest is far off the way.)
Anyway, it’s the best JP so far, and the most fun thing on all the game for me.(That’s why I spent so much time clearing it again and again. xD)
I get the 2nd chest all the time. the one at the top though.. I don’t even try for it.
you can double tap F to get the bags. then just move to stop the animation, no need to stay there the whole time.
At first, I was cussing out the screen… scared my dog multiple times… cussing out ANet etc.
then I beat it.
now I farm it :P
I can’t even remember how many Bags I have now.. multiple stacks of 250. I love hearing all the complaints about the puzzle, it’s easy… people making excuses for their failures
it’s not Norn are too big.
it’s not Charr are too big.
it’s not that there are 10 others with you. (once you get past the first choke point, it’s EASY)
I don’t even look at my character in the first sections. thats where most people fail… Distracted by the others jumping.
I don’t expect it to be easy, I also don’t expect that a jumping puzzle will shove my camera view into my right shoulder at the same point every time I try to do it. For the curious, it’s right after you spend several seconds on the flat gear waiting for the next section to spawn. Once it spawns, my camera goes up my kittening kitten shoulder and all I can see is my own hollow self.
So no, for me, not a fun event. There’s other things to do, so I’ll do them.
Including some tries to get all the chests and random things like that. (It seems to be impossible to get all the chests tho.
At least without any buff. The second chest is far off the way.)
GW2 Mad kings clocktower all 4 chests + hardmode path 1 run.
Anywho, back on topic, it took me a little over an hour to get through it the first time. My main problem was turning the camera and jumping at the same time. Kept screwing up jumps doing that until I learned to position the camera right as I landed so I didn’t have to futz with it once I started going again. That and I learned to take my time on the pink gear, since I would constantly make stupid mistakes at that point and trip myself up. Once you get the hang of the first part, you usually have more time than you think in order to adjust and get yourself situated and prepared before moving on.
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30
ok so if 5% can finish it and think its fun that makes 95% that can not complete and probably think its not fun at all
and how you come with that 5%?
well just a heads up but doing the same small circle over and over for hours and days is not really fun, i find it mildly interesting you guys must have thought so and now seem proud of it.
GW2 Mad kings clocktower all 4 chests + hardmode path 1 run.
That was an elementalist “cheating” with traits. Joker specifically said no buffs.
Although it may be possible without cheating as well. Just need a really good start. I generally pick either chest 1 or chest 2. Doing both in the same run would be tough.
The secret of clock tower (seriously I dont know how to produce this, but kicked outside of the map)….
I spent 15 hours going at it. Hundreds of attempts and hundreds of failures.
That really says it all right there. I couldn’t care less about the clock tower, but wow. That’s just
ok so if 5% can finish it and think its fun that makes 95% that can not complete and probably think its not fun at all
i’ve spent like 7+ hours trying to get to the top… i’ve never been able to do it and still think its fun
there goes your theory!
Not really, the forums are far too small to get any kind of a scientific result. I doubt we will see another one of these though. If anet goes through and sees that only 5% completed it and that only say 10 or 20% even tried it compared to the work it took to make it, well there is no point. I would much rather they spend the time making things that everyone can enjoy. I could be wrong and a huge amount completed it. I don’t know, and I’m not really going to guess. If they continue to put in things no one is interested in though, well that’s just more wasted effort on their part.
“Only” 5% may still be a lot of players that like it. How manyplayers are there in GW2?
It probably is more than enough to justify the days it would take to make the tower.
Everyone in my guild has completed it. Doubt we are part of the 5% elite that make it. I’m thinking those that complete it make up 30-40% of the population.
It took me 50 or so attempts until I completed it. I did NOT do it all in one sitting. I would do 10-12 attempts at a time, take a break, come back try again the next day or a few hours later. Eventually you get consistently further and further until you can do it in your sleep. Since then I’ve completed it on every character I have.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I completed the clock tower in just under an hour.
My secret was to let all the norns and chars go first.
After they fell, I was free to make up my time.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
I think people wouldn’t complain if they:
Fixed the camera being wonky at certain jumps and maybe made the time limit about a second or so more forgiving.
The secret of clock tower (seriously I dont know how to produce this, but kicked outside of the map)….
There is a rock to the right of the gate you can jump on, then using a speed boost you can jump to the left and over the edge. Also has anyone got that weird bug where you stand before the clock and don’t die?