The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


Since the internet is doing fine outside of Guild Wars (just checked and downloaded a few GB from steam within a few minutes – yes, my pipe is fast.)

I’m asking how I can take place in the “you don’t want to miss event” in LA, if the game don’t allow me to go into the game at all. I know that I have to download Halloween Patch 2 and 3, but this speed is just a joke. Most of the time it stands for half a hour at 0.00 KB/seconds and than it suddenly sky rocks to 0.06 KB/seconds and just fails flat again after 3 seconds.

I couldn’t get back earlier from my vacation and I’m now sitting for hours in front of the PC and see how long does it take to download a few MBs.

What will Arenanet do to support us with the events that we missed on circumstances that are not our fault. GW2.exe is on all the time and my Main is standing in Lions Arch. But the downloading of the Patch will be finish in round about 18 hours if this speeds stays the same.

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


Great. Updating since 6 hours and 20 minutes. I did miss the “one time event that you shouldn’t miss”, couldn’t do anything for my Halloween Achievements and I’m really asking what I should think of a game that you couldn’t play at all at Sunday (the day I can play the most in the week.)

What can I do when it is all your fault, that I’m missing all the fun?

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


You didnt miss the achievement, it will be staying there and doable until end of halloween, the “witness” one time event is just that, to see it…but we get nothing from it aside from the “being there” experience

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Grauw.5276


Just Youtube the cinematic, it was nice to see but you didn’t miss anything really important.

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


It did now finish updating, after 8 hours. Now I could play. Next time I don’t bother and wait till the video is at Youtube. Not a very motivating event.

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


It’s a wonderful event. It’s not Arenanet’s fault that you didn’t update until the last minute, circumstances or not.

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: BadHealer.3608


It’s not Arenanet’s fault that you didn’t update until the last minute, circumstances or not.

I really doubt that starting the update process 6 hours before the event is the last minute. That was more than enough time to download the whole game TWICE. But instead I could only download the patches of around 100 MB in 8 hours – and did came two hours to late and miss my whole Sunday playingtime.

The update process is runing sind 4 hours at a top speed of 0.06 KB/seconds

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Leite.9475


well, it is possible that you happened to start downloading the patch along with a large number of players. I had downloaded the patch in the morning about 4 hours before the event, but about 1 hour after the event started, people were getting disconnected, and couldn’t log back in, most likely due to the high number of players trying to get in and play during the event. A few of my friends couldn’t even log for a couple of hours so, im guessing that there was a long lasting effect on those who hadn’t patched earlier…. since there hasn’t been any official word on that its just my guess. In any case, you were unlucky with the patch update…. but it was far from the “if you aren’t there when it happens you will never see the content of the event” type scenario many people were worrying about :x

[Faith] – Maguuma ~ Sigzerker