This is where to find the Halloween 'Events' for the acheivement

This is where to find the Halloween 'Events' for the acheivement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaz.5430


I’ve seen several threads complaining about the Halloween Events achievement.

First thing to say is that the doors do not count and will not count. Not even the occasional door that triggers a DE with multiple foes.

I have now completed 10/10 Halloween Events. The first one I’m pretty sure was after doing phase 2 of the scavenger hunt and handing in the ‘complete’ mad memories and getting the back item that looks like a ‘burning’ book. Handing in the incomplete book for phase 1 does not count.

The Halloween events that DO COUNT take place in Gendarren Fields and Kessex Hills. There may be other locations, but these are certain.

In Gendarren Fields near Traveller’s Dale (border region to Kessex Hills). There is a Meta Event called ‘Advisor of the Lunatic Court’. You initially have to help a ghost capture a few locations with pumpkins (power sources), then you have to defend them.

Some DE’s include:

-Eliminate the Rebels Guarding the Power Source
-Stop the Rebel Reinforcements from reaching the site

These events are repeatable and you just need to get bronze in order for your achievement to go up.

Cross from ‘Travellers Dale, Gendarren Fields’ to ‘Blackroot Cut, Kessex Hills’ and you find another Meta Event Called ‘The Mad Engineer’. You need to fight your way with a ghost to one of three locations, protect them while they build a device, and then take out the attacking Halloween mobs.

Some DE’s include:

-Protect Jarlath while the device is built
-Protect Casimir while the device is built
-Protect Vittae while the device is built

Although a lower level, less players seem to be zerging the Kessex Hills events, so they seem harder.

All events in these two meta zone have large numbers of enemies which count towards your Halloween Huntin’ achievement and the drops include ToT bags which can count towards your bags opened achievement

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This is where to find the Halloween 'Events' for the acheivement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Drake Brimstone.3706

Drake Brimstone.3706

Events within the Mad King’s Labarenth also count.

This is where to find the Halloween 'Events' for the acheivement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Wesley.4590


Events within the Mad King’s Labarenth also count.

Which was way faster for me. So I would suggest just entering Mad King’s Labyrinth and join the zergs. Champions and Haunted Doors there will count towards the achievement.

This is where to find the Halloween 'Events' for the acheivement

in Halloween Event

Posted by: punchbunny.1325


Agreed – I hitched on to a group in the Labyrinth and we waltzed from door to door (well, spawn spots and waited a bit). I had the event achievement in a little over half an hour, and some fairly decent loot.