Unable to obtain the last page of the Mad King Story!

Unable to obtain the last page of the Mad King Story!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lukas.9650


I’m in the Provernic Crypt, trying to obtain the last page of the mad king’s story, but I cant access the ghost because there is half of the server doing food battles and costume brawls there! I’m not the only one in this situation, but despite our polite requests to abandon the crypt, nobody cares! I hope Anet does something about it, because those players are ruining halloween to everyone else!

Unable to obtain the last page of the Mad King Story!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tommyknocker.6089


That is because it is a rather difficult place to get into solo, so players wait and wait till he “might” spawn. In waiting they grow bored and do the food fighting and brawling, thus crowding the area. What ANet needs to do is just make him stick around long enough for the players to get his book and all will be well again. Honestly I love the game, but making the last book holder run away from you and disappear without giving time to converse is just a bad mechanic.

Unable to obtain the last page of the Mad King Story!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: applekwisp.2139


gonna assume this is fort aspenwood

Unable to obtain the last page of the Mad King Story!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Heylo.4938


This is happening on Ehmry Bay too. I heard that if someone is standing on the spawn point, he wont spawn. So with everyone crowding the area just waiting and a lot of people standing right where he’ll spawn, it’s nearly impossible. I was hoping that doing this during off hours would help, but still tons of people.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate