Urgent: Mad King chests still craftable in Act 4?

Urgent: Mad King chests still craftable in Act 4?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TSLlol.4879



I saw Mark Katzbach’s post earlier about how the Mad King chests won’t be craftable after the Halloween event is over, and yesterday I saw another post saying stuff from the Act 3 won’t be available from when Act 4 goes live… So I’m assuming Act 4 will be some “afterparty” of Halloween, but I may not be able to craft my Mad King chests until then, so I would really appreciate an answer on this!

Thank you.

Urgent: Mad King chests still craftable in Act 4?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

They said that once the event is done the chests would not be able to be made in the forge.

Urgent: Mad King chests still craftable in Act 4?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Volx.2965


Speaking of craftable, will the weapon recipes be available to craft after the event ended? I’ve already got the halloween materials needed, just not the wine. I was wondering if we’d still be able to put the mats in, along with the wine to recieve the recipe of whichever weapon we discover.

Urgent: Mad King chests still craftable in Act 4?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oculus.5703


I saw another post saying stuff from the Act 3 won’t be available from when Act 4 goes live…

The Mad King dungeon wont be available once Act 4 goes live.

You’ll still be able to get the chests from the Mystic Forge, until the Halloween Event is over.

The recipes will stay in the game, but after Halloween is over you wont be able to get the Halloween materials as drops anymore.

Urgent: Mad King chests still craftable in Act 4?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Player.9621


leads me to believe act 4 will be very short and contained within a specific area