Utter Failures: Pact Victory Token = Weak Rare Weapons
Honestly , the greatsword and staff are both awesome , and im happy with just that.
Can trasmute anytime.
Then again this is just my opinion.
The Tier 3 cultural armor is also a set of unique skins with mediocre stats and requires a heavy investment. They are meant to be transmuted on to exotics that you should be acquiring or crafting soon after you hit 80.
I personally think the skins are pretty rockin and the greatsword in particular looks better than most of the dungeon rewards.
This is exactly how it worked in GW. Beat a campaign, get a token of some sort, trade it to an end game vendor for a unique skin.
I was actually happy to see this implemented this way and think the rewards are perfectly appropriate.
level 80 Guardian with kittenen transmuted exotic pact greatsword
Where is this vendor & can it been accessed if you haven’t completed the Storyline to see the gear?
It’s meant to be for looks, if you can’t see that..
theyre good skins alright but theyre also being sold for almost nothing ( what theyre worth ) on the TP which negates the effort involved to get the skin
also wtf does this have to do with halloween?
i for one am just frigging happy that pact weapons are available!
you make it sound like you did the personal quest JUST for the token and pact weapon. by now, we know this game is 80% skin. ; ))) didn’t you have fun along the way of your personal story? and the satisfaction of beating [end-game boss] with a capable group should not be enough?
am curious to hear what you might suggest for the personal story quest reward then. out of curiosity. since maybe just a rare IS not enough for end-game. although i don’t mind at all and looking forward to when i complete my personal story.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
This is exactly how it worked in GW. Beat a campaign, get a token of some sort, trade it to an end game vendor for a unique skin.
no. wrong. way wrong.
in the original guild wars, the “end chapter rewards weapons” are readily usable. i.e. max stats.
rares in guild wars 2 are not “max stats”
just make them into exotics and there will be no further complaints.
people can use fine transmutation stones if they want other stats.
For that rule make the T3 armor exotic too right? they are skins, that’s it, easy.
Every time anything in this game isn’t an exotic people complain about it.
Are you really completing the story quest without getting an exotic weapon first? I mean that’s the first thing you should buy at level 80 and lets not pretend crafted exotic weapons are expensive. Even if you have 0 copper when you hit 80 if you bother you can buy one within a few hours just doing events on orr or something.
I’d be fine with them being exotic…I just don’t see why it matters to people. Reminds me of when people were complaining about the stat layout on legendary weapons, as though they wouldn’t have long since gotten their existing weapon with exactly the stat layout they want long before.
I’m guessing the only reason they’re rare is so it doesn’t have some weird effect on crafted weapon value due to people insisting on using green gear for the maximum amount of time possible at 80.
I’m more upset that they can be traded than anything else.
I don’t think it’s an utter failure. They got nice skins and personally I don’t see it as putting in effort to get it because even if it wouldn’t have any rewards I would still run it just to experience it.
There’s too many people (or are they really skritt?) just focused on rewards and now make it sound as if they only did the story to get rewards and nothing else, not to experience the content. But I’m sure many would’ve run it anyways. Also those with some MMO experience should already know that in a lot of games the rewards for story are among the weakest in game because even if they can be considered an upgrade they get replaced afterwards with dungeon/raid rewards or whatever means available to get the rarer better stuffs.
But I guess some need to always have something to complain, doesn’t matter what you give them if it’s not something better than they already got they’ll qq. They’re unable to appreciate any gifts if it doesn’t live up to their standards.
(edited by holska.4127)
“like most green weapons they had one less upgrade component than could be applied to standard rares”
Uhh, I’m pretty certain you’re wrong about that. While all green weapons in GW1 had their stats fixed and could not be changed, they had the exact same number of components (prefixes, suffixes and inscriptions) as any gold weapon.
Anyway, since none of my characters are anywhere near level 80 at the moment, I’m a little confused by the arguments going on in this thread. Do level 80 exotics actually have some sort of advantage over level 80 rares? (Or greens or blues or whites, for that matter?) I was under the impression that the number of upgrade slots and attribute boosts on a weapon was determined by its level. I mean, there’s no functional difference between Legendaries and level 80 exotics apart from “super-cool-sparkly skins!”, right?
This is exactly how it worked in GW. Beat a campaign, get a token of some sort, trade it to an end game vendor for a unique skin.
no. wrong. way wrong.
in the original guild wars, the “end chapter rewards weapons” are readily usable. i.e. max stats.rares in guild wars 2 are not “max stats”
just make them into exotics and there will be no further complaints.
people can use fine transmutation stones if they want other stats.
You are wrong. They had max stats for the attributes they had but they were still green and like most green weapons they had one less upgrade component than could be applied to standard rares. Also, their components could not be changed like normal rares.
They were there mostly for skins and inferior to other weapons in the game that could be created using clean, max dmg, req 9, inscribable weapon skins.
errr no you are wrong.
those weapon are max stats.
Slashing damage: 15-22 (Requires 9 Swordsmanship)
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
sure, the stats cannot be changed.
but the damage is max i.e. 15-22
the remaining 3:
Damage +15% (while Health is above 50%)
Armor penetration +20% (Chance: 20%)
Health +30
cannot be changed but the numbers are maxed.
rares in guild wars 2 do not have max stats.
is it that difficult to comprehend?
I believe getting a Rare weapon for beating the story mode makes perfect sense. If you’re doing it right, you completed your Personal Story shortly after hitting 80. This would be the perfect starting weapon to help you farm those Exploration modes for Exotics. I believe this is what we call “progression”.
It might not make sense for all of us that have been 80 for awhile as we’re all Exotic’d up, but future level 80s might appreciate this.
its almost free, it shouldnt be extra strong, but unique and nice addition for players who just finished story and dont have full exotic equipment stop crying about anything new what isnt stronger then what we have now
Do level 80 exotics actually have some sort of advantage over level 80 rares? (Or greens or blues or whites, for that matter?)
yes only exotics have max stats
say for level 80 items, the order goes:
white –
blue –
green – masterwork
gold – rares
orange – exotics
the stats (numbers, damage, stats, defense, armor etc) of exotic are much better than rares.
I believe getting a Rare weapon for beating the story mode makes perfect sense. If you’re doing it right, you completed your Personal Story shortly after hitting 80. This would be the perfect starting weapon to help you farm those Exploration modes for Exotics. I believe this is what we call “progression”.
It might not make sense for all of us that have been 80 for awhile as we’re all Exotic’d up, but future level 80s might appreciate this.
i would say future level 80s would appreciate a level 80 exotic item from the completion of the personal story quest.
Every time anything in this game isn’t an exotic people complain about it.
Are you really completing the story quest without getting an exotic weapon first? I mean that’s the first thing you should buy at level 80 and lets not pretend crafted exotic weapons are expensive. Even if you have 0 copper when you hit 80 if you bother you can buy one within a few hours just doing events on orr or something.
I’d be fine with them being exotic…I just don’t see why it matters to people. Reminds me of when people were complaining about the stat layout on legendary weapons, as though they wouldn’t have long since gotten their existing weapon with exactly the stat layout they want long before.
I’m guessing the only reason they’re rare is so it doesn’t have some weird effect on crafted weapon value due to people insisting on using green gear for the maximum amount of time possible at 80.
People complain rightly so about them not being exotics because of the effort/expenditure involved rewarding a player with something inherently inferior to what (s)he already has, requiring yet another step and expenditure to bring it to par.
I’d honestly be less upset if the Cultural Armor or Pact Weapons were treated like the HoM items. Just a straight up skin that needs to be applied to an item of equivalent type.
Woo…. more greatsword and staff skins…
Meh, don’t worry about the rest of us with lousy weapon skins and poor legendarys… We dont mind useless rewards not even being worth the skins.
Yep, I stand corrected. For whatever reason I was thinking that green weapons didn’t have an inscription. Not sure why. I used Wenslauss’ Faith and Chalice forver. I think there are still equipped on my monk to this day.
Still have no problem with this implementation. Golds as story rewards and exotics and rarer skins as something to shoot for after you have completed the story seems perfectly reasonable.
does anyone have pics of those items, or at least their names?
thank you
I’ve been waiting for the Greatsword to be available for ages, so have been holding off running Arah. Colour me surprised when I noticed that the Pact weapons were on the TP. I quickly snapped up the Greatsword at the amazing price of 1g and 4 silver and applied the skin to my exotic
Now when I finish the dungeon I can pick one of the other weapons for my secondary weapon skin.
The weapons all have Pact in their names, so you can easily search for them on the TP.
(edited by Moderator)
Just transmute? Seriously guys Exotics in this game are already way too easy to obtain do to the crafting materials not being rare enough. You know what? Forget about Rares… Masterworks… and all the other rarities cause they don’t mean kitten. Make everything Exotic so we can hear the same people complain that everyone is getting Exotics… (which they are btw ssssh… Mum’s the word…)
That has to be the most idiotic complain of the day.
I’m loving my pact spear skin.
Yep, I stand corrected. For whatever reason I was thinking that green weapons didn’t have an inscription. Not sure why. I used Wenslauss’ Faith and Chalice forver. I think there are still equipped on my monk to this day.
Still have no problem with this implementation. Golds as story rewards and exotics and rarer skins as something to shoot for after you have completed the story seems perfectly reasonable.
but i checked the wiki and noticed that wenslauss faith had max stats. O_O
Energy +10
Fire damage: 11-22 (Requires 9 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%)
Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 10%)
Health +30
Energy +5
“Golds as story rewards and exotics and rarer skins as something to shoot for after you have completed the story seems perfectly reasonable.”
well yeah you are correct this is indeed reasonable but … but …
it would be so much nicer if it is exotics instead of rares right? XD
Do level 80 exotics actually have some sort of advantage over level 80 rares? (Or greens or blues or whites, for that matter?)
yes only exotics have max stats
Ohhh… Didn’t know that. Well, in that case I will agree that ANet should have made the Pact weapon an Exotic then. I mean, you just killed freakin’ Zhaitan! You’d think that’d be worth an Exotic weapon at least. :P
Really if these where meant to be just skins why couldn’t they make it an item to just drop the skin right on a level 80 item. I have no problem with it not being exotic or what not. Just sucks getting these and just watching them sit in the bank because I am so unlucky with fine transmute stones.
Really if these where meant to be just skins why couldn’t they make it an item to just drop the skin right on a level 80 item. I have no problem with it not being exotic or what not. Just sucks getting these and just watching them sit in the bank because I am so unlucky with fine transmute stones.
Now, this is a legit complain.
Eh… I suppose so… I mean before the Halloween event it cost like a gold piece to get 5 stones but I guess I can go either way on that one.
After halloween gems will drop in price, so you can wait until then
Yet another failure & disappointment.
1) You try to work in a fix to all the complaints that the personal story rewards at the end aren’t rewarding enough, but yet you decide to mix that in amongst all the Halloween event garbage at the same time.
2) Then you completely fail to execute that plan by giving everyone a token without an accessible vendor.
3) Then you push a new build to resolve that problem a day later. Amazingly, it worked. We approach the vendor with our purple token, only to find the NPC only offers up rare quality weapons.
4) For the amount of effort folks put into completing the personal story quests & killing Zhaitan with a capable group, this is not what we had in mind when everyone told you the rewards for completion were lacking.
5) I recognize the bonus is the skins are unique, and even can be traded or sold for ~2G, but is that what we really wanted?
Level 80 Guardian
1) Your point is already lost and coming off as ‘rude’ and ‘snide’ when you decide to call the Halloween event stuff “garbage”. Many other players enjoy that content and love it; just because it’s not your thing doesn’t mean it’s “garbage”.
2) That was a slight error. Humans make errors, it’s part of being human. Even robots and machines make errors, it’s part of being made by humans.
3) Yes, they’re rare! Did you expect Legendary weapons from completing Zhaitan? As for whether they should be Exotic quality, I’m tossed on a coin here. Sure it would be nice, but getting an Exotic weapon through crafting and/or WvW Honor Badges gives meaning to both those things. Crafting Exotics would be made futile and pointless if they could just be gained as easily as killing Zhaitan and becoming the temp-savior of Tyria (ya, it was pretty easy).
4) The rewards were a 1K Guild Influence scroll and 3 random greens. I’d say a rare weapon of choice + a skin that cannot be found anywhere else in Tyria is a major step up for rewards. Also, see #3 in that I mention that killing Zhaitan was not hard and it’s a cakewalk (even with the new fixes that makes the fight a nightmare).
5) This I’m confused about. I know the Halloween skins are able to be sold on the TP by players, but these skins don’t seem to be. Unless there’s some bug/oversight, they’re bind on acquire. Again, there might be a bug related to it. But, I’m sure that’ll be changed.
Also it would crash the exotics market while at the same time preventing people from ascending to 400 weapon/artificer to roll for legendaries.
There is this thing called crafting disciplines that would be useless if exotic maxed equipment were given in every corner of the world.
I like the pact weapons, my fav pistol that I chose from the pvp skins preview wqs the pact one and i didnt know where to get it. Now i do so cool for me (well in fact my fav one is the chaos gun which is the same skin but transparent and with heavy ghastly particle effects)
It’s impossible to please everyone. I think the skins look awesome. It’s pretty simple, if you don’t like it, find something else to use.
I havent been able to get my reward yet nor do i know where to get it…But imo the skin looks pretty awesome and is a huge leap forward from the insanely dissapointed rewards we used to get when completing the final mission. Got a few lvl 26 armors…i think a skin like this beats that any day.If you’re not happy with this,then what do you want ? a t3 set for free perhaps ?
I think he was pretty clear about what he wanted and he didn’t say a T3 cultural set for free (straw man arguments are fun though, aren’t they?). He wanted a single exotic weapon for defeating the biggest threat Tyria has ever faced. You get better weapons for killing some skelk pestering a priory camp in Ascalonian Catacombs, it’s bizarre defeating an elder dragon (and finishing off 80 levels of personal story) is less rewarding than running a dungeon a handful of times.
You need to realize this game isnt about armor with huge stats or a weap with insane stats,its about skins.When reading his first post he never mentioned anything about an exotic weapon at all ( reading is hard isn’t it ? ) .And i think the weapon skin that cannot be obtained anywhere else ingame looks pretty awesome and the reward is more then enough.
Are there pictures of all the pact weapons anywhere? i’d like to see what all the fuss is about since im a few levels and a chunk of personal storyline away from getting a token for my thief.
It’s probably about the skins, and honestly if you’ve been 80 for a while you probably have full exotics already. I know you’d like one more but think of it this way – if the vendor was around before and it gave out exotics you’d be like “man I wish they had that earlier then I wouldn’t have had to do this or that as a fresh 80 to get mah exotic weaponzzzzz” (exaggerating of course a little there, but there you go a different point of view).
There is just no pleasing some people apparently… “QQ I got a bunch of blues and greens that aren’t even level 80! please fix!”, “Sure thing we’ll get to work on making some better rewards for you!”, “QQ RARE WTF IS THIS?! THIS ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH QQ QQ QQ QQ”
You’re seriously going to complain that something they probably put a good bit of time into implementing and is far superior to what you got before hand isn’t good enough? sigh
On a more positive note, thank you A-Net for the time and effort put into these weapons and I must say they look really good!
“The best defense is a strong offense.”
Daendur.2357does anyone have pics of those items, or at least their names?
thank you
Here you can view all the pact weapons in 3D They look awesome:D No complaints from me
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”
We now get rares with a unique skin, and can choose exactly which one we get? Fine with me. Was pretty much the same in GW1, and oh wonders, no one complained
Seriously though, the difference between rares and exotics isn’t all that overwhelming.
Wow…..those weapons are ugly as crap. I’m just going to keep the token thing in the bank. Hopefully they will change it up and give us something that looks half way decent.
The moment I saw a purple color of the token I was sure the reward will be something big, exotic weapon at least. But now it all makes perfect sense to me. If one looks at GW2 he can clearly see this game is not rewarding. Its all about fancy skins and colors. There’s no gear progression after lvl 80 when we can get best gear with almost no special effort.
This is just how this game is. We can like it or not, but that’s the fact.
The moment I saw a purple color of the token I was sure the reward will be something big, exotic weapon at least. But now it all makes perfect sense to me. If one looks at GW2 he can clearly see this game is not rewarding. Its all about fancy skins and colors. There’s no gear progression after lvl 80 when we can get best gear with almost no special effort.
This is just how this game is. We can like it or not, but that’s the fact.
Yes, but they told us all up front that their won’t be any gear progression and most of the community thinks of this as a very good thing.
I like the skins and got the staff for my Necro and will also pick the greatsword for my mesmer.
Great job AN, very rewarding.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
This thread is the reason why any sort of complaining, even the legitimate ones, get flamed down blindly.
People are so tired of seeing frivolous complaints such as this that it carries down to complaints in general.
Really, please get a grip, completing storyline was always meant to give players a decent starter set of armor before they go out to grind for their exotics.
And rare quality weapons is a great way to go about it.
Giving people exotic weapons outright defeats the entire purpose of making players craft/buy Pearl weapons.
Learn a bit of game design before you intend to criticize, lest you make yourself look ignorant.
Giving people exotic weapons outright defeats the entire purpose of making players craft/buy Pearl weapons.
I agree with you sir but the problem is exotics are so easy to get that everything below this is considered a junk/salvage item. So people feel like getting junk for completing very long questline.
I love the hammer skin <3
I hate seeing these threads of personal complaints and rage.
Okay the vendor not being available, yeah that was a bit akward, but I definitely do not agree with the TS.
On that note, I would rather see these kind of threads removed as I think it gives a misleading view of the GW2 community and it makes me want to read the forums less and less.
What junk? Skins and cosmetics are everything in this game. You should be glad they look fantastic as they are and come with decent stats.