Voting with my money - feedback

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jure Simich.6154

Jure Simich.6154

Short version: I bought 100EUR worth of gems, bought everything Halloween in the shop that wasn’t random. So, the gems are there waiting for better things to spend them on, showing willingness to spend money in GW2’s shop but refusing to gamble with my money on games with, worse off, unknown odds.

Longer version: First of all, I’d like to stress that I like GW2 and the Halloween event. There are only a very few elements of GW2 that I don’t like. I also firmly believe that giving honest, polite feedback is the correct way to “vote” for a change of those few undesired elements.

Second, I have so far done all of Halloween so far, and it’s a nice festival (certainly exceeded my expectations, given what I was used to from GW1). ‘course, that mad clocktower is driving me mad, but that’s an issue of me being slow. Looking forward to further content down the line.

However, I am very unhappy that Anet have gone and made much of the content subject to the random mystic chest drops. I’m hardly the first to complain about their randomness, although I knew from the start not to even try to go for those items, no matter how much I’d like a greatsaw.

I do not gamble for real money. I consider it a very harmful practice, knowing how addictive it can become very very easily, and I honestly can’t believe it’s legal. So, I refuse to ever start. Even with very low odds games within computer games, I’m pretty unhappy with having to do it.

Just like every trailer for Eve Online makes me drool and reach for my wallet, but always remembering what the game is like and how far from what I want in a game it is just in time.

I would also stress that I was very very happy all that time ago when the developer announced dungeons in GW2, when they explained the dungeon token system – the system that finally broke away from the loot slot machine design so many games cling to. I was hoping it was a more general sign of a better future coming for gaming in general.

So, since I realize that there are a number of players who, for some unfathomable reason (at least, to me) enjoy the system, I cannot in all honesty suggest removing the gambling. (mind you, if at all feasible, PLEASE do). However, I do believe asking that nothing be made exclusive to gambling, creating an additional, safe but slow, way of doing it wouldn’t be too much to ask for. Crafting is a generally good idea .

While on the subject, I would also urge Anet to adopt a similar strategy in the other random ways. Another “guaranteed 1 clover” mystic forge recipe? A high price crafting recipe for the legendary precursors? I see many people calling for such a change in direction.

And lastly: I fully expect to find more things to spend my money on in the game store. Appearance change boosters could very well become a regular income stream for Anet, given my GW1 behavior

Anyway, Good job devs, please try to do even better if possible.

Respectfully, Jure

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sadisticwolf.5376


How is this voting with your money if you already bought the 100EUR worth of gems?

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kaderin.7584


A bit outdated with the information unless Act 3 didnt change a thing for you:3

The MK dungeon itself negates those concerns(at least for me), I realize they need to make money and for folk who has $ and not time to run the dungeon they could perfectly well try to acquire said items in the TP from people who got lucky or the chests if they wanted to.

Again, the MK dungeon itself doesnt ruin the economy because the chances are still low for a good chest drop and the event only lasts until the start of act 4, and yet they still allow for players with more time than $ to run the dungeon and add to the pool of these rare items

And for the clover? No change is necessary, the dailies give you 4.5k karma per jug and the monthly gives you a couple of jugs…its too much karma in my opinion and the chances for the clover arent that bad if you do the single yield recipe, no opinion for the precursor as I got mine from the MF…albeit with a small number of tries, but for the rarity they still exist at the TP and the price might be just…not a expert in the area

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


umm. i’m gonna have to agree with sadisticwolf. what’s spent is spent. they got what they wanted. now granted not as much as they would have wanted in long term.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jure Simich.6154

Jure Simich.6154

Sorry if I was unclear: money had to be spent to make sure that the existence of the cash shop wasn’t the issue and that I wasn’t talking about money that I wouldn’t have spent anyway.

It’s there, ready to be spent – as soon as worthy things get added to the shop in the future. And once spent, I once again get a reason to spend more.

I bought all the costumes in GW1 – not because I liked them all, but because I felt GW1 had given me quite enough already and deserved some support money.

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


How is this voting with your money if you already bought the 100EUR worth of gems?

It’s voting for arenanet… You can either vote for (buy gems) or against (don’t buy gems). Just because you vote one way or another doesn’t mean you didn’t vote.

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


ok yes, with the gems already bought aside. the only way to make any company (not just arenanet) see the error of their ways sometimes is to boycott their wallets until they relent. since graphics and whatnot aside this is a consumer business.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Voting with my money - feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jure Simich.6154

Jure Simich.6154

I do wonder… how did the rest of you “vote”?