Wait, what?

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


You chose not to have the event at separate times and timezones because you didnt want the internet to spoil it? Because you want everyone to have a chance to experience it in-game?

Im one of those that doesnt mind missing it but that logic is just terribad. Im sorry. It completely contradicts itself.

Having it at different times and zones WOULD enable everyone to play in-game. Im sure those who wouldn’t want to be spoiled would have enough sense not to go looking for it on youtube and twitch as itd be obvious what the content of such a video consists of.

Again im sorry but thats terrible, awful reasoning. Its an even bigger insult to me as im missing it by only a half hour.

Again, i dont mind this but the fact that having it at varying times was and could be an option and its reasoning for not doing so is backed up by THAT logic…..that makes me upset.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170


That would just make a different set of people able to attend the event. Doesn’t allow more necessarily. Sorry you can’t make it.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


There MUST be a better reason. Costs? Manpower? I dunno but “the internet will spoil it” is just…..well i cant say it in front of the kids

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573



Whos the other set of people?

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NoahGibbs.5170



Whos the other set of people?

Sorry I didn’t explain that well.

Basically what I am trying to say is that changing the times will take away the chance for some people to attend while allowing others to attend. It would just be a confusion to some people who already scheduled a time to get on.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573



Ah i see but i think you misunderstand.

I dont want them to change the times altogether but arrange them so that multiple timezones can experience it at a reasonable hour.

For example (and im just makin these times up) you and i might see it at 12pm EST and then again at maybe midnight when it repeats for the Australians or something, who experience it at 12pm their time.

See what i mean? Basically it repeats like everyone wants it to.

What irritates me is that that idea was clearly on the table (since he brought it up in his post) but was shot down cuz “the internet will spoil it.”

Im never bummed about missing events like these as ill just watch it later but when i miss it because of that logic, im made a bit angry.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pontificus.4173


The only thing that matters to me is if the event that starts Act 3 is required for the title. If it’s just for show or you get an item or whatever, it’s not that important. But if it blocks progress for the event title, I have no reason to play the rest of the halloween event.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


The internet informs just as much as it spoils. That said, everyone would know about it it and know how not to have it spoiled.

I want a better reason from Anet. Something that actually makes sense within the reality of things and one that doesnt cling to their “fun” ideals to make it sound justified.

But i always will appreciate their ideals concerning how to enjoy a game, dont get me wrong.

It just does NOT work in this instance.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: hgolde.5368


Since I am going to miss this event due to work I will be looking for it on Youtube!

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Hamsterfist.3182


I don’t understand the complaining about this. Wait and see what the event is/was. What if Lions Arch is completely changed. How could you not have it a one time event, if that is the case? Anything that changes the world for all and permanently, has to be a one time deal. At least that’s my speculation as to what is going to happen.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akasuki Murakami.1634

Akasuki Murakami.1634

Let me get this straight, this does not effect you at all but you wanted to make a thread just to whine about how they are going to do the event?

They picked a time that there is most players online.

I’m sure they have their reasons. An example could be one time items maybe that you will be able to get. If they hosted it on different servers at different times whats stopping people from flooding into them other servers, since… well you know, there is no cost to change server just a 24 hour wait. What ever there reason is who cares. If you can’t be there, you can’t be there.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NightShadow.1429


The only thing that matters to me is if the event that starts Act 3 is required for the title. If it’s just for show or you get an item or whatever, it’s not that important. But if it blocks progress for the event title, I have no reason to play the rest of the halloween event.

This does not go toward the title. Everyone’s guess is this is just for show and there will most likely not even be an item associated with it.

“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Let me get this straight, this does not effect you at all but you wanted to make a thread just to whine about how they are going to do the event?

They picked a time that there is most players online.

I’m sure they have their reasons. An example could be one time items maybe that you will be able to get. If they hosted it on different servers at different times whats stopping people from flooding into them other servers, since… well you know, there is no cost to change server just a 24 hour wait. What ever there reason is who cares. If you can’t be there, you can’t be there.

Im not whining. If youd read what im saying youd see im handling missing it like any sensible person would.

Im just saying the logic on their end is weak and im curious if theres a more substantial reason they just dont have it on repeat.

So please be a bit nicer to me.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


Since I am going to miss this event due to work I will be looking for it on Youtube!

Same as me. Lol

People are starting to attack me cuz i think they have weak reasoning for not simply having it on repeat. If it does change LA for the duration of the holiday i could see why not.

Were all just speculating here

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Honestly , the reason is quite simple. And it is not the internet is going to spoil it.

Most likely , the Mad King will destroy the Lion , and go away to some other spot.

Now to avoid this happening all the time , they make it one time event.

Why you ask?

Because LA is not an instance , that means , the effect is real , and it would make NO sense that each 3 hrs the Mad got out again and the Lion is fixed.

Then you ask? But why for this immersion/lore feature we get a problem?

Simple again , that is the way Anet rolls.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: penatbater.4710


It sure as hell gonna be annoying for me. The event will start at 3am for me, and it’s now 12:45am. idk if i’ll just stay awake or take a short nap first x.x

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akasuki Murakami.1634

Akasuki Murakami.1634

Well US players got the stick on daily server resets, seems like EU got it this time.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: FoxyDude.3582


I’m stuck at work, so I’m going to miss it regardless.

I’m just hoping that there are no exclusive items I’ll be missing out on.

Wait, what?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Reevac.1748


Do people seriously not read other threads?


You aren’t missing anything. Watch it on Youtube.

The stipulation from Dev hints is it’s PERMANENT so having it multiple times would be silly.