What a Wonderfully Maddening Time!

What a Wonderfully Maddening Time!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Darknass.1903


I am going to have to say so far, this is by far the most fun I have had during a holiday event of any game I have played MMO or not, ever.

No seriously I mean it.

The Clock Tower: very challenging and engaging to those who enjoy doing jumping puzzles.

Reapers Rumble and Lunatic Inquisition: Both great PvP style mini games that I would love to see added as permanent incarnations in one way or another. Anet you really have something good here it would please me and many others alike to see this as a permanent addition to the game!

Ascent To Madness: Great fun finally getting to beat up Mad King Thorn, after all those horribly punny jokes in the original Guild Wars, and being repeatedly murdered by him.

The Scavenger hunt: A true test of knowledge and logical thinking for those who didn’t consort to using the wiki or other sources.

Oh and the cut scene ooohhh the cut scene, twas pure epicness! Mad King Thorn “GUESS WHO’s BACK!” I think my jaw hit my desk when he popped out of the statue, was defiantly not expecting it…

The only fault I have had thus far and Pales in comparison to the fun I’ve been having, is the loot. Albeit it may just be me and my rotten luck but all I’ve seen from ANY of the reward chests for the dungeon and The Mad Kings Labyrinth have been greens. I guess this is just some force beyond me cough trying to get me to avoid going mad by grinding my butt off for “shinies!” as the Skritt would say.

HoD – Ranger, Ele, Guard, Engie.

“The best defense is a strong offense.”

(edited by Darknass.1903)