What drops in MK run?

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Volomon.9147



I’m trying to find out what all drops in the MK run.

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


exotics, greens, black lion goods, skins, potions. All kinds of items.

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Primal.9513


From what ive seen so far:

Everything you could find in a black lion chest (minus the mystery tonics)
that includes: keys, black lion salvage kit, revive orb, repair cannister, boosters, remote bank / trading post, all that stuff.

Exotics, including the 3 permanent halloween weapons

Halloween item skins (chainsaw & such)

All sorts of halloween tonics

A stack of 50 candy

green gear (what you’r most likely to get)

bags: trick or treat ones, but also those you can loot on regular mobs ( might be because of the diminishing returns? I first saw them after quite a bit of runs)

And I think that’s about it

“We don’t make grindy games!”

Then GW2 is either not a game, or made by you.

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NVranya.5013


+Dye packs as I noticed last night

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: penatbater.4710


can anyone confirm you get halloween skins here? :O I know lots of people have gotten mad moon or crossing, but skins as well? :O

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Diviner.7405


can anyone confirm you get halloween skins here? :O I know lots of people have gotten mad moon or crossing, but skins as well? :O

You cannot get skins from the chest itself, but you can get keys which allows you to try for skins…

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jezren.7205


You can get skins from the chest. I have looted 1 myself

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I’ve gotten the crown, dye packs, the shield, res orbs, boosters, everlasting Halloween tonics, etc…

You always get a store item, be it a booster or a bag/chest. A chance at the armor, weapon or shield. And yes you can get a skin, a guildie got one last night.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: vince.5937


I snagged a pair of the Mad King’s Slippers (light armor) on a run with my Engineer (36). Saving them for my Elementalist

vince.5937 — Tarnished Coast — Les Saintes
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Emmiere.1058


So far I’ve gotten exotic shoulders, one of the regular mini pet 3 packs, and various greens, bags, etc.

What drops in MK run?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mephane.8496


This is what I still remember, I looted some stuff on multiple runs, and if I forgot anything that did drop for me it was insignificant anyway.

- Arachnophobia (on my first run, any the only exotic I ever got from the MK chest)
- Black Lion Harvesting Sickle
- Some Candy Corn
- Dye pack
- Black Lion Salvaging Kit
- Instant Repair Canister
- Black Lion Merchant Express