What happened to just enjoying special events....

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Guitarzero.8316


Just seems like a lot of people are mad because they aren’t getting a virtual reward out of this.

Makes me feel kind of old when i say this but when i first started MMOs it was just fun to see things that were different when an event would happen.
Check out the atmosphere and explore with friends.

Even minor details would seem cool (like the bard who is singing about Mad King Thorn or exploring further with the priory and finding clues about more events to come)

Now it’s just a matter of vanity. It feels like the event could be stacked to the brim with things to do but if someone didn’t get an item then the whole thing is labeled as “garbage”.

I know I’m a minority on this but it’s sad to see that without something to show off that no one can enjoy the investment of the time put in.

Feel even worse for any designers who put thought into cool little additions around the world that just go unnoticed. Oh well….flame away…

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: rondo.9317


Maybe in that regard, that is how some people enjoy their game? I’m not going to sit here and judge people because I feel they are ‘doing it wrong’.

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Just seems like a lot of people are mad because they aren’t getting a virtual reward out of this.

Makes me feel kind of old when i say this but when i first started MMOs it was just fun to see things that were different when an event would happen.
Check out the atmosphere and explore with friends.

Even minor details would seem cool (like the bard who is singing about Mad King Thorn or exploring further with the priory and finding clues about more events to come)

Now it’s just a matter of vanity. It feels like the event could be stacked to the brim with things to do but if someone didn’t get an item then the whole thing is labeled as “garbage”.

I know I’m a minority on this but it’s sad to see that without something to show off that no one can enjoy the investment of the time put in.

Feel even worse for any designers who put thought into cool little additions around the world that just go unnoticed. Oh well….flame away…

Well said.


What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


You’re right about enjoying the details.
You’re wrong about why people are mad, for the most part. It’s because real money was involved with little or no return, and because some feel that their trust was misused.
Not saying you should agree on those points, but it’s not simply about ‘wanting skins’ as far as the majority of the negative posts was concerned.

Bit surprised that almost every positive post has to put the other ones down first.
Couldn’t you just keep it a your nice post about how you appreciate the details and the finer art work of the event?

Without calling out the people who feel upset because they lost real money (in their view, right or wrong).

Maybe, just maybe, the developpers themselves shouldn’t have put the emphasis on the things you could buy in the shop. Just a thought.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vzur.7123


That’s exactly what I’d like to ask the devs. The way people are reacting is entirely because of the way this event has been developed. People are playing as the devs seem to be encouraging them to play..

You create reward system, you have to expect people to attempt to do what’s required for said reward.. don’t be surprised when they aren’t simply enjoying it, if what’s required is excessive.

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I can understand players being angry because some Halloween content is made exclusive to really rich players. A lot of them just want to walk around in nice Halloween costumes with nice Halloween themed weapons. Why must all this be only available to a small group of players?

In the spirit of festiveness, why not simply provide all players easy access to these fun goodies?

The mini polarbear made everyone in GW1 really sad.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Have you ever been on a vacation that you needed a vacation from? Like gone to Disney or something and everything had to be so tightly regimented that it was exhausting?

That’s sort of what GW Halloween events have been like for me. But that’s not to say they aren’t fun. Buy costumes, check out decorations, start doing Don’t Fear the Reapers on each of my characters I need titles for, farm skeletons of Dhuum for hhhoouuurrrsss, get burnt out on UW and do flavor quests, back to farming skeletons, get on Mad Kings Schedule so each of my characters make it to at least one appearance, community costume contest/scavenger hunt events, maniacally turn in thousands of mob-stoppers, take screen shots before decorations come down.

Then I soaked my fingers and wrists in ice and didn’t touch the game for about two weeks.

This event has been much more relaxed so far. I miss the binge playing and gathering as much as humanly possible in limited time, while also juggling characters to make sure everyone gets the stuff. But i’m getting old so it might be for the best.

The Kismet

What happened to just enjoying special events....

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Moderator.1462



Please refrain from making frivolous threads as they do not help the community.

This thread is closed. Thanks