What if we can't attend the one time event?

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SquallofBalamb.8973


Very unfortunately I have to go to work when the one-time event is on, meaning that unless ANet means that it will start at 7pm GMT and run for over 4 hours or starts back up every few hours I won’t be able to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind 1-off mega events if they’re going to take place all over Tyria and last long enough for everyone to have a chance to give it a go, but I just feel rather left out otherwise.

On the same sort of note, if there is an item at the end of the event (i.e. back item from the first event) how are people who can’t attend going to get one? If there is one thing I hate it’s knowing there’s a 1-off limited edition item coming out that I can’t get! (I’m a collector)

Minion Master of Apex of Tyria
Warrior of GOLD
(Whiteside Ridge)

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: ESKan.6782


If it will be anything like GW1, there is going to be one event that will be repeated each X hours for about two days.

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What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SquallofBalamb.8973


I so hope your right, but a bit more info from ANet would be useful.

Minion Master of Apex of Tyria
Warrior of GOLD
(Whiteside Ridge)

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Turial.1293


@ESKan, that is a big IF though. I am sure, if enough players ask for a 24 hour window at least they will stay true to the players. When GW1 added that option for everyone to be in with a chance to get the item and not just for that 1 time chance, the players rejoiced. They also solidified players happiness when they brought in the collector who stuck around for several days after to offer the special item in return for a stack of goodies. Fingers crossed for this kind of foresight on their part again.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bobobejumbo.4951


I hope something is done to cater to everyone. Or at least an attempt to do so.

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Morfs.6837


Same problem @SquallofBalamb.8973 I’ll be working when during the given time, hope they do a repeated event during the whole day so me and you can enjoy it when we get back home…=D

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Anshard.3489


A couple of other MMOs ran into this issue and the outcry was immense. In the end, I’ve never heard of a one time event actually working and in every case, the developers either re-ran the event or just gave everyone credit for attending because it made everyone that couldn’t attend A) Upset they couldn’t attend and even MORE upset that achievements and titles where lost because they couldn’t attend.

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Most likely, if it -is- a one time event, it’s literally just fluff. You get to watch an NPC puppet show. And that’s not too bad in my mind.

Least I hope that’s what it’ll be.

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Calsie.2501


ESKan: “If it will be anything like GW1, there is going to be one event that will be repeated each X hours for about two days.”

I think we’ve learned that we can’t count on GW2 being anything like GW1. Hopefully, there’s a way to include those who have real life obligations on Sunday.

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Murdayne.3981


What is this one time event? Anyone care to show a link?

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vexrm.6134


It’s the party which is part of the achievements needed for the mad king thing. I’d love to get them all done, but just found out that I will be busy till 1 PM Pacific time.

So, here’s hoping.

What if we can't attend the one time event?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

At least the time is fine for EU, it’s not like when Halloween came they said 22, but for EU there was 23st.

Hm, let’s wait and see.

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