What to farm? - Labyrinth, Dungeon or Clocktower?

What to farm? - Labyrinth, Dungeon or Clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Luthan.5236


I have completed the scavenger hunt with all my chars. Still need to do the clocktower with one more char.

Then I have time to farm a bit and go with one char somewhere instead of switching between the chars all the time.

What is best? Clocktower is giving ToT bags but I still can get them elsewhere or farm a lot of candy corn and trade it for bags.

What about dungeon vs labyrinth?

Labyrinth chest drops armor too I heard. But is is not with unique skin? So best option would be to farm the dungeon?

What to farm? - Labyrinth, Dungeon or Clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Dungeon imo. I’ve done it maybe 6 times and I’ve got 2 exotics from it.

What to farm? - Labyrinth, Dungeon or Clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seid.2654


Stay in the labyrinth until you kill the champ corn elem and skeletons, then move to the instanced dungeon.