What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: DeMilano.6980


There seems to be a lot of people confused about what they can actually get out of Halloween as players that don’t have a lot of gold, so here’s a compilation thus far.

Free Stuff:

Mad Memories (back accessory) – It is an awesome book that is displayed on your back, and you get it from completing the scavenger hunt. There are a few guides for the hunt around the place, but the best place I think is the Guild Wars 2 wiki. Back pieces are rare, so definitely go for this if you don’t go for anything else this Halloween.

Devil Horns (town clothes hat) – This is, it seems, the equivalent of festival hats that you got from events in Guild Wars 1. It’s from the Gem store and it’s free! If you’ve played Guild Wars 1, you’ll know that in those events this was pretty much the ONLY thing you got free (aside from consumables, etc), and was pretty much the main reward for participating in the event.

Cheap stuff:

You can still get in the spirit of Halloween with some of the cheaper items that even poor people like myself can buy.

Various skull themed shoulder pads – Just look up ‘Deathly’ on the trading post for the full list. At present all of them go for under 2 gold, which is nice! They are obtained from Black Lion chests and Mad King chests, but they can be traded which is why you can get them cheaply off the trading post. Worth a look!

Temporary cool weapon skins – 6 silver (or 150 candy corn) for these, obtained in Lion’s arch by the candy corn vendor next to the mystic forge. Though few of us will ever be able to get the real versions of these, for Halloween you can try them out.

As well as all this, if you participate in the events you can get trick-or-treat bags and candy corn, which I will not go in to detail about, although I will say it might be an idea to hold on to these (as well as the crafting components that come out of them) as this is only Act 1, and in later acts you may be able to do more with them!

And so there is plenty to get out of Halloween for those on a time and monetary budget (scavenger hunt takes about half an hour if you don’t have waypoints). Don’t be disheartened about all the complaints of not getting rare weapon skins. And also, thank you Arena Net for all this great content!

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kalocin.5982


My issue with the temporary weapons is that there appears to be no stats on them which makes them useless in combat…I guess they work if you want them while in town?

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


You can transmute them with existing weapons.

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vzur.7123


My issue with the temporary weapons is that there appears to be no stats on them which makes them useless in combat…I guess they work if you want them while in town?

I bought a temporary staff, it seems to scale with level.

My problem with is just that it isn’t much fun, not being able to keep it. Almost completely pointless, so not really much consolation.

(edited by Vzur.7123)

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Angry Juju.1624

Angry Juju.1624

“You can transmute them with existing weapons.”

You can’t transmute the temporary weapons.

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Vanecrox.5094


There’s a bunch of recipes you can buy with karma, or get for free in trick or treat bags.

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dekanon.6298


There’s a bunch of recipes you can buy with karma, or get for free in trick or treat bags.

halloween recepies with karma? umm where?

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

He’s talking about sigils.

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What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Well i hope next act will add more stuff for the poor.

Wish i did not spend so much buying things for the future … now i got no money during the event.

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What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Rekia.1480


The Halloween recipes for Karma are for cooking and artificing, you can also discover runes by combining some of the random stuff you get from bags (like candy corn, skulls and nougat).

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910



What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: marnick.4305


a whole lot of fun

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Boogiepophantom.3041


there are recipes from the crafting terrice and i have got a handfull from trick or treat bags my only worry is how long will the rewards cater for for the end event i want to take my necro but it isnt level 20 yet ….

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kerishan.8460


Halloween is only for farmer and ppl at 80 with much gold.

Oh and for ppl like spend 80$ for a skin.

Nothing is free here only the horn, and that is pointless.

Let us remodel temporary with standard weap.

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Scott.8962


Hey guys I have a quick question and I hope someone has a guaranteed answer for me. I bought a Halloween Weapon Skin from the TP (So a permanent skin) and I want to attach it to my weapon now and use it but I just want to be 100% sure that I can transmute the look onto a better weapon later on. I just spent a lot of gold on this skin so I dont want to waste it on a level 50 weapon lol. Please respond as fast as you can guys!

Thanks, Scott

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tyrick.9867


Complainers: It is act 1. There are still 3 acts to go. Get a grip and stop whining and wait to see what goodies are in store.

What you get for free from Halloween (so far)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tyrick.9867


Hey guys I have a quick question and I hope someone has a guaranteed answer for me. I bought a Halloween Weapon Skin from the TP (So a permanent skin) and I want to attach it to my weapon now and use it but I just want to be 100% sure that I can transmute the look onto a better weapon later on. I just spent a lot of gold on this skin so I dont want to waste it on a level 50 weapon lol. Please respond as fast as you can guys!

Thanks, Scott

Can’t confirm 100% but if it can be transmuted once it can be transmuted forever as far as I know. I have carried skins over from level to level with no problem and don’t see how this should be any different.