Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: theMOXing.8712


Will the scythe, the greatsaw and the chainsword skins be limited to this year or will they be brought back for next years halloween?

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


I would expect so. They were very desirable so people spent a pretty penny on incredibly low chances to get them.

There are quite a few more holidays between now and then however, lots of time for Anet to change how they provide incentive to shell out money, so who knows what will happen.

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

I think anet had imply craftsble wepons will be back next year. No idea about chest weapons

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

Areananet, encouraging your customers gamble real money for skins is wrong and illegal in many places this game is played.

Everything of value in BLC should be available individually in the gem shop.

every single skin in BLC is selling in the trading post since the begining of the event. You can buy gems and trade for gold and buy then if you actually want to use gems to buy the skin.

and how does this relate to the original topic?

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Areananet, encouraging your customers gamble real money for skins is wrong and illegal in many places this game is played.

Everything of value in BLC should be available individually in the gem shop.

every single skin in BLC is selling in the trading post since the begining of the event. You can buy gems and trade for gold and buy then if you actually want to use gems to buy the skin.

and how does this relate to the original topic?

Areananet is not selling what’s in the TP. They are advertising and selling them in BLC.

Also the skins are over priced in the TP and will only go up.

This relates to original topic by, me telling AN that if they bring the skins back do not make people gamble for them!

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

they didn’t make you or anyone gamble. They gave you opinionS to get those skins via:

1. chest

2. Trading post

3. Mad king’s Realm chest, two of them every day

4. Mad king’s dungeons

5. Mystic forge

It seems like you aren’t complaining about the gambling, you are just whining you can’t get those skins from all those options.

You can buy them with gems, but you claim it’s overpriced.

You can buy them with gold, but again, it seems like you dont want to save money for it.

and no, anet made it possible to sell the skins on TP. If they want to force you to use the chest, they will make the skins soulbound.

the post is about whether the skins are only aviable this year, NOT how anet shouldn’t make it gambling.

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: theMOXing.8712


I don’t think this was considered gambling by the law as you were paying money for a chance to receive items which cannot be transferred back into money. You are paying for a chance at the item and not the chance to increase your money. But that’s also irrelevant to the question I asked.

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Duplicated.4715


Man, why are you such a whiny little kid (or are you one?).

If you don’t want to save up money for it, then don’t, and stop whining about the low rate. Anet already acknowledged that it was partly their fault (as they released those mad king chests), plus they have never force you to buy any of those chests.

Or were you one of those people who dropped hundreds of dollars into keys and got nothing back?

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243



I am just calling it what it is gambling!

Ack! Would you people go away! Like, to a thread that’s actually ABOUT people upset with the BLCs/MKs?

This was just a thread to find out if skins will be available next year.

You people don’t need to post in EVERY SINGLE THREAD. We get it already. There’s a 26 page thread about that very topic. Stickied. In Red. At the very top of the forums. Go complain there.

The Long Road
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Do you want them in the BLC next year?

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: theMOXing.8712


I’d feel a bit cheated if they were available the same way next year. I’d prefer them to be harder to obtain than they were this year, such as you have to combine next years skins plus the weapon type you want in the forge to get this years skins.

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Naoko.7096


Yes, the BLC skins will be limited for this year.
They won’t be craftable nor released again in any means next year.

They are promised as ‘exclusive items’ which means only limited are given. Every mmo exclusives items are meant to be one time. Gw1 have different sets of yearly seasonal too. They will never break the promises of exclusives or else it wouldn’t be fair towards players who gotten it during year 201X halloween. Seasonal exclusive items are meant to be kept special. It’s a cosmetic-based mmo, which is more reason to keep some skins special.

I suggest players to buy it in TP during this period if they really want the skins. The prices of those skins will inflate gradually through months to the point where it become almost extinct. Players who have one of the extinct skin will feel very special. It’s the same as feeling very special of owning a limited edition branded handbag/watch that are no longer being manufactured. That’s the purpose of exclusives.

(edited by Naoko.7096)

Will halloween item skins be this year only? An official answer would be nice.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: theMOXing.8712


I’d still live a developer comment on the subject though.