Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaiks.8703


I know similar questions have been asked, but I did a forum search and couldn’t find the answer to this. I’m asking because I can’t yet afford crafting the full recipes. If I stockpile Halloween items now, will I be able craft the recipes for Arachnophobia, The Crossing, and The Mad Moon, after the 31st?

Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ithris.1957


I Was wondering this as well? Would be great to know if it would be enough for people to just farm the halloween materials and get the rune recipies?

Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: doanea.1283


I posted this in another thread yesterday. “In the live stream, the developers said the craftable stuff would be available after the event, but many of the materials may not be available. http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2/b/336524410 at the 15:05 mark.”

Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RileyTheRad.8542


I guess the idea is then to try to nab all of the event mats now while we can and save for the orichalcum, ectos and other normal mats later.

Hoopa doopa.

Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


This doesn’t answer my question of whether the MKC will still be craftable, though… since those were created after that stream was made. Hopefully someone will reply on that soon.

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Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


the craftable items are a permanent addition (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/halloween/Mystic-Forge-recipes) the mats though you can only get during the halloween event (or after on the trading post)

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Will it be possible to craft halloween recipes after halloween?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ithris.1957


cool thanks for the answers nice to know i can get the crossing without crafting the gifts first