Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zoris.5870



Will you be able to play in these acts despite your level? Or will you have to be strictly 80 and have your storyline completed in order to partake?

I play this game casually and therefore I haven’t had the pleasure of playing your game to the full end as of right now. I’m sure we’ll all be able to join in the festivities, but these events are clearly a key part of the whole content drop.

If these events are restricted to level caps and such, then when will the abilities to participate in each of the acts be taken away?

Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zoris.5870


bump please! It would be good to get some sort of answer

Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Crayz.4127


With how Guild Wars 1 was, I’d say that they’ll try to include everyone in the event somehow, especially with how easy it is for everyone to reach Lion’s Arch (which I presume is the main event area).

I highly doubt that they are going to be limiting this to level 80 characters (that would be ridiculous) but if anything I’d take a guess that you’d want to be about midlevel to access all the content without issue (this is a personal guess based off of how GW1 did some of their Halloween event quests).

Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zabriel.4852


Y would arena Net only make it for level 80? Pretty sure halloween is for everyone…

Zabriel Dusk

Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Dirk Jan.9534

Dirk Jan.9534

Since our level is scaling, i don’t see why the minimum level should be high. So my guess is that everyone can do the content. Everyone can get to LA right after leaving the starter zone anyways.

Will the Halloween Event be for all Levels?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Crayz.4127


Actually, after further thinking about this, they’ll probably pull a similar thing like they did with the beta weekend event 3 where everyone was locked into a specific level with specific skillsets for the mission.

This would allow everyone to participate in the event missions without any problems whatsoever.

Another method would be for them to add holiday jumping puzzles as those can be easily tweaked to work for any level.