Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Arrowstorm.3941


I wasn’t entirely sure if the patch would remove the party, or it would remove everything Halloween in the game. I was under the expression the event would remain until the 5th, except for the special Mad King Day Party.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Swag.4923


I hope it does end quickly. Endless world events made Rift suck. I’d hat to see GW2 get stuck on the same path (Halloween>Thanksgiving>Christmas>Easter>wtfever other American Christian holidays there are)

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Wth , they will add Thanksgiving also?

God i dont have time to farm for that lol.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


I’d like to know when the event ends on November 1st. Tonight on midnight or tomorrow at 11:59 PM? I’ve been too busy to play this game and I have mostly missed the event. I’d like to do the event but I think I’ll need more then tonight to get done with it.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

The event ends on the 1st. No more halloween world stuff.

The BLC chests will continue however, to have a chance at the skins until Nov. 5th.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


If I remember right, GW1 only had three holidays; Halloween, Christmas, and I think the GW Anniversary.
And that’s with them having managed to completely automate the holidays themselves so no great deal of maintenance was required of them.
It seems unlikely that they’ll make a huge number of holidays for this one.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Snifflezz.2496


How long will the special Halloween Black Lion things last? Like the mini-set?

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Xuphor.6194


I liked the mining the Raw Candy Corn thing at first, it was pretty funny. But now, I’ll be VERY glad when the zones go back to having regular ores instead of them. I need more ores. Trying to get Mithril/Oricachalum ore in Orr and the 70-80 snow zone is veyr annoying when I get up to it, and it ends up being a worthless Candy Core node.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


GW1 had a number of special, multi-week long events:

1. Halloween
2. Wintersday (Christmas/New Year, also occurs in July as “Wintersday in July”)
3. Canthan New Year (Chinese Lunar New Year)
4. Dragon Festival (no real world counterpart, occurs around June)
5. Birthday Celebration (occurs in May for GW1. For GW2, it would be around end of August)

In addition, they also had smaller festivals that typically only last a day or two:

1. April Fool’s Day
2. Talk like a Pirate Day
3. Sweet Treats Weekend (coincides with Easter)
4. Special Treats Weekend (coincides with Thanksgiving)
5. Lucky Weekend (coincides with St. Patrick’s Day)

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: AnthonyOrdon


Game Designer

Yes, Halloween should be over tomorrow in it’s entirely. No Thanksgiving or anything like that. As for what’s next, you’ll have to wait and see.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Nyta.4769


GW1 had a number of special, multi-week long events:

1. Halloween
2. Wintersday (Christmas/New Year, also occurs in July as “Wintersday in July”)
3. Canthan New Year (Chinese Lunar New Year)
4. Dragon Festival (no real world counterpart, occurs around June)
5. Birthday Celebration (occurs in May for GW1. For GW2, it would be around end of August)

In addition, they also had smaller festivals that typically only last a day or two:

1. April Fool’s Day
2. Talk like a Pirate Day
3. Sweet Treats Weekend (coincides with Easter)
4. Special Treats Weekend (coincides with Thanksgiving)
5. Lucky Weekend (coincides with St. Patrick’s Day)

Actually, Dragon Festival corresponds to USA’s Independence Day in July. Also, Dragon Festival and Canthan New Year aren’t multi-week events; they’re about as long as the ones in your second list. Cantha always got shafted. XD

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silvermink.1456


Yes, Halloween should be over tomorrow in it’s entirely. No Thanksgiving or anything like that. As for what’s next, you’ll have to wait and see.

Any idea what time today this ends? Earlier it was said noon PDT, but that’s come and gone.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Novaova.8314


Ssh, maybe they forgot to push the patch. =)

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: JGar.4103


Will all the event items such Candy Corn expire? I hope not.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Meijo.7415


The items don’t expire, just the events etc.

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


No thanksgiving? Not even special treats weekend? Aw… I liked that. All the pumpking used to make some pies, and all monsters dropping them, and cider… that was nice.

O guess that without the Zaishen and Xunlai working together to distribute the sweets and booze it’s hard to have the treats dropping all over the world.

No exceptions!

Will the WHOLE event end the 1th November?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: willn.4820


Well I’m all for holiday events, they make the game more fairytailish. Today’s real world has lost some of the holiday spirit it once had and little events like this help keep them alive. What’s one week every so often to change things up a little. I’m not crazy about replacing regular game features for holiday one though, keep the normal resource nodes and just add new ones for the holidays, gatherers and crafters suffer from this.