Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: WeLoveKanjimari.6725


Some stuff only drops from Black Lion Chests.

Those things we have thousands of but nobody has a kitten key for.

Since we don’t really have keys for them unless we throw money at the game or get absurdly lucky like crazy, I am wondering if the chests are the ONLY way to get these things?

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Cevilo.7862


to my understanding you can craft weapons as well and you can “rent” the skins for 4 hours at a time for the Halloween event, I’m asking in another thread if the skins you can craft and the skins you get from BLC are the same, (I believe they are) but the ones you craft you can make any time of the year but you need to stock pile some of the materials because they will only drop during Halloween.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Lynne.8416




Game Designer


The craftable skins and the Black Lion Chest skins are completely different from one another.

October 22, 2012 19:18

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sarendalar.8502


I get keys randomly all the time across all my characters. I’ve had the pleasure of opening 15 to 20 chests so farI’ve never purchased a key.

The items I’ve gotten from chests (because I will not purchase them from the store and never used them) are 3 owl, 6 jackalop, 3 skritt, 3 golamite, 3 ram, 3 pig, 3 plant wolf, 3 floater, 3 imp, 3 snow owl and 24 mystery tonics. I’ve also gotten 3 killstreak, 2 armour, 3 speed, 5 rejuvination, 1 strength, 2 magic find, 4 xp boosters and 3 bank, 4 black lion and 1 revive orb.

Am I lucky? I don’t think I am but I’ve found enough to keep me happy hehehe

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


The chest contain different BLC exclusive event skins.

They are only available in the BLCs.

And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Loco.9508


I get keys randomly all the time across all my characters. I’ve had the pleasure of opening 15 to 20 chests so farI’ve never purchased a key.

The items I’ve gotten from chests (because I will not purchase them from the store and never used them) are 3 owl, 6 jackalop, 3 skritt, 3 golamite, 3 ram, 3 pig, 3 plant wolf, 3 floater, 3 imp, 3 snow owl and 24 mystery tonics. I’ve also gotten 3 killstreak, 2 armour, 3 speed, 5 rejuvination, 1 strength, 2 magic find, 4 xp boosters and 3 bank, 4 black lion and 1 revive orb.

Am I lucky? I don’t think I am but I’ve found enough to keep me happy hehehe

We all get keys through personal story quests, and sometimes 100% a map. We are talking about keys from just normal drops.

Verdict – 80 Mesmer – EVOH – Maguuma

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Beltaine.8402


Keys from mob drops just don’t seem to happen anymore.

There was a point during the first week where I had more keys in the bank than chests.

That changed quickly.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I was playing an alt the other day, and a key dropped. You have no idea how happy I was!

My response when it happened….“OMG, I didn’t know keys were DROPPED?!?!?!”

I have one level 80, and 7 other chars I’ve been playing. I have most of the map open. I have gotten keys from map completions (one from daily) and story quests. Other than that I bought them from the gem store, via gold…

Up till then, I didn’t even know they were a drop, as I had never received one….this means I am either extremely unlucky, or some of you are lucky and just don’t know it….

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smokey.8902


Keys from mob drops just don’t seem to happen anymore.

There was a point during the first week where I had more keys in the bank than chests.

That changed quickly.

I would have loved to had that happen. Been playing since the headstart and I’ve always had about 5x as many chests as I do keys. That number has since risen to 104 chests, with 3 keys. I will never be able to open them all. The only place I’ve gotten keys from lately are personal story missions.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Sarendalar.8502


Yes I know we get keys from the story but I’ve only done 2 stories on all 8 of my characters. Only done map completion on 2 characters as well (the rest have just hit the starting cities for the gear changing stones. I only have 2 characters in the 40’s and the rest are between 8 and 20.

So I would say the majority of my keys are not from story or map completion I can count 2 (or maybe 3? from the story and maybe 2-4 from map completion on both my level 40 chars and I’ve opened (by counting potions) 18 chests. I found my last key 2 days ago on a random monster.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: azurrei.5691


One day Arenanet will realize that selling things in quantity is as good as or better than selling something for a high cost…

Lower the kitten key costs and sales will skyrocket!

If I’m going to pay $1 or more for a virtual lottery ticket, it better be to win a million real dollars…

10 keys for 400 gems (aka $.50 a piece) is a lot more reasonable (though really still too expensive for what you get)

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eridani.8317


I get keys randomly all the time across all my characters. I’ve had the pleasure of opening 15 to 20 chests so farI’ve never purchased a key.

Yeah everyone gets a certain amount levelling but once you get to 80 you no longer get keys. I’ve got 117 chests in my bank now and counting.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: MikeRocks.9243


It takes me roughly 2.5 to 3 hours to level an alt to 10, complete the level 10 personal story, and get a key. Fastest I’ve done it is roughly 2 hours with a Ranger.

So, one key every 2 to 4 hours if you’re really hard up for cash.

Current prices of gold to gems was just over 1 gold for 125 gems (enough for a key). I’ve heard plenty of times on the forums that you can grind up a gold in Orr in about an hour.

So, there’re a couple options available if you can’t actually buy a key.

So, up to you if you want to put in that effort. Keys with cash cost $1.57 each (or $1.13 with the five pack).

People kept complaining that they’d buy keys if something valuable were in them. Now they’re complaining about having to buy them once something of value is actually present in them.

The Long Road
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Neosis.9043


@ Mike Rocks

There is a CHANCE for something valuable in them ……probably a small one at that.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khaun.4321


I love when people complain about real money system. News flash, you can exchange in game gold for gems. If there was no way to buy stuff with real money and keys cost 1.5g then no one would complain. The amount of gold it costs to buy all the permanent upgrades like bank and inventory space is pitiful compared to their equivalent in other MMOs and I have done so with considerably less effort than in said MMOs.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

There’s a difference between having nice stuff in them and having a chance at getting something nice. Think of it like lotto tickets. Sure it’s nice that you can win big money but you have a very slim chance of that. Heck even the best chances to win to break even aren’t all that great of odds. Now if each opened chest you were guaranteed a random “nice” item of all the nice items. Then keys would be worth buying either with coin or with real money. Right now they aren’t worth buying either way. Unless you like to waste coin/money on consumable items with no real benefit.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eridani.8317


There’s a difference between having nice stuff in them and having a chance at getting something nice. Think of it like lotto tickets. Sure it’s nice that you can win big money but you have a very slim chance of that. .

That’s a good point, and with the current gold>gem ratio in real life it would be like lottery tickets cost $15 or something.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SpelignErrir.4263


There’s a difference between having nice stuff in them and having a chance at getting something nice. Think of it like lotto tickets. Sure it’s nice that you can win big money but you have a very slim chance of that. Heck even the best chances to win to break even aren’t all that great of odds. Now if each opened chest you were guaranteed a random “nice” item of all the nice items. Then keys would be worth buying either with coin or with real money. Right now they aren’t worth buying either way. Unless you like to waste coin/money on consumable items with no real benefit.

In real life, 1 dollar gets you a chance to win like 50 grand.

1 dollar in this game gets you a moa tonic and a 5% damage mitigation booster for an hour.

Whoopie doo.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

In real life, 1 dollar gets you a chance to win like 50 grand.

1 dollar in this game gets you a moa tonic and a 5% damage mitigation booster for an hour.

Whoopie doo.

Which was my point more or less. You are gambling for worthless junk. Rather than it simply being a guaranteed nice item every time. That doesn’t have to be a fixed item. But at least then it would be worth the purchase if the nice item had decent value to be sold to others. Obviously there can’t be too many nice items that it picks from otherwise you end up back at the gambling with a better chance to get stuck by lightning. Though as long as those nice items can be sold to others and go for a reasonable affordable price then you have the choice to gamble or buy direct. Still the better thing is having things be a here is what you get and here is the price. But enough people like the grab bag kind of thing so we got what we got because of that. As long as I can reasonably obtain the stuff without the gamble then I’m fine with it being there for others who want that sort of thing.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Silver Halliwell.4735

Silver Halliwell.4735

Coming from Aion, you can definitely feel a bit of NCSoft influence on the store and in this event. Oh well, nose to the grindstone as they say and make money in game for the stuff I want. As soon as the stupid prices for gems goes back down to a reasonable level that is.