clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


I literally cannot see my character when jumping. There’s too many people, why would you do this?

Why can’t I run a solo instance of it?

Again, why do this.. ?

Lame. I am mad. I can’t seem my kitten character cuz too many people.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tohato.5274


It true that it sucks for asura, best you can do for now is either hope everyone leaves, or keep talking to the charr and asking to join the clock tower, it should spawn you into another instance with hopefully less large characters.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


this is not fair…

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Tsuzenfro.6247


I did it with my asura. It’s not impossible. Just gotta be quick on your feet.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


Oh yeah? Watch this, 2 Asura’s doing it in one video. Your argument is invalid.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jorn Wolfgang.3712

Jorn Wolfgang.3712

This is what I say when doing the normal puzzles on my Norn or Charr. Our heads stuck in tree branches and rocks cameras going all over the place. Maybe they need to get some shrink and grow potions.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Mays.5839


I wish I could do it solo. Stupid with 20 other people.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


wow this is effing dumb i literally can’t see crap cuz other people in my way…

This is the dumbest thing ever.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Jorn Wolfgang.3712

Jorn Wolfgang.3712

Dangit shouldn’t have watched the video that just got me wanting to try it. Still have 4 hours before I am even home. /sigh

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eroberry.6284


Think that may of been the point. With a group of people doing it it makes the jumping puzzle a lot harder. Although I do see your point, it made quite the challenge completing it.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eric.6395


The only problem is i Cant see anything almost made it but i fell down The hardest part is getting rid of the others so you can acctually see.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Shelledfade.6435


like i’m getting really mad now. I’m falling cuz other people in my way. This is seriously making me mad.

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maliceo.3207


Just like real life there are advantages and disadvantages to being short..looks like you are experiencing a disadvantage

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: obiemvy.5632


um… do it tomorrow morning maybe?

Sounds like lots of people who hate jumping puzzles are doing one >.< But then I’ve also heard someone say they got an exotic from the chest at the end, so who wouldn’t try it!

clocktower jumping puzzle for an asura impossible?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Caliber.2987


Try costume/potion? I have meaning to see if it works…

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