grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minute.7293


Wasn’t sure where to report this, but the last 2 times I did the Mad King instance I had a grey minimap with no waypoints on it. It’s not horrible until the Mad king teleports up one stage and you have no way to get back up.

grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LordYz.8941


You can press M for the main map to show. 0.0 Not sure if you tried that.

Sea of Sorrows, Black Snow Suave.
Recruiting dungeon raiders.

grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


A person in my guild had this happen to her, she even left the instance and came back in and still had no waypoint button. I’m assuming it’s just a bug, relogging fixed it.

grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Crise.9401


I can also confirm this as a bug, has happened to me twice.. the problem is that the map used is that of tyria rather than the mists, where the mad king maps are if I recall correctly… and thus all we see is underground tyria map with nothing on it at that position.

grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: applekwisp.2139


i too had the waypoint disappear mid instance. stunk because i was on the bottom floor and the mad king teleported to the middle one

grey minimap in the Ascent to Madness?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minute.7293


You can press M for the main map to show. 0.0 Not sure if you tried that.

Tried that as well, the map is grey there too.

A person in my guild had this happen to her, she even left the instance and came back in and still had no waypoint button. I’m assuming it’s just a bug, relogging fixed it.

Relogging twice didn’t fix it, and I didn’t attempt it after that.