Female Body Shape

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

Made a female last night, and sad at the body options. Either you’re a stick, or Dolly Parton. There should be a middle.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Netfools.3640


There is another thread about similar topic.

Essentially, my only complaint is that the small chested options all have boy hips. I think they should unlink the chest from the body type.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Passiflora.2047


I admit, I was a bit puzzled by the female human body options.

If you want a slender figure, it must either be small breasted and lack curves or have an old school Barbie shape.

And if you want your character to have a bountiful bosom for her size, she must be slim and shaped like an old school Barbie.

The less skinny bodies, strangely, are not very well endowed. This utterly confounds me . . . perhaps they saved all of the meatier bodies with bountiful breasts for the Norn ladies? xD

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


The first option is a good middle ground – not too curvy, not boyish, sleak and streamlined. Take a closer look at it, and actually roll it and get into the world to see how it really looks. Use a Med armor class, the skimpy starting light armor over-emphasizes things.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: illictic.6183


There’s more to body types than bust and hips—to me what really made all of the body types extremely similar (and lacking…) was that everyone had the same torso/leg ratio. The legs are all long and slender, even if they can be bulked up slightly. I like what we’ve got but I still think a bit more variety wouldn’t hurt..

i don’t know what’s going on

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Essentially, my only complaint is that the small chested options all have boy hips. I think they should unlink the chest from the body type.

Are you sure you checked all the body types? Because my warrior’s chest is very flat and I assure you that she still has generous hip curves and looks great and feminine. Men where you live must have quite the curves if you call that “boy hips.”

My character’s body type is also the most muscular body available to human females because I wanted her to look heroic. I guess if you also wanted skinny (so flat chested AND large hips AND skinny) you’re out of luck, but if you start adding restrictions over restrictions don’t be surprised if you can’t get exactly what you want. (Non-obvious restrictions anyway.)

It’s not that I don’t want them to add more choices, but humans already have by a long shot the largest amount of choices available, while races like the asuras and the sylvaris have a rather limited amount of options. I know that people have a much wider idea of what a human could look like than they do for an asura for example, but even considering that, the amount of options an asura has feels very limited. (Their haircuts don’t even fill one page, for example, while human females have 3 pages.)

I wouldn’t mind them adding sliders for full body customization like in Aion, but those sliders tend to allow players to make ugly and deformed joke characters, and the devs seem very strict about the artistic integrity of their games, they want you to be pretty, especially if you’re human. If you can’t even make fat characters I wouldn’t expect them to give us full flexibility in regards to character creation.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: miragezero.2738


Made a female last night, and sad at the body options. Either you’re a stick, or Dolly Parton. There should be a middle.

Sylvari here. Stick hate has to stop.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: frans.8092



He has a point, only one of the female human body types appears to have enough strength to engage in the adventures your characters are expected to get involved in.

The Sylvary are … different, it’s ok for them to be thin. Or thick.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Weindrasi.3805


I agree—I hate all the female body types except for the two heaviest ones.
The second-heaviest looks like an average, slim college girl with normal breasts
The heaviest isn’t “slim”, but it’s a normal healthy body weight.

All the rest are pathetic. You either get Breast-Implant Barbie or Anorexic Anna

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: moonjo.9831


“Come on Barbie, let’s go party”

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


This was brought up during the beta and never addressed.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: catqeer.1954


well they addressed it by adding skinny girls with small breast… they need to add more male mody types… i want a skinny scholar male human not a athlete

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: evanovix.9718


Would be cool if there was a ‘weight class’ between the medium curvy look and the thin (barbie) look (the 2nd and 3rd option in char creation)

A human female thief looks abit puny with the skinny option imo, and perhaps abit too strong with the medium one. The skinny option would work well with Elementalist and Mesmer, but for a Ranger or Thief I feel they should have slightly more meat on their bones (in my crazy world atleast lol)

(edited by evanovix.9718)

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Cooperal.8704


I feel the game could do with more body dimensions in general. Should be more from obese to body-builder. At least for every race except the male Humans and Norns. I don’t think people would mind a FEW hambeast waddling around… would they?

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Joukehainen.5148


This seriously confuses me. Why do the body-types for the human females that look like they have more body-fat have far smaller breasts than the thinner body types?

Across the board the breasts get bigger as the waists get smaller. The smaller the breasts the wider the waist, and the most “heavy”-looking bodies have by far the smallest breasts.

Is this a bug? Surely it should be the other way around. Most of the time irl, more bodyfat leads to larger breast sizes because breasts are 90% fat. Ofc they can still keep that one barbie build w the tiny waist and huge knockers, I’m not saying they should remove it, but the thinner the body gets the smaller the breasts should get in general. Right now it’s the opposite.

I’m including some screenshots for reference, in order:

  • the most “heavy”-set build, front and side
  • the default (ie first) build, front and side
  • the hourglass figure build, front and side
  • the only thinner build with smaller breasts, front and side
  • the most muscular build, front and side

You’ll see the breast sizes decrease with increasing waist-size across the board. The only builds this makes sense for is the most muscular build (strong core muscles lead to a broader waist) and for crowd-pleasing purposes the hourglass-figure build.

(edited by Joukehainen.5148)

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


This seriously confuses me. Why do the body-types for the human females that look like they have more body-fat have far smaller breasts than the thinner body types?


It’s because the “heaviest” female human body type is a muscular build, not a fat build. I wonder why they didn’t push harder on the pencil to make the muscles on the skin pop out more, but looking at the profile view, she definitely has the most muscular legs, and in heavy armor she looks a lot stronger then the other human females. (And even some norns.)

Actually it might as well be the only muscular model for human females because the one you have flagged as “most muscular” is in fact only muscular if you have full pixel shaders activated in your settings, so for 80% of the people she’s just another skinny character. I wouldn’t pick that character build if I wanted to play an athletic woman, I would pick the “heavy” build. (It’s probably not intended that a character looks skinny or muscular depending on your video settings, some players might have surprises when they’ll upgrade their computers, especially all those elementalists…)

So yeah, it’s a muscular build, not a fat build, that’s why she has small… you-know-what. =P

You don’t really have fat builds in Guild Wars 2. It seems the art team has idealistic views of characters, making everyone look young, fit and heroic. Not sure why you can’t have fatter builds in such a setting though, because for some character archetypes it can be cool to be a big fat guy, such as those tanky character. I would totally play a fat guardian. Not fat as in morbid obese, fat as far as fantasy heroes can be fat.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: deffy.1320


Is this a bug? Surely it should be the other way around. Most of the time irl, more bodyfat leads to larger breast sizes because breasts are 90% fat.

haha you are not female are you? let me enlighten you as you seem very much mislead, people that are fat may have bigger breasts, say like men with moobs, so you store fat over breast tissue, the breast is not bigger and breasts are not 90% fat.

“Deleted for being inappropriate”

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Thevoidiscold.4910


I don’t mind. I want my chick to be sexy. I highly doubt most of you given the option would make your chick ‘thick’. Hourglass figure works fine for me. But I do agree though, how the somewhat heavier chicks have smaller breast. That is quite bizarre. If you want big girls, make a norn.

Ariel Ostrovsky
Ayy Lmao

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


I don’t mind. I want my chick to be sexy. I highly doubt most of you given the option would make your chick ‘thick’. Hourglass figure works fine for me. But I do agree though, how the somewhat heavier chicks have smaller breast. That is quite bizarre. If you want big girls, make a norn.

Well, I have made tons of Norn characters already and seriously cannot see Wayfarer’s Foothills anymore (I know I can change areas, but I want to do story quests). Also, “sexy” is entirely subjective, for many, thick = sexy. Personally, I cannot stand the incredible “Barbie-ness” of human females. You can either take a boy shape, a barbie body or that remotely curvy shape with the pathetic man-boobs.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: FalconPunch.8076


Video games are designed for men, most men like skinny girls with medium sized breasts or hourglass figures with impossible hip-waist ratios and tremendous bosoms. I am sure someone will come in here and say that they prefer a different body shape but with limited time and resources the team will design bodies that they think are most attractive to their player base.

Yes, it is kittened up and yes it is unfair to real women to have those expectations placed on them. Do I feel disgusted with myself for finding both of those physiques attractive? Not really. It is difficult to change the wiring of perceived attractiveness when we are bombarded with digitally enhanced perfection 24 7 and both those body types cater to men biologically.

I doubt this game is out there to subvert the patriarchal subjugation of the female body or appease the feminist critique on body image. Their modelers are probably more interested in designing hats or sunglasses for sale, just saying.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: phlemhacker.1372


I have said it once, I’ll say it again. What the game shows is normal. Everyone nowadays is just fat. There is supposedly a lot of pressure on modern women to be skinny. Clearly there is not enough pressure, because in the United States, the majority of women (and men for that matter) are overweight. There is a massive difference between slender women and women who are genuinely unhealthy. Tbh though, I am also a little drunk. the morning will tell more.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


I agree that most humans (both gender) are just fat nowdays. However, I don’t think that having a perfect hourglass figure and huge d-cup boobies are possible. I mean, I don’t think that girls are “normally” like my thief → http://i.imgur.com/oHiqc.png

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Maximillian Greil.1965

Maximillian Greil.1965

I bet not one girl is on here arguing for bigger boobs

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


I don’t mind. I want my chick to be sexy. I highly doubt most of you given the option would make your chick ‘thick’. Hourglass figure works fine for me. But I do agree though, how the somewhat heavier chicks have smaller breast. That is quite bizarre. If you want big girls, make a norn.

How about the inbetween ‘normal’ option. Not every woman in real life’s a supermodel you know…

You don’t really have fat builds in Guild Wars 2. It seems the art team has idealistic views of characters, making everyone look young, fit and heroic.

You can’t really run around the world all day, and not stay at least somewhat in shape. The only exceptions being the Norn, because they drink so much and their bodies are more adapted to colder climates.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

(edited by ThiBash.5634)

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


Heck, I do not even want to be political or sociological about this. All I’m asking for is diversity and choice. When I create a human female, I simply want an option for big boobs AND curvy figure. But no, Anet thought it’s a great idea to make all big boob models have stick legs and impossible waistline while giving the only remotely curvy shape mosquito bite-sized boobs.

Why couldn’t we just have body sliders…

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Dominura.3657


Why couldn’t we just have body sliders…

Anet said before that they wanted things to be realistic (not that the body shapes are, or anything), personalized but not insaine. cough Aion cough Perfect world cough

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Hellmood.2097


We have cat-cows, plant-people, techno-dwarves and giant snow-humans in a fantasy world and they want things to be realistic. Jesus kittening Christ…what an asinine argument.

Besides, even sliders can be limited to “sensible” options.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


I think the options are all quite fine. I’m a woman btw and I’d be willing to bet most of the whiners in this thread are men.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: FalconPunch.8076


I think the options are all quite fine. I’m a woman btw and I’d be willing to bet most of the whiners in this thread are men.


Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Rannug.2731


one thing one has to admit though.. It is weird to have an option for a more realistic (thicker) shape and to see the boobs reduced to moob size…

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


I just want a boob slider…really it’s nothing perverted I’m a girl and that’s a normal thing

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Skylord.4510


Why are you guys goin on about the figure of the female caracter? LOL rather worry about your girlfriend or wife’s figure in real life

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Holynexus.8064


Well, as a girl I would love to see more “normal” types, though again, what is present in the game isn’t too bad. I mean, there’s plenty of other games with Tomb Raider like features. I’ve made my female human average enough that she isn’t a Barbie or Anorexic Anna :P just takes a bit of tweaking.

So yeah, I bet all the whiners are likely men anyhow. I find nothing overly sexist, or patriarchic in the shapes that come with the game. Except maybe male whiners. :]

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: VictoriousMonk.7150


Well, as a girl I would love to see more “normal” types, though again, what is present in the game isn’t too bad. I mean, there’s plenty of other games with Tomb Raider like features. I’ve made my female human average enough that she isn’t a Barbie or Anorexic Anna :P just takes a bit of tweaking.

So yeah, I bet all the whiners are likely men anyhow. I find nothing overly sexist, or patriarchic in the shapes that come with the game. Except maybe male whiners. :]

Who the heck is whining? Seems like people here wanted normal shapes, or somewhere in the middle. Plus there’s a girl who wants boob sliders.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Sturmtiger.2718


Aion had some very great character customisation options, you could change anything everywhere.

It’s a shame that most MMO forget these small things here and there, it really adds up for the game overall.

Never be afraid to try, remember… Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
– Unknown

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Sarcasmic.6741


Made a female last night, and sad at the body options. Either you’re a stick, or Dolly Parton. There should be a middle.

Sylvari here. Stick hate has to stop.

+1 to Sylvari rights. All things have a right to grow.

I bet not one girl is on here arguing for bigger boobs

Incredibly sexist, and still generally accurate.

We have cat-cows, plant-people, techno-dwarves and giant snow-humans in a fantasy world and they want things to be realistic. Jesus kittening Christ…what an asinine argument.

Touché good sir.

And on a serious note:

Aion had some very great character customisation options, you could change anything everywhere.

It’s a shame that most MMO forget these small things here and there, it really adds up for the game overall.

Couldn’t agree more. PSO2 had customization for pretty much the entire character’s frame, and I loved it.

Stace (Lv 80 human quickness portal bot) | Sarcasmic (Lv 80 elixir-drunk norn pyro)
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: iCandie.3051


What is the best body type or size for heavy armor wearers. I have looked at the 2nd and 3rd option on the top row….and still not sure which one will look better with heavy armor…considering heavy armor will make you look more heavier.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Sturmtiger.2718


Go with the bulky type if you are going for heavy armour.

If you take the body with the big bust, you won’t notice them when wearing heavy armour.

Never be afraid to try, remember… Amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
– Unknown

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Jeir.4862


Girl here, and I agree.
Image of the female physiques.
We have a choice of slim characters with huge busts (D+-cups everywhere!), or more stocky ones with normal busts/a single skinny one with a normal bust.
My choice would be the body of the last one on the top row, with the bust of the one underneath. Yes, I recoloured the underwear. Clothes that look like they’ve been left in urine isn’t nice.
Sadly, it’ll probably never happen.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


What boggles my mind is the way ANet skipped certain combinations of muscle tone, body size, and bust size.

It seems like it would have been much easier to give players 3 sliders — one for each of those, rather than give players a random sub-selection of those 2*3*3 = 18 permutations.

Just a very weird character creation design choice by ANet.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


There are no sliders for any body parts below the neck because Anet wanted to minimize armor clipping. Of course weapons still clip all the time.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Asaghon.8346


I like the “heaviest” body (its nowhere near heavy really) but for some reason it has to have a flat chest while its probably the only body where bigger breasts would be proportional. I prefer the norn bodies, but dislike their height a (because the look sluggish, even on smallest size)

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


There are no sliders for any body parts below the neck because Anet wanted to minimize armor clipping.

That’s silly though — I don’t mean full gradient sliders. I mean sliders with 3 options that already exist on the char creation screen. E.g. the armor models in the game are already QA’d to work with the existing body combinations, so it seems logical to allow the players to choose which combination of body options they want, rather than the random subset ANet currently provides.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Shadestrike.4372


My only complaint is the “dolly parton” body has a rigging issue where in certain armour types the breasts will become rigid and try to move resulting in flat jagged edges like in this pic


Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Drakkan.7314


My only complaint is the “dolly parton” body has a rigging issue where in certain armour types the breasts will become rigid and try to move resulting in flat jagged edges like in this pic

the jagged edge is a result of her breast augmentation. every surgery has its drawbacks… hey wait a minute… what were u doing when u noticed this issue? LOL

This conversation is now about what those pesky Sylvari are hiding beneath their “leaf-loins”

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Mako.4137


Yeah, Im an RP’er so its more of an issue for us, but I still feel like there isnt enough variation, there at least needs to be enough so you arent forced to look a certain way. Also why do all of them have such massive breasts? They should put a slider in where the current size if the maximum in the slider and the minimal being very modest but noticable.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Ninami.6087


It bothers me that the heavier bodies have smaller breasts and thick ones have bigger. It would be better to have some kind of sliders so you can pick breasts and hips size as you want. I wanted my character to be skinny and small chested and choosing right body was hard.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Mejo.3198


Yes, the female bodies have weird proportions all over. Too slender, too long legs, small head, thin upper body and just simply weird looking (like a Barbie-doll). Why isn’t there a more natural proportioned look. They all have like volleyball/basketball player proportions. The human males could also use some improvement too but not to the same degree (they also have too long legs).

I get they are supposed to be beautiful but they look more weird then beautiful. But I guess it’s an armour thing…

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: PapercutPoodle.5840


I went for the largest model because the other ones, all of them, look absolutely horrible. We need to shift the sliders way to the side. The smallest model should NOT be that of a borderline anorexic, it’s not healthy and it does nothing but add to the twisted stereotype that thin is normal and anything heavier is “fat”.

I wish I could have made my character even larger. She is a Guardian, a metal plated punching bag withstanding hits that would tear the limbs off of the clothies, and I wish I could have had the options to give her some bulk.

Check out the female Barbarian in D3, there we have a female model worth talking about.

Female Body Shape

in Human

Posted by: Bard.7215


Video games are designed for men, most men like skinny girls with medium sized breasts or hourglass figures with impossible hip-waist ratios and tremendous bosoms. I am sure someone will come in here and say that they prefer a different body shape but with limited time and resources the team will design bodies that they think are most attractive to their player base.

Yes, it is kittened up and yes it is unfair to real women to have those expectations placed on them. Do I feel disgusted with myself for finding both of those physiques attractive? Not really. It is difficult to change the wiring of perceived attractiveness when we are bombarded with digitally enhanced perfection 24 7 and both those body types cater to men biologically.

I doubt this game is out there to subvert the patriarchal subjugation of the female body or appease the feminist critique on body image. Their modelers are probably more interested in designing hats or sunglasses for sale, just saying.

It’s not really that unfair since women have their own biological set standard of attractiveness in men, This is sometimes overlooked in media criticism because most men don’t get bothered by a handsome chiseled lad who’s physically fit(with a nice buttox, as girls have told me), Unless the character has a grapefruit sized bulge in his pants or displays over the top sexually suggestive behavior (Voldo from the Soul Caliber series). In fact most male players seeking to design a male character are naturally drawn to these traits as they’re viewed as heroic and strong rather than view them as a sexist standard of beauty. The reasons for this can be debated but it could have something to do with men having a completely different competitive complex then women. I’m sure if some female game devs created a game where male characters are shown to have outrageous “in bed” standards you’d start getting some pretty angry male players saying the game is sexist.

I have said it once, I’ll say it again. What the game shows is normal. Everyone nowadays is just fat. There is supposedly a lot of pressure on modern women to be skinny. Clearly there is not enough pressure, because in the United States, the majority of women (and men for that matter) are overweight. There is a massive difference between slender women and women who are genuinely unhealthy. Tbh though, I am also a little drunk. the morning will tell more.

I blame our food and endless distractions. Even I’m gaining weight…

I agree that most humans (both gender) are just fat nowdays. However, I don’t think that having a perfect hourglass figure and huge d-cup boobies are possible. I mean, I don’t think that girls are “normally” like my thief -> http://i.imgur.com/oHiqc.png

Human anatomy has done some weird things in history, I for one have monkey arms that are too long for my height (Though this isn’t really that uncommon). And I assure you that Hourglass figure and above d-cup combined do exist (genetically, not a result of icky plastic). Of course this is uncommon as are the epitome of all the traits we desire in a potential spouse, because if they were common then we’d have even greater standards, as rarity breeds value.

Enough about real things though and more about the ingame anatomy

I feel that every race should have a slider option.

The problem with Aion’s system is that the sliders had a very poor scaling limit. They likely applied this so the most perverted amongst gamers (they who cannot play a game without sexual imagery) could have F-cup and above bossomonsters, as is common in K-rpgs. Despite this, the scales could make other things un-porportionally large, specifically the head. Making bobble-head abominations was much in Aion but obviously placed some fears into A-net regarding realism.

The phobia is unjustified however, as scale systems can be tweaked for accuracy. Limits can be set and even more limits can be set based off other slider, such as being unable to scale your eyes past a certain size based on other proportions on the face and so forth.

Slider can be tweaked and constrained to only produce body types that are visually acceptable and do not disrupt the game. So all the fears of Bobbleheads and CAPTAIN GIANT LEGS! have no real grounds for not adding a slider system.

Sort of like building a sandcastle