Ingame lore details

Ingame lore details

in Human

Posted by: ReSpect.7125


This thread is meeant to share those small ingame lore details. Like if youve found an interesting conversation or somerhing someone says when interacting with them, for example. Related to or said by humans. I have one example:

Divinitys reach, Eastern commons:
A girl have the name Gwen. Thou this isnt her real name. She wants to be called Gwen after she red the story about Gwen Thackerey and the Ebon vanguards. This because the girl is at the same age as Gwen in the beginning of the story.

Zandra Zvift lvl 80 human elementalist
Good luck and may the six watch over you

Ingame lore details

in Human

Posted by: ReSpect.7125


In southwest corner of Shaemor fields there is a ghost-NPC that only appears during the night

Zandra Zvift lvl 80 human elementalist
Good luck and may the six watch over you