Protect him at all costs.
Krytan Same Sex Laws
Protect him at all costs.
I believe if there is a “God” who is conscientious enough to leave a complete lack of proof He exists outside of blind faith which can’t be proven, then it’s equally possible He does not exist.
I am not the one claiming knowledge on something that is not even remotely possible to prove. You have the burden of proof not the ones you insult. Think before you speak.
If you make a claim, you are the one charged with backing it up. Not your audience (if you even have one).
I have not insulted you yet, neighbor. You will know it when I do.
Regardless, this is entirely off topic now. We do know there are Gods in Tyria. On the other hand, none of them have expressed sentiments implying homosexuality is unacceptable.
I believe if there is a “God” who is conscientious enough to leave a complete lack of proof He exists outside of blind faith which can’t be proven, then it’s equally possible He does not exist.
I am not the one claiming knowledge on something that is not even remotely possible to prove. You have the burden of proof not the ones you insult. Think before you speak.
If you make a claim, you are the one charged with backing it up. Not your audience (if you even have one).
I have not insulted you yet, neighbor. You will know it when I do.
Regardless, this is entirely off topic now. We do know there are Gods in Tyria. On the other hand, none of them have expressed sentiments implying homosexuality is unacceptable.
Van, Tobias is correct. This subject matter is mostly irrelevant in this case, namely because the Abrahamic religions do not exist in the setting of Tyria. That is not to say the ideals are non-existent in Tyria, but the religion as we know it is not presented in-game.
As far as I know, there is no lore concerning the Six’s opinion on the topic of sexuality. In fact, I have yet to find any lore outside of the Sylvari that even brings up the moral implications – for or against. As near as I can tell, the devs have glossed over the topic in terms of lore. And maybe that is for the best, at least for now. I know that stating any definite answers within the Human’s belief in the Six would cause an uproar in the player community if a side were conclusively taken.
As near as I can tell, the devs have glossed over the topic in terms of lore. And maybe that is for the best, at least for now. I know that stating any definite answers within the Human’s belief in the Six would cause an uproar in the player community if a side were conclusively taken.
It’s always best if it’s simply not done just because of the general outcry if it is talked about either way. Such outcry/uproars . . . and this whole topic coming up over and over . . . is why most writers tend to skirt the issue rather than plunge headlong forward.
The problem with the last same sex couple is that it’s cute.
I can’t stand the fact that in most MMORPGs they have to add cuteness everywhere. It just ridicules the lore.
because he doesn’t know it himself
As near as I can tell, the devs have glossed over the topic in terms of lore. And maybe that is for the best, at least for now. I know that stating any definite answers within the Human’s belief in the Six would cause an uproar in the player community if a side were conclusively taken.
It’s always best if it’s simply not done just because of the general outcry if it is talked about either way. Such outcry/uproars . . . and this whole topic coming up over and over . . . is why most writers tend to skirt the issue rather than plunge headlong forward.
And yet, our dear, sweet devs have decided to launch themselves like living lore-filled torpedoes into the topic with the coming LS season. I remain hopeful that they won’t overplay their hand here, I expect they will, but I am holding onto hope.
There are dragons an emo sky pirates about, I think there are bigger things to worry about then who puts what lego brick where
There are dragons an emo sky pirates about, I think there are bigger things to worry about then who puts what lego brick where
Exactly, no place for cuteness in this world. Amirite?XD
Considering everyone is celebrating for everything, and they look all very happy, those dragons must not be that big of a threat.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I think all of you are missing some points about humans in that case:
maybe in day past when humans ruled tyria they could simply not care about it.
but now humans are “struggling to hold their ground” -pushed out by chars, centaurs – and bandits are not making things better.
as in current state we humans are managed to sort out things with char (at lest for a while) we are still in constant war with chars – idea with watchwork soldiers that would decrease human looses on that war failed as we can see so population growth is still needed – maybe not in such extreme way liek chars are looking upon it – but still many humans may look with at least disagreement on such relationships – cause tho females or two males will not reproduce race – and in current state of human race reproduction is really needed.
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
I think all of you are missing some points about humans in that case:
maybe in day past when humans ruled tyria they could simply not care about it.but now humans are “struggling to hold their ground” -pushed out by chars, centaurs – and bandits are not making things better.
as in current state we humans are managed to sort out things with char (at lest for a while) we are still in constant war with chars – idea with watchwork soldiers that would decrease human looses on that war failed as we can see so population growth is still needed – maybe not in such extreme way liek chars are looking upon it – but still many humans may look with at least disagreement on such relationships – cause tho females or two males will not reproduce race – and in current state of human race reproduction is really needed.
While it is true you can also argue that since there is war there are also a lot of orphans. Those orphans have probably have a higher chance to become a bandit. If such child would be adopted the lickelyhood of those childs becoming bandits are becoming smaller. So as long as they adopt a child or two they should be fine, since they make the bandit army smaller and the Krytan army bigger .
In one of the living story segments of my female human, it was suggested by several npcs I was there as the romantic fling of a certain female npc. It’s just one of many examples where I don’t see there be any particular stigma regarding same-sex relations, which is refreshing.
While it is true you can also argue that since there is war there are also a lot of orphans. Those orphans have probably have a higher chance to become a bandit. If such child would be adopted the lickelyhood of those childs becoming bandits are becoming smaller. So as long as they adopt a child or two they should be fine, since they make the bandit army smaller and the Krytan army bigger .
NPC in DR actually comments on the increasing number of Orphans coming into DR because of Centaur raids killing their parents.
In one of the living story segments of my female human, it was suggested by several npcs I was there as the romantic fling of a certain female npc. It’s just one of many examples where I don’t see there be any particular stigma regarding same-sex relations, which is refreshing.
Female human noble (My necro), there was some very obvious flirting from Anise, or hints of it from other npcs as I recall.
While it is true you can also argue that since there is war there are also a lot of orphans. Those orphans have probably have a higher chance to become a bandit. If such child would be adopted the lickelyhood of those childs becoming bandits are becoming smaller. So as long as they adopt a child or two they should be fine, since they make the bandit army smaller and the Krytan army bigger .
NPC in DR actually comments on the increasing number of Orphans coming into DR because of Centaur raids killing their parents.
In one of the living story segments of my female human, it was suggested by several npcs I was there as the romantic fling of a certain female npc. It’s just one of many examples where I don’t see there be any particular stigma regarding same-sex relations, which is refreshing.
Female human noble (My necro), there was some very obvious flirting from Anise, or hints of it from other npcs as I recall.
This stems into adoption issues in suitability (lets steer away from that treacherous water, quickly). And the default bisexuality/homosexuality that the devs have instilled in some female alts – rather limits roleplaying if you ask me.
Still, you have to remember: birds of a feather flock together. Just because close friends of some player characters hint that, it does not mean that all good Krytans are on the same page.
For the record, I am only arguing cultural disagreements being exhibited in Krytan politics, not the moral implications behind said disagreements. More than anything, I do not want a character like Lord Beetlestone on my side if a stance is made on the subject in-game. I think I may lose my lunch if my values were compared to those xenophobic misogynistic hatemongers.
oh my goooooood when is this bullkitten crying going to end Seriously people. So we have a lesbian couple (a cutesy one no less) Big. Freaking. Deal. It’s fairly low key, if you want something shoved in your face, go play mass effect with a same sex love interest.. shep is such a ho -_-… ANYKITTENWAY. Its a game, please get off your social justice high horse, and go cry in a blog or such where you can find other bigots to agree with your inanity.
(edited by Ecole.2349)
oh my goooooood when is this bullkitten crying going to end
Seriously people. So we have a lesbian couple (a cutesy one no less) Big. Freaking. Deal. It’s fairly low key, if you want something shoved in your face, go play mass effect with a same sex love interest.. shep is such a ho -_-… ANYKITTENWAY. Its a game, please get off your social justice high horse, and go cry in a blog or such where you can find other bigots to agree with your inanity.
is anyone crying here?
its only some “nerdy” lore-wise discussion form people who loves going deep into lore (sometimes deeper than devs themnselves- as we can see on this example :P)
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
oh my goooooood when is this bullkitten crying going to end
Seriously people. So we have a lesbian couple (a cutesy one no less) Big. Freaking. Deal. It’s fairly low key, if you want something shoved in your face, go play mass effect with a same sex love interest.. shep is such a ho -_-… ANYKITTENWAY. Its a game, please get off your social justice high horse, and go cry in a blog or such where you can find other bigots to agree with your inanity.
It’s about how the in game reaction to that fit in the setting.
Humanity is in a REALLY bad spot right now, and usually we see “bigotry” rising, for unity reasons and similar. This is not Star Trek bright and progressive world, where everything is granted. Or, at least, it shouldn’t be. Societies whith this kind of tolerance are usually highly developed and in a really peaceful situations. I don’t find the Krytan kingdom to be peaceful. It might be developed and in decadence. And in decadent cultures who used to be in a position of power there is more focus on the individual.
From what I got, for example, it looks like nobility only cares for themselves and for their inner games of power.
Nobody says it’s right or wrong, but just saying “oh, whateva, nobody cares” might end up being a bit contrived. Especially within a monarchy with a rigid social scale.
You know, just so that this relationship means something more than cute fanservice/character developement going nowhere. It might actually tell us more on that kingdom.
because he doesn’t know it himself
oh my goooooood when is this bullkitten crying going to end
Seriously people. So we have a lesbian couple (a cutesy one no less) Big. Freaking. Deal. It’s fairly low key, if you want something shoved in your face, go play mass effect with a same sex love interest.. shep is such a ho -_-… ANYKITTENWAY. Its a game, please get off your social justice high horse, and go cry in a blog or such where you can find other bigots to agree with your inanity.
It’s about how the in game reaction to that fit in the setting.
Humanity is in a REALLY bad spot right now, and usually we see “bigotry” rising, for unity reasons and similar. This is not Star Trek bright and progressive world, where everything is granted. Or, at least, it shouldn’t be. Societies whith this kind of tolerance are usually highly developed and in a really peaceful situations. I don’t find the Krytan kingdom to be peaceful. It might be developed and in decadence. And in decadent cultures who used to be in a position of power there is more focus on the individual.
From what I got, for example, it looks like nobility only cares for themselves and for their inner games of power.
Nobody says it’s right or wrong, but just saying “oh, whateva, nobody cares” might end up being a bit contrived. Especially within a monarchy with a rigid social scale.
You know, just so that this relationship means something more than cute fanservice/character developement going nowhere. It might actually tell us more on that kingdom.
“-and on this occasion I keep mine plate armors”
discussion about offensive/deffensive playstyles
Issues with sexuality in our world have historically been based on religion. It’s not hard to look back at a lot of points in history -cough- ancient greece -cough- where sexuality was completely a non-issue for people.
It stands to reason that since there is no religious doctrine that takes issue with sexuality that we can observe in Tyria – there is no issue.
I don’t understand why you’re all still having this meaningless argument.
The only faction I see that’s had strong gender roles is the Flame Legion, and they get a lot of kitten for it (To the point of revolution). However, that said… their ‘backward’ stance on female place does explain how they manage to consistently stand against the other three legions combined – they’re not getting their females killed in battle. Terrible policy for rights and freedoms, but frighteningly effective for creating resilient populations – A population with five males and fifteen females regrows much faster than one with ten males and ten females, which grows far faster than fifteen males and five females. Of course, to prevent these sorts of allowed population imbalances to result in a shift of power toward the female, the culture usually systematically enforces oppressive/restrictive expectations on the females to keep them from uniting their voices. The question now is “Did the flame legion learn their lesson from the rebellion?” Which I doubt, but it’s possible without the other legions caring anymore, once the issue turned from “They are abusing women” to “They worship false gods that keep us down and are destroying our homeland and lives”
Do Charr even have anything like Marriage? I know this is the human forum, but this sort of subject doesn’t come up over there. As far as I can tell, Charr just dump whatever kids pop out onto the nearest fahrar (or is it primus?) ASAP to be raised by the legion in a new warband-to-be, and get back on with their lives – no strong connection between parents and offspring to bother with family units or the institution of marriage as we know it. (They’re probably also capable of carrying multiple births, but Iron/Ash/Blood legion mothers-to-be only carry one at a time to further keep reproduction from interfering with their duties)
Issues with sexuality in our world have historically been based on religion. It’s not hard to look back at a lot of points in history -cough- ancient greece -cough- where sexuality was completely a non-issue for people.
It stands to reason that since there is no religious doctrine that takes issue with sexuality that we can observe in Tyria – there is no issue.
I don’t understand why you’re all still having this meaningless argument.
You have neglected to take into account one important piece of data: if religious doctrines are not of divine origin, then that means that they are the product of personal philosophy – a self generated idea within a significant portion of humanity that requires no religious background to exist. These philosophies built Western Culture, and for a time they were among the strongest cultures in the world – and still are, though they have lost some of their glory as of late.
The discussion’s meaning – not argument – may be lost on you, but many of us have good reasons for carrying it on. In my case, I only carry it on to discourage polarization of the topic.
I don’t want to see the first character to say something in disagreement with Jory, Kas, or any others to be a member of a group we are meant to hate. Centaurs, Flame Legion, Krait, White Mantel, etc.
This is usually why the topic is avoided in games and other media, because it forces three choices on how to represent the discussion.
1): Show only one side and leave any disagreements in the shadows of the story, never to be confirmed and leaving it to fester in the forums.
2): Show both sides in a positive light and remain neutral, wasting screen time on a side-story dialog about peaceful disagreement.
3): Show one side and portray the other in a negative light, standing your ground on your beliefs but backhanding all who disagree.
I will gladly shut up if they give us an answer. If it is 2, I will be very happy – they could add 10 homosexual characters at that point and I wouldn’t care. If the are well designed, I’ll applaud them even.
If it is 3, I’ll just have to bite down hard and let the topic go. I’d just prefer not to be placed in the same boat as a bunch of homicidal maniacs – weird, huh?
Final note: Ancient Greece was not exactly a golden paradise, even you might shudder at some of their attitudes if ever your false vision of them was broken.
(edited by bullyrook.2165)
Issues with sexuality in our world have historically been based on religion. It’s not hard to look back at a lot of points in history -cough- ancient greece -cough- where sexuality was completely a non-issue for people.
It stands to reason that since there is no religious doctrine that takes issue with sexuality that we can observe in Tyria – there is no issue.
I don’t understand why you’re all still having this meaningless argument.
Well, among the most brutal persecutors of homosexuals we find kitten Germany, who didn’t do it based on religious beliefs.
In URSS they were persecuted aswell.
And in ancient Rome it was a sign of weakness and not worthy of a vir. Cathullus made some poems accusing Caesar of having an affair with one of his political allies, and that was seen as insulting.
because he doesn’t know it himself
The only faction I see that’s had strong gender roles is the Flame Legion, and they get a lot of kitten for it (To the point of revolution). However, that said… their ‘backward’ stance on female place does explain how they manage to consistently stand against the other three legions combined – they’re not getting their females killed in battle. Terrible policy for rights and freedoms, but frighteningly effective for creating resilient populations – A population with five males and fifteen females regrows much faster than one with ten males and ten females, which grows far faster than fifteen males and five females. Of course, to prevent these sorts of allowed population imbalances to result in a shift of power toward the female, the culture usually systematically enforces oppressive/restrictive expectations on the females to keep them from uniting their voices. The question now is “Did the flame legion learn their lesson from the rebellion?” Which I doubt, but it’s possible without the other legions caring anymore, once the issue turned from “They are abusing women” to “They worship false gods that keep us down and are destroying our homeland and lives”
Do Charr even have anything like Marriage? I know this is the human forum, but this sort of subject doesn’t come up over there. As far as I can tell, Charr just dump whatever kids pop out onto the nearest fahrar (or is it primus?) ASAP to be raised by the legion in a new warband-to-be, and get back on with their lives – no strong connection between parents and offspring to bother with family units or the institution of marriage as we know it. (They’re probably also capable of carrying multiple births, but Iron/Ash/Blood legion mothers-to-be only carry one at a time to further keep reproduction from interfering with their duties)
It reminds me of the Qunari in Dragon Age: Origins. At first you thought “OMG, so bigot, they don’t make women fight.” Then you learn about broodmothers, and how the Darkspawn threaten to take out everyone escept them.
And you understand WHY they don’t have a problem with the Darkspawn: if you don’t send women to fight them, they are less likely to capture them and turn them into broodmothers, which are gigantic monsters who spawn thousands of darkspawn. Without broodmothers, the Darkspawn can’t renew they armies → they can’t keep on fighting.
However, about the Charrs, while it’s true marriage shouldn’t exist in such a society, I’d still believe reproduction is seen as a duty. Something you do to strengthen the Legion. Everything turning your habits away from reproduction might be seen as a vice. Something you are not supposed to do. Not a crime, but something to be ashamed of and not to talk about.
However, one of the problems of GW2 is that it’s patronizing: your enemies are always stupid, evil or bigots. Whatever your enemies do, it must be wrong.
Whatever your allies do, it’s righteous and correct.
There is only one choice. And has already been made for you.
So much effort for a PERSONAL story, and then it gives your character LESS freedom than a game devoid of story with traditional quest. Great.
because he doesn’t know it himself
One of their gods is technically a transsexual, so discriminating against sexual orientation should be downright sacrilege.
Do Charr even have anything like Marriage? I know this is the human forum, but this sort of subject doesn’t come up over there. As far as I can tell, Charr just dump whatever kids pop out onto the nearest fahrar (or is it primus?) ASAP to be raised by the legion in a new warband-to-be, and get back on with their lives – no strong connection between parents and offspring to bother with family units or the institution of marriage as we know it. (They’re probably also capable of carrying multiple births, but Iron/Ash/Blood legion mothers-to-be only carry one at a time to further keep reproduction from interfering with their duties)
As far as I know, Charr do not have marriages, and even long-term relationships are highly unusual. Most couples date and mate as long as the initial attraction lasts, then part ways once the passion is no longer there. Cubs stay with their parents (presumably the mother if the parents are separated) until they’re weaned, then they’re sent to the nearest fahrar and given over into the care of the Primus and his warband.
That said, this is only how it works in Legion-held territory. Charr who live outside of the Legion (e.g. gladium, pirates, Charr merchants living in LA) might stay together in de facto relationships and families due to the fact that no nearby fahrar exists. (Although NPC conversations in old LA suggested that some of these Charr still send their cubs back to Ascalon to be raised in fahrar.)
As time goes by and the Charr become more cosmopolitan, we may start to see the Charr start embracing different relationships and alternate ways of raising families.
You’re right, I too am sick and tired of straight pride parades, months, and support groups at my university who are always harassing me about straight rights….
See this is why your wrong. Every single day is straight pride day. Your just too kitten ed used to it to bloody realise it.
Also…uh…give them rights and theyll stop harassing you. problem solved. tell your friends.
I really do not care that much what the laws are in Kryta. Not many people seem to care if you are part of the GLBT community here.
I’m glad that same sex relationships are portrayed as being just as ordinary as the alternatives in Tyria. But I think it would be a mistake if the writers actually involved the politics of it all into the plot. I think videogame writers should stay clear of some topics, as they sometimes tend to have the grace of a drunk Norn in a potion store. The intention might be good, but there is so much room for a complete and utter disaster. Better to stay clear of it.
I’d reckon that the only people in Tyria who would be “against” same sex marriages would be the nobility, since they’d be more focused on continuing the family line, rather than all the lovey-dovey (romantic) parts of a relationship. And even then, I don’t think it’d be something the nobility looks down upon, so long as you as a noble aren’t participating in it yourself and putting a stopper on your family tree.
But hey, that’s just my two cents. I’ve always seen the nobility to be extremely pragmatic about things when it’s about their family’s place in the web of nobility, etc, etc. But then again, I just imagine that all noble families have Tywin Lannister as the head of their operations.
I think the Same-sex issue in Kryta and in the world of GW2 has not really been fully defined or acknowledged. I believe that if Arenanet is truly serious about being inclusive then character creation needs to include the option of choosing the gender preference of the player character – once chosen it can never be altered like it is for a character’s race, social-economic status/upbringing and Order of Tyria affiliation.
This sexual identity should then translate where appropriate in terms of character dialogue in cut-scenes and in-game npc interaction/dialogue. Characters could be further customised in terms of emote options. An expanded emote menu would have a selection of emotes only available to pc that are identified as ‘Straight’ while those pc that have been identified as ‘LGBT’ would have emotes that reflect their identity.
The emotes currently available could continue unaltered. Taken together these suggestion will measurable enhance the social aspect of GW2 game-play.
If these suggestions where to be implemented then the rating of our game may well be affect. Thus I seriously doubt any part of this post will ever be seriously considered.
Why would the sexual orientation of a character affect what emotes they have available? Somebody’s sexuality has little impact on other aspects of their personality; not all gay men fall into the “flamboyant” stereotype, for example.
Exactly what Zaxares said….
The only inherent difference between someone who is heterosexual and someone who is homosexual is that one prefers people of the opposite gender and one prefers people of the same gender.
Also I don’t see how on earth that would alter the rating of the game. GW2 is rated T for Teen. If you want a comparison, the Sims 3 is also rated T for Teen, and that is a game in which you can make people go through all the steps that lead up to human reproduction… To suggest that including the option of giving players ‘LGBT personalities’ (putting aside the fact that the notion of that is ridiculous) would somehow make the game inappropriate to a teen audience is incredibly problematic and rude.
Considering Marjory and Kasmeer living together, and the Sylvari, I can see that Tyria has little to say about the LGBT people/ideals.
I’d reckon that the only people in Tyria who would be “against” same sex marriages would be the nobility, since they’d be more focused on continuing the family line, rather than all the lovey-dovey (romantic) parts of a relationship.
That’s how I tend to role play it. Nobility are aware that these sorts of things happen behind closed doors, but they don’t really speak of it. Since nobility are expected to continue the blood line. I’m not sure if GW2’s writers see it in the same light, but I try to keep a bit of real world realism in how my character sees these sorts of things. She’s not against it, but she just doesn’t speak of such things.
Is nobody going to mention that we have an entire god that seems to answer more than just this?
I dunno guys – Lyss and Ilya seem a little bit closer to each other than any twins I’ve ever seen or met.
Because depending on the viewpoint, they can literally be described as two aspects/facets of the same person.
Or goddess ‘twins’.
Krytans don’t have many gender divisions or role expectations. They also have frequent contact with other sentient species and and a religion based around fallible and amorous gods. It’s not a stretch to imagine sexuality doesn’t factor much into their legal code. I don’t think Krytans are fazed by open displays of homosexual affection or the concept of homosexual marriage.
However, I’m going to turn this on its head a little bit: I think Krytans may be so comfortable with the idea that they see sexuality as fluid within a single person, and at different stages of that person’s life. In a Krytan’s eyes, it may be perfectly normal for Kasmeer and Marjory to part ways later in life and marry men, or for Logan to later turn from Jennah and favor Lord Faren. The only thing that is hoped for – deeply – from any of these partnerships is that somewhere along the way they manage to have children. I think increasing their numbers is the primary concern Krytans have when it comes to sex.
I think the Same-sex issue in Kryta and in the world of GW2 has not really been fully defined or acknowledged. I believe that if Arenanet is truly serious about being inclusive then character creation needs to include the option of choosing the gender preference of the player character – once chosen it can never be altered like it is for a character’s race, social-economic status/upbringing and Order of Tyria affiliation.
This sexual identity should then translate where appropriate in terms of character dialogue in cut-scenes and in-game npc interaction/dialogue. Characters could be further customised in terms of emote options. An expanded emote menu would have a selection of emotes only available to pc that are identified as ‘Straight’ while those pc that have been identified as ‘LGBT’ would have emotes that reflect their identity.
The emotes currently available could continue unaltered. Taken together these suggestion will measurable enhance the social aspect of GW2 game-play.
If these suggestions where to be implemented then the rating of our game may well be affect. Thus I seriously doubt any part of this post will ever be seriously considered.
I’ll just start off by saying that is a terrible idea, this isn’t godkitten Second Life. This is a fantasy role playing game, fair enough you can role play your character any way you see fit, but the game doesn’t revolve around your characters sexual preferences. This game is about saving the world and having fun meeting new people, any individual’s sexuality is of no real consequence to any event in it. Secondly, you’re suggesting that someone’s personality is dictated by their sexuality, which is incredibly narrow minded. Whilst I admit that a lot of gay people (usually teenage boys) feel the need to make this a major part of their person, it usually stems from insecurity and as a shield against bigots. It is also nowhere near a fair representation of the majority of homosexuals (I don’t even like referring to them as a different group from straight people as we are all human, they could have the same moral, political and social views as anyone else, one little difference doesn’t make them entirely different). Thirdly, if we assume that the player base of GW is a fair representation of the population of the countries the game is played in (which it probably isn’t, but it doesn’t matter), you are suggesting a major overhaul to the game just to suit a minority of people, an overhaul that would require a ton of work and would barely impact the game overall.
The game glosses over many minorities in an attempt to make it generally inclusive to everybody, you just have to accept that games will never really cater to your group, or anyone else’s.
While I believe buddy above me is correct, it does not mean it isn’t interesting to discuss. Regardless of whether or not we come to a conclusion.
On topic, however, I did notice in one of the final scenes of “Entanglement” it does seem that Marjory is avoiding having Kasmeer meet her mother, which seems strange to me. She was rather insistent on the fact that Kasmeer “should stay with the group” oppose to comfort her. I got the “vibe” that Marjory was not sure how her mother would react to their relationship.
Discovering one’s purpose is not as easy as it might originally appear.
While I believe buddy above me is correct, it does not mean it isn’t interesting to discuss. Regardless of whether or not we come to a conclusion.
On topic, however, I did notice in one of the final scenes of “Entanglement” it does seem that Marjory is avoiding having Kasmeer meet her mother, which seems strange to me. She was rather insistent on the fact that Kasmeer “should stay with the group” oppose to comfort her. I got the “vibe” that Marjory was not sure how her mother would react to their relationship.
Now I dont claim to know whats going on culturally or in characters minds, the fact that she didnt want to introduce her to her mother might not be anything to do with gender. It could be for many reasons, the same reasons that straight couples in RL dont want to introduce their partners for fear of parental disapproval, whether it be occupation, tastes, views, looks, personality, background etc. Its still a good topic to discuss, though I dont think it adds any more depth to character than any other moral view does, its just a hot topic in RL societies today, 10 years from now people may think that something completely different is a good issue for characters to express views on.
I don’t think Marjory feels bad about her family meeting Kasmeer because she’s a woman, but if so only because she is born into nobility which seems to be a pretty impopular thing in the Delaqua family. :P In reality though I think Marjory is just being stubborn and a solitary soul in the face of trouble, and it was a convenient reason. I’m sure we’ll know more about it in the future regardless, speculation aside!
So far the only thing I’ve gathered be it lore wise or writting wise is the basic applicable to all media trying to be taken as innovative and “pro choice”, but not actually wanting to take any risks in the process.
That is; “It’s okay so long it’s females.”
I would think a world in which tiny gremlins, horned demon-cats, giant shape shifting ale addicts, and tree people can co-exist would be one where nobody gives a skritt about gender. I imagine they are more concerned about a human x charr relationship than two girls.
From what i can tell, its ’don’t ask don’t tell’ as far as same sex couples go in Tyria. They are probably less common among some races then others, but overall they keep their details to themselves. On-screen, only lesbian couples are shown to not unnecessarily provoke the homophobic parts of the audience.
Saying that there are better things to worry about than same-sex laws in Tyria just sounds stupid to me. Here on Earth, we face countless more terrifying problems such as famine, disease, war, poverty, terrorism, global warming, etc… yet somehow people are more concerned about freaking Justin Bieber and One Direction ruining the music industry.
There was some other game I was playing some years back, don’t remember which, where you could marry certain NPCs, including same-sex ones. When asked about this, one of the developers replied that the world in which they live in is a violent, chaotic, short-lived world where your life could end at any moment from a dragon swooping down onto your villiage. In such a world, people saw same-sex marriages as no big deal because it meant spending what little time you had with whoever you chose.
I would imagine it’s something similiar in the GW2 world. Unless you’re part of some royal family who requires a bloodline heir, there’s too much other stuff in the world actively trying to kill you than to worry about the gender-pairings in someone else’s relationship.
There was some other game I was playing some years back, don’t remember which, where you could marry certain NPCs, including same-sex ones. When asked about this, one of the developers replied that the world in which they live in is a violent, chaotic, short-lived world where your life could end at any moment from a dragon swooping down onto your villiage. In such a world, people saw same-sex marriages as no big deal because it meant spending what little time you had with whoever you chose.
I would imagine it’s something similiar in the GW2 world. Unless you’re part of some royal family who requires a bloodline heir, there’s too much other stuff in the world actively trying to kill you than to worry about the gender-pairings in someone else’s relationship.
I seriously hope that was a joke and you didnt forget that the game your mentioning is Skyrim….
No joke, and yeah, it was Skyrim. And yes, I did forget.
Also, you’re.
Not too long ago, anyone can die at any given moment. Diseases, hunger, and murder was a way worse problem then than it is now. Life expectancy is incredibly low of course. That didn’t exactly prevent them from being bigots, racists, sexists, and especially homophobes though.
Not too long ago, anyone can die at any given moment. Diseases, hunger, and murder was a way worse problem then than it is now. Life expectancy is incredibly low of course. That didn’t exactly prevent them from being bigots, racists, sexists, and especially homophobes though.
Actually in certain countries during various historical points homosexuality was a non-issue. Of course that isn’t to say that homophobia is a modern problem, but it’s a complex issue.
Why do we feel the need to politicize video games? This is coming from a gay guy.