Sister appearance
I don’t have pictures, but if you choose Ascalon she is pale, Elona she is more african looking, and Canthan she should be more asian looking. I’m uncertain what the Krytans look like. (I felt a bit silly when I gave my character dark skin, chose Ascalon, and discovered it was the northern European area. Oops! Wiki didn’t mention THAT.)
I don’t have pictures, but if you choose Ascalon she is pale, Elona she is more african looking, and Canthan she should be more asian looking. I’m uncertain what the Krytans look like. (I felt a bit silly when I gave my character dark skin, chose Ascalon, and discovered it was the northern European area. Oops! Wiki didn’t mention THAT.)
Oh haha well i did a bit of research on my own and it seems krytan’s have tanned skin. Thanks for the info though
MohammedElona she is more african looking
Specifically, Northern African/Egyptian. I chose Elona and she had neck-length black hair, lightly tanned.
Well I’ve only done done it once and choose Elonian but this is what she looks like then
And I believe that Elona was a middle eastern like place, not African
Ascalonian Deborah is at right in the attached picture. (My PC is to her left.)
It’s not really clear in that picture but her eyes are purple.
ETA regarding Elona: Yeah, it’s based on Africa, with the three different nations – Istan, Kourna, and Vabbi – representing different geographic and cultural aspects of that continent. It’s where GW1 Nightfall takes place, so if you play that campaign you’ll see a lot of it. There’s a variety of skin tone, hair type, and features among the Elonian population, so the Elonian Deborah looks believably Elonian, but not all Elonians would look like her.
(edited by Anakita Snakecharm.4360)
I thought Orr was the Middle Eastern area?
I picked canthan and she was rather pale with long black hair, I dont have a picture though
Here’s a screenshot of Canthan Debs.
Couldn’t be sure whether your sister is the same character as “Crusader Deborah” in one of the latter missions in Orr – where Sam dies? The way my character and Crusader Deborah were talking, it felt distant and didn’t seem like they were siblings.
Also, I thought Deborah was a Seraph – looks like she joined up with the Vigil, if she’s holding the rank of Crusader?
Spoilers for Human Sister:
Crusader Deborah is definitely the same person. There are some points where you can talk to her outside of combat, and your character calls her “Sis.”
I assume that like Mira and Jeyne, Deborah decided that the dragon was the most worrisome enemy at the moment and joined the Pact.
I haven’t played my alts yet, but does she show up in that cutscene for those that don’t have the human “missing sister” storyline? If so, maybe the conversation they have was made “distant” to accomodate main characters that didn’t go through the sister story arc?
I’ve only gotten that far on a character with the Human Sister option chosen, but if I’m understanding my guildmates correctly, the NPC would still be there but simply wouldn’t have a previous connection to the player character.
I think you’re right about the dialog being designed to accommodate that.
How do you get to choose from an ascalonian, canthan or elonian Deborah?
How do you get to choose from an ascalonian, canthan or elonian Deborah?
During one of the story quests you are asked about your heritage. Depending on what you choose your sister will look different.
How do you get to choose from an ascalonian, canthan or elonian Deborah?
During one of the story quests you are asked about your heritage. Depending on what you choose your sister will look different.
Do you mean noble, commoner or slumdog?
Nah, Thickery asks you where you’re from at an early point in your personal story and you get 3 choices.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
The choice only comes up if you selected Dead Sister as your story branch (regardless of other background choices.) The only way the game uses the information is to select how Deborah will look for the player.
People who chose a different regret will never be asked the question.
If you chose Dead Sister had haven’t been asked, you probably just haven’t gotten far enough. It comes up after the story branch is already in progress.
Here’s Krytan Debs for those curious.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”
What weapon(s) does she use?
Is she a warrior or a guardian?
Please answer!!
She uses a pistol and war horn, and she appears to be wearing heavy armour, so it wasn’t entirely clear which class she’s intended to be.
Warrior seems most likely since it fits better overall, but if so her ability to use a pistol remains unexplained.