So why are you a Human?

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Well I have 1 of each race, so I wasn’t really choosing.

But my main is a human because I wanted her to be descended from my GW1 characters and because having played GW1 so much I feel more attached to the humans than the other races.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Rakuren Kenshou.7689

Rakuren Kenshou.7689

I actually did that too, but as a Norn. My Norn has the same name as my character from GW1 and is the great grandson of my old character and Jora. I liked Jora. So I made him the smallest Norn possible.

Humans and Norn can’t interbreed (despite Olaf’s assertions to the contrary in GW1), so unfortunately having a half-human, half-Norn character is not possible. That said, I’m not going to be too fussed if you want to stick with that story for your character. People can roleplay whatever they want to!

Yeah, I read that somewhere else the same day I posted this.

My entire life is ruined.

“I reject your reality and substitute my own.”

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

I actually did that too, but as a Norn. My Norn has the same name as my character from GW1 and is the great grandson of my old character and Jora. I liked Jora. So I made him the smallest Norn possible.

Humans and Norn can’t interbreed (despite Olaf’s assertions to the contrary in GW1), so unfortunately having a half-human, half-Norn character is not possible. That said, I’m not going to be too fussed if you want to stick with that story for your character. People can roleplay whatever they want to!

Yeah, I read that somewhere else the same day I posted this.

My entire life is ruined.

Technically, they can “breed”. It just won’t be (re)productive (and would probably be more than a little bit painful, but that’s beside the point).

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I am a human supremacist.

Also, I want my character to be hot, and the only good looking race are humans imo.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


I didn’t want to play a human toon but one part of their story greatly intrigued me – humans are NOT the predominant race. Humans are the underdogs with their backs against the wall. How do they handle that? How do they reconcile that their old enemy, the charr, are now surpassing them? Will all the human backgrounds, elonian, ascalonian, ktrytan, etc. mix together as a strength or weakness?

I want to know.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Irena.1062


Human because I like the appearance, and because there really isn’t any reason to have one race over the other. Unlike in FFXI where choosing a good race was a tool that helped you considerably, there is no reason to pick anything different from humans.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Lyrasco.4851


While I do currently have a lowbie Sylvari alt and am considering a Norn simply for the animal-form racial, my two primary characters are human, which I tend to choose by default for two main reasons: a) from a roleplayer’s standpoint I find it easiest to portray, and b) there’s something strangely satisfying about taking a race that seems a little common or unremarkable compared to the others and going a long way with said race in gameplay.

I’ll admit it was mostly the immersive RP potential that drew me to GW2; I’ve gained a small reserve of largely human characters that I tend to draw from and adapt to different RP or game universes, and it would be awkward and require a pretty good deal of overhauling to play them as a radically different race. I’ve also learned through experience that frankly, I just have a better time RP’ing when I can directly relate to the character. I always struggle trying to accurately show (for an out-of-game example) the centuries-old, detached wisdom of high elves, the shining and superior attitudes of AION’s Elyos, or the war-and-honor mindset of orcs or Charr. Humans, on the other hand, have always felt like the more flexible factor—they’re diverse enough to allow for a wide patchwork of natures and philosophies, they’re automatically a familiar skin to slide into whatever the lore context, and (most importantly) there’s oftentimes less cultural pressure on humans to always be a shining paragon. I’ve always enjoyed taking an underdog or less than savory character and using those imperfections to spark engaging, believable storylines or interaction, and what’s great is that with humans it’s pretty much taken for granted that those types exist.

Besides: the Sylvari may be pretty and shiny and new to play with, but it’s ultimately human backsides that are easier on my eyes once I hit the thirty-hour gameplay mark. :P

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


I dislike the Norn animations and voice, and I don’t really care for the other non-human races.

In this game humans seem like the underdog, and I like underdogs.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Atlas.9704


I loved their intro for GW2, but mainly because I finally found a profession I loved (Guardian) and my main character was going to continue the tradition of my GW1 character.

So he was made human. Same name, similar looks, but overall a good descendant of the first character I made in the earlier game.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: replicacloned.2809


I rolled a Human because after the seven or so months of playing this game, and rolling multiples of every other race, I decided it was time to get the race specific story achievements done.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: JonnyBoy.2715


I like playing as a human because well, you know, I’m human…

Nah but really, it’s because of the lore of GW1. I still can’t get over the things that happened in the first game. I DEFINITELY hate playing as the Charr in the first game you fought so hard to make sure that the Charr didn’t overrun Ascalon and then you realize that in the very first part of GW1 it was all a waste of time because in the end you lose anyway.

And plus I just like humanity. That’s my reasoning

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608


I like the look of the human the best out of the races. I was gonna try and work with a norn but the body type just didn’t appeal to me like the human.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Shanna.4762


I choose human because I’m a fan of the human cultures of GW1, so continuity really…

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Zinus.6893


I was born human :O

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Melchior.2135


Five of my sixteen characters are Human.

1.) Human Male Elementalist, Noble, Durmand Priory – Is based on my main from Final Fantasy XI, who I made Human in that game so I could have him level both the Black Mage and Dragoon jobs, which had very divergent stat requirements. Humans were kind of the “baseline”, while other races had advantages in some categories and weaknesses in others that limited their job selection. And HE was in turn based on my main from an ancient tabletop Ars Magica/Mage: the Ascension game, which was about medieval human wizards.

2.) Human Female Mesmer, Criminal, Order of Whispers – Is based on my main from City of Heroes, which was set in a reflection of the modern USA, and therefore mostly full of humans (I had literally dozens of alts there though, including mutants, robots, space aliens, incarnated spirits, sentient fungi, etc.)

3.) Human Male Thief, Noble, Order of Whispers – Is based on an Exalted tabletop NPC, another very human-focused setting. Other sentient races exist, but only Humans were designed at the creation of the world with the correct soul architecture to be empowered by the Gods as their champions (although it is a world with a lot more leeway of what’s “human” than Earth).

4.) Human Female Warrior, Commoner, The Vigil – Is based visually off of fitness expert and model Jamie Eason (swimwear and lingerie mainly, Google in private), who is very human. She is my only remaining character whose sole reason for existing is “because she’s pretty”.

5.) Human Female Ranger, Criminal, Durmand Priory – Has a RP concept related to the White Mantle, a human organization.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

(edited by Melchior.2135)

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Setun.4368


I have 2 human males now and I chose them because I love the way they wield big weapons like hammers / greatsword in during combat, running around the map, and walking with them while wielded. Also the human males are voiced by the same guy who did Nathan Drake. What isn’t there to love?

I also picked them because in combat they sound like kitteny instigators… “go ahead, hit me!”

(edited by Setun.4368)

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: knives.6345


I tried different stuff:

Norn – Almost chose this as the starting area is soooo cool. but..feels slow
Charr – feels slow. too large/bulky.
Asura – not a fan of little critters
Sylvari – not a fan of leaves

There you go…

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: sanelson.4028


Before the game was released i decided i would go as a Norn Ranger, however I couldn’t do it.

I ended up creating My human mesmer, noble descendent of my GW1 character. Besides, humans are awesome, they have survived countless battles before and still continue to fight!

Also I’m a follower of the Six Gods.
Don’t forget, although silent they continue vigilant.

Aldir Valentine
Mesmer lvl 80
Seaferer’s Rest

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Mepheles.2087


I was a Human in WoW, I was human, or close to it… I forgot the name of the race in RIFT. I was human in multiple F2P MMOs. Human is just…. something that’s apart of me. I’ll probably always play a human now and forever until I Die.

Gates of Madness

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Ruruuiye.8912


Take a look at most of the armour in the game and you’ll note that:
1) It’s not tiny or full of glowy whatsits, so it’s not Asuran.
2) It’s not made of leaves; not Sylvari.
3) It’s not made of fur; not Norn.
4) It’s not covered in spikes; not Charr.
Hence, most of the clothing and armour anybody wears, is actually Human. Divinity’s Reach is the Tyrian capital of fashion and there is no way I would be born anywhere else. Let them insult our past, let them insult our politics, but they will never insult our tailoring.

When Primordus comes up through the Great Collapse and calls the lack of Cantha to account, we will be there to defend the Tailoring station to the last drop of blood and they Elder Dragons will know that the tide has turned.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


I made a human female cause I like to have something hawt to look at.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: sanelson.4028


Take a look at most of the armour in the game and you’ll note that:
1) It’s not tiny or full of glowy whatsits, so it’s not Asuran.
2) It’s not made of leaves; not Sylvari.
3) It’s not made of fur; not Norn.
4) It’s not covered in spikes; not Charr.
Hence, most of the clothing and armour anybody wears, is actually Human. Divinity’s Reach is the Tyrian capital of fashion and there is no way I would be born anywhere else. Let them insult our past, let them insult our politics, but they will never insult our tailoring.

When Primordus comes up through the Great Collapse and calls the lack of Cantha to account, we will be there to defend the Tailoring station to the last drop of blood and they Elder Dragons will know that the tide has turned.

I love your enthusiasm about human tailors xD

Aldir Valentine
Mesmer lvl 80
Seaferer’s Rest

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Cew.5168


Truth be told my asuras outnumber my humans. But I wanted to bring in that descendant quality to my characters.

Mind Of Cew (mes) is the Nth descendant of Mind Of Cew (mes).
Eva Nesco (thief) has a fascination with all things Elonian. She draws inspiration from Evanesco Cew (dervish).
Heart Of Cew also a dervish from Elona inspired a guardian of the same name.

Minstrel in Training

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: wish.1027


Because theres no nekomimi to pick.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


I think they are the best looking race.
And that I used to play gw1

Sylvari can be sexy, but they are very “child like” (I do have a female elementalist Sylvari though) and that they don’t have as much options (face, hair, body scale) as humans.

Charr are cats and cats are cute. I am a cat person. Although I REALLY wanted to make an ele Charr but I picked Sylvari.

Norn, no thanks. A little too masculine for both male and Female.

Asura are cool (I like their snarky I’m smarter than you attitude) but I don’t want to play them. Limited options and very few good choices.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: shinreigari.7318


I actually only make human females because of their broad hips. Most armors look good on them.
The huge, balloon-like breasts are a bit annoying on that body type though.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: BlackLotus.8349


The new races in GW 2 were never a selling point for me, I liked being human in GW 1 (and getting to focus more on the differences within humans) and most of my characters are once again human; I feel the most connection with them thanks to GW 1.

(edited by BlackLotus.8349)

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


I actually only make human females because of their broad hips. Most armors look good on them.
The huge, balloon-like breasts are a bit annoying on that body type though.

If that’s your only reason and you want something with a little less bust, you might take a look at the female Sylvari. Those hips don’t lie.

OT, I main a human because GW1 descendent. Original, right? I also play a charr seriously. Two mains really.

This is coming from someone who used to be strictly a one character guy. Now I play two, and occasionally flirt with other options who may or may not be mules.

Sellaista se on.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: shinreigari.7318


I actually only make human females because of their broad hips. Most armors look good on them.
The huge, balloon-like breasts are a bit annoying on that body type though.

If that’s your only reason and you want something with a little less bust, you might take a look at the female Sylvari. Those hips don’t lie.

Nice tip, i actually do have a female sylvari necro as my only lvl 80 character and I love her body type too But that human female hip is… just gorgeous (i’m a girl but i kinda fell in love with those hips – and sylvari butts too, lol )

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: EroticAndHeretic.7398


That’s a tricky question for me!

I actually play a human… considering she’s a young norn! xD I actually really really like the norn background and Hoelbrak, but:
- I really had trouble making a nice norn… Only to realise almost every other female norn had the same face.
- No twintails haircut (it almost because a joke between me and my friends: my main character MUST have it! xD)

So I picked a human instead, giving her a young look. Obviously, I don’t use the racial skills.
Also, I noticed young norns had human bodies and animations, and some girls even have the same face/haircut as my character, so it’s not a really bad idea. I think.


So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I’m a boring person who plays human in every single game. The last time I played a non-human character was Shadowbane, back in 2006. after that I have played nothing but human toons since.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Nittles.1582


I will be making one because I want at least one of every race. Note, though, that I waited to make one until I had to buy extra character slots. I almost never play human in games like this.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: hamsteak.1368


But above all of these, I see the humans as all these qualities and more. They can literally be any of these things, but they are adaptation. They are hope when all the odds are against you. A true example of the underdog. As a player heavily into lore, I wouldn’t want my hero to be anything but a human, being the last expected race among the 5 to come out on top, and lead Tyria into glory again.

I definitely have to agree with this. The humans as a whole represent hope and determination, to never give up no matter how much the odds are stacked against them. Sure, asura and charr may have better technology, norn and charr are stronger individually, and sylvari have their immunity to draconic corruption and their fancy Dream, but humans get by with grit, spirit, and a refusal to give up. I find that very admirable.

all of the other races can be any of these qualities as well

not all charr are warlike, not all asura are arrogant, not all sylvari are innocent and curious, i’d say not all norn are boastful huntsmen but i’ve seen zero npcs that don’t act like that in some manner

if some of you guys in this thread spent time playing the other races and going through their personal stories then you’d realize that they’re just as diverse as humans

Auger Claw (PvE/Spvp) – Thief
Notalkingplz (PvE/Spvp) – Guardian
Rough Trade (PvE)/Urok Ashpaw (Spvp) – Engineer

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Rheagar.6893


Same reason OP did continuation of family tree.

For Cantha and her bloodline

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Because the game has 5 races, and gave me 5 character slots.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: sevtrisen.5247


Because I believe that a few more years into the game, the story will advance and the Humans will retake all that they lost and I’ll be there crying tears of joy.

I love the Cultural Armor, especially the Heavy one.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I chose human because I am a Charr with a human heart.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Melchior.2135


Because the game has 5 races, and gave me 5 character slots.

Pretty much. My initial roster had two Humans and no Asura, becuase I had two old characters from human-focused game universes I wanted to recreate here, and I was put off by Asura at first. Later I expanded the roster to 8, so I could have all the classes, and added an Asura, a second Norn and a second Sylvari. Eventually I expanded the roster to include two of every class, and wound up with five Humans, three Charr, Sylvari and Norns, and two Asura. Two of those humans are placeholders for future Tengu or whatever, though.

Ideally, we’ll get a 6th Race and a 3rd Heavy Armor Class around the same time, and I can have my roster divided into 3 of each race, one of each armor type per race.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Lunastra.1098


Because I had few names and stories to go with those names, but didn’t know how to talk about how the character looked; As those chars were human, I obviously went human when trying to figure out how they should look. Plus, it was a lot easier to pick a human for the first character than to get all confused with all the little things of the other more complex races.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Spiuk.8421


Because Ascalon must be avenged, eventually.

Rubios – Tales of the Sunless [TXS]

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Senticon.3452


I started up with human ele, because in most RPG-like games with option to create a charater, I always going with human mage, appearances change a bit according to customization options, but I try to keep it all alike.
My human ele is now lvl 80 and looks so sexy, even more than most females lol, some
light armors are just super-beatiful in this game for mages.

But as the second character I wanted brutal warrior, so I picked Norn with darkskin,
dreads hairstyle, beard and tatoos, made him Guardian, and now trying to make him
look like some juggernaut with heavy armor pieces. Looks cool.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Yobculture.5786


Being a human in real life is too much to bear, so I’m roleplaying a human.

Human roleplaying a human. Hmmm…

Far Shiverpeaks

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Ecole.2349


Partly default mmo choice for me for the past 13 years, other.. a mix of loving the human areas/architecture & the cultural armors.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Langeist.3675


I like being the underdog as well. Human/engineer/Fergusons Crossing. Cant be much more of an underdog unless i switch to Eredons Terrace. However i didn’t choose the other races mostly because i don’t like them for either reason of lore or looks. I especially wont make a charr because i hate cats.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: prism.4982


Well my main in GW1 was a human ele, so it fits I should continue the tradition in GW2 as well.

Mine’s a noble of Ascalonian descent, but she’s barbaric and won’t take no for an answer.

My necro is another human female but dark-skinned as she’s of Elonian descent. A not-so-luck street rat she likes smacking people across the face with an axe.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: PolarisNova.3867


Honestly for me humans are the most authentic, honest and non-pretentious. All my characters are human, and it’s very likely because I am so attached to human lore in GW1.

My main’s family line is a mix of Krytan and Kurzick blood.

~Lady Amelia of the House of Rose~

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Datarus.9871


//Sorry for my bad English//
Because Emperor Usoku is the wise man (but too kind), and Ministry of Purity is the “order” to which I would like to belong…

(edited by Datarus.9871)

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Mr Mango.3504

Mr Mango.3504

Because my main character is a descendent of my main character in GW1. And the females, humans don’t have bad ones.

I’m Mango. Fight on!

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: jennstar.2145


Because I first tried Sylvari, but had no idea how to play the game. My boyfriend just sat me down at the computer and said ‘play’. Had no idea what I was doing, what the skills were or where I was going and the experience has given me an unreasonable fear of playing Sylvari. Next attempt was as a human and it worked out.

Norns are fun, but I find the female voice distracting, it’s just too deep for when I create a very feminine looking Norn. The Asura are ok, but remind me of Dobby from Harry Potter, and I dislike running around as a Charr (though the story is good).

Also, while he may get a lot of hate, if I have to stare at one member of Destiny’s Edge for the two opening story arcs then I find that Logan is the prettiest to look at.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Galaxy V.9153

Galaxy V.9153

I play as a Human because… because… I’m not entirely sure. I like the Human Race. They do have bad Racial Skills, but I have gotten attached to my level 60 Guardian and do not want to delete him. I have never gotten past level 35 with any other character before, neither have I levelled up so fast, but that’s probably only because I play more than I used to. I do not know why I ended up choosing being a Human, but I do not really regret it.