60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Maz.8604


Just saying, you could have done a better job designing this.

Especially since we’re expected to fight in it with everyone and their mother also doing stuff.

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Lily Miranda.5407

Lily Miranda.5407

It would’ve been a lot better if the gauntlet and the first floor champ zergfest were in different instances. The worst is when a champ spawns right under the arena you’re trying to do. You have to either wait until the champ is dead and the zerg has moved on, or deal with low fps.

I’m waiting a few days before I start the gauntlet. Hopefully the population will calm down after a few days. (unlikely given how amazing the zerg rewards are)

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Delryn.7235


The issue here is with how Anet did all of this. One of the biggest issues I’m having personally is with the new culling business.

Goodness I never had a problem running the game before, not even when there were 50 people in the same spot, the game always ran fine (even though the particle effects were absurd).

Now though, there’s some 20 people in the same spot and everything becomes invisible. Particle effects, players, and monsters. I get hit left and right without not even knowing what’kittenting me.

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


And the diva-nature of this half broken client rears its ugly head again.
Thankfully I can´t report these problems, though frankly I´m not noticing much effects culling during these Zergs either.

Polish > hype

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


I see myself
I see my party members
I see 30 names floating off the ground
I see 10 enemy names and health bars floating off the ground
I see some effects
I do not necessarily see every red circle
I definitely do not see any animation announcing a boss special move
Sometimes I do not even see their picture in the HUD.
Not to mention the framerate
Not to mention how often I get packets from the server updating enemy positions etc., causing the floating health bars to ‘teleport’

In the end, it is dumb, but manageable. It totally destroys atmosphere, but you are doing that for the money anyway I assume.

The real painful thing happens in the 1vs1 arenas, because they suffer from framerate destruction as well. Having 12 frames per second when you spam a guardian’s staff auto-attack is fine. In a 1on1 it is not. Those champion fights need an instance desperately.

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

I was feeling that I was getting worse performance but I thought it was just me…

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: toothless.1429


You are lucky, think of us poor souls on dual core systems.

I often find myself seeing my character load a good 20 seconds after the world, npcs, mobs, other players, etc have rendered.
Not to mention that my own character sounds and animations also lag behind my keyboard input (if the skillbar isnt already lagging).

Priority should always be rendering my character, and pre loading all the associated animations, sounds, etc.

Placing this gauntlet mini game in such a place (ie. above lots of mobs with mini player zergs) gives me on average 10fps, plus all the fun stuff described above.

Just because you can create character, weapons and other paraphernalia models using 2billion polygons (slight exaggeration) does not mean that you should.
Sometimes I wonder if they actually test their work using their described minimum spec in typically player populated scenarios.

As I am on min spec, I tend to keep quiet as the game is playable (just).
However, this pavilion area takes the biscuit.

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Mook.7312


Yep the gauntlet is a great idea but putting it ontop of a massive zerg was just plain being ignorant to the poorly optimized engine.

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Maz.8604


^ Yeah, but don’t blame on ignorance what you can blame on being cheap and rushed.

60 FPS Orr, DR... ~25 FPS Pavillion

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Berkhof.5804


Whew, i thought it was just my system. I happen to launch GW2 with fraps yesterday, and was stunned to see sub 30fps outside of a zerg. i figured it was due to the relatively small zone, yet high number of players. To me it seems like LA, but with fighting.