About Queen Gauntlet and its Time
According to the devs you will need to wait 25 minutes in order to get a chance at a 2 minute fight.
Good luck.
According to the devs you will need to wait 25 minutes in order to get a chance at a 2 minute fight.
Good luck.
Could you please list your source? Being a person who has been highly involved in that content, I’ve never experienced, seen, or heard of a 25 minute wait time from any of our testing.
According to the devs you will need to wait 25 minutes in order to get a chance at a 2 minute fight.
Good luck.
Could you please list your source? Being a person who has been highly involved in that content, I’ve never experienced, seen, or heard of a 25 minute wait time from any of our testing.
2 minute match legnth, 75 people max per server, 6 arenas. 75 * 2 / 6 = 25
According to the devs you will need to wait 25 minutes in order to get a chance at a 2 minute fight.
Good luck.
Could you please list your source? Being a person who has been highly involved in that content, I’ve never experienced, seen, or heard of a 25 minute wait time from any of our testing.
2 minute match legnth, 75 people max per server, 6 arenas. 75 * 2 / 6 = 25
There’s only 6 players in the queue, I think.
6 arenas, up to 75 people per instance of a Pavilon, up to 69 people in a queue. Assuming the queue is pooled, arenas are pruned at the same time (everyone starts at the same time, and finishes exactly 2 minutes after), the waiting time would be:
1-6: 0 minutes
7-12: 2 minutes
13-18: 4 minutes
19-24: 6 minutes
25-30: 8 minutes
31-36: 10 minutes
37-42: 12 minutes
43-48: 14 minutes
49-54: 16 minutes
55-60: 18 minutes
61-66: 20 minutes
72-2: 22 minutes (two people that started would re-enter now)
So 22 minutes is the worst case scenario – everyone rushes, queues and fights for full two minutes. It’s highly unlikely (except first day, when everyone is searching for a bug and a way to exploit it, like 60s JP reward last time). I expect waiting more like 10-15 minutes if I’m unlucky though…
(edited by Ravak.8912)
According to the devs you will need to wait 25 minutes in order to get a chance at a 2 minute fight.
Good luck.
Could you please list your source? Being a person who has been highly involved in that content, I’ve never experienced, seen, or heard of a 25 minute wait time from any of our testing.
According to your fellow developer:
Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
75 people, 6 people at a time, 2 minute matches = 75/6 *2 = 25 minutes
Obviously some people will finish their matches faster, but even if they finish in 1 minute that is still a 12 minute wait, and I doubt everyone will finish that fast.
According to the devs you will need to wait 25 minutes in order to get a chance at a 2 minute fight.
Good luck.
Could you please list your source? Being a person who has been highly involved in that content, I’ve never experienced, seen, or heard of a 25 minute wait time from any of our testing.
You should hire new testers then. Many times we needed to wait more time for example wvw …
Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
75 people, 6 people at a time, 2 minute matches = 75/6 *2 = 25 minutes
Obviously some people will finish their matches faster, but even if they finish in 1 minute that is still a 12 minute wait, and I doubt everyone will finish that fast.
some will finish it faster, and some will lose before those 2 minutes are up… and if they manage to hold out for two minutes, then they lose… which isn’t something they’re going to repeat often.
Also while you wait there is a bunch of content below you. Not everyone is going there for the 1v1 gauntlet.
Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
75 people, 6 people at a time, 2 minute matches = 75/6 *2 = 25 minutes
Obviously some people will finish their matches faster, but even if they finish in 1 minute that is still a 12 minute wait, and I doubt everyone will finish that fast.
some will finish it faster, and some will lose before those 2 minutes are up… and if they manage to hold out for two minutes, then they lose… which isn’t something they’re going to repeat often.
Also while you wait there is a bunch of content below you. Not everyone is going there for the 1v1 gauntlet.
And not everyone wants to do other events in a zerg. The issue is there will be waiting, there doesnt need to be waiting, players dont want waiting, Devs give us waiting. Its another bad design added to the list of bad choices like DR and temporary content.
Is there at least something to do besides standing around while waiting in the queue? If people have to stand around for ~10 minutes, quite a few people will probably find themselves dead and back at the end of the queue. I’d definitely be tabbed out on the forums or something.
The only reason I can see to not have the encounters instanced is to reduce the total number of instances created. The only point of watching others players is for the minor lulz from their failure, and of course, there are those that will make fun of them in chat. It’ll probably end up being depressing for some people, especially for those more casual where a hardcore player (that can do it in a fraction of the time) is right behind them.
Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
75 people, 6 people at a time, 2 minute matches = 75/6 *2 = 25 minutes
Obviously some people will finish their matches faster, but even if they finish in 1 minute that is still a 12 minute wait, and I doubt everyone will finish that fast.
some will finish it faster, and some will lose before those 2 minutes are up… and if they manage to hold out for two minutes, then they lose… which isn’t something they’re going to repeat often.
Also while you wait there is a bunch of content below you. Not everyone is going there for the 1v1 gauntlet.
I think you didn’t saw what happen when they opened Bazaar of four winds. Getting anywhere here was terrible. A lot of players will try to make it at start
Sometimes a little down time is ok. We just have to see how it plays.
Either way it is trying something new that Anet will learn from.
I posted something in a similar thread:
As long as there are fun/beneficial things to do while you are waiting, having a queue shouldn’t be that bad.
Plus, entering the queue requires the expenditure of a ticket which must be farmed from somewhere. Depending on the drop rate, you may want to spend that queue time farming tickets in the group area below the domes…
They haven’t stated if it will return or not. If it returns, what’s the deal? I’d rather have it like that then. People whined about SAB being temporal too, now we’re just looking forward to it’s return.
Imo, the content gets played way more if it’s temporal. Otherwise you get it, grind it and almost never touch it again.
We all have had enough presents we anticipated with great hype, just to never touch it again after a certain period.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
As long as there are fun/beneficial things to do while you are waiting, having a queue shouldn’t be that bad.
Plus, entering the queue requires the expenditure of a ticket which must be farmed from somewhere. Depending on the drop rate, you may want to spend that queue time farming tickets in the group area below the domes…
So even better, time locked content secured by not only a time gate but an RNG gate too! Sounds better and better!
They haven’t stated if it will return or not. If it returns, what’s the deal? I’d rather have it like that then. People whined about SAB being temporal too, now we’re just looking forward to it’s return.
Imo, the content gets played way more if it’s temporal. Otherwise you get it, grind it and almost never touch it again.
We all have had enough presents we anticipated with great hype, just to never touch it again after a certain period.
How on earth is that any different then it is now. In fact I argue the opposite. Right now people who have time available grind out the achievement points and then move on to the next set of content because they are time constrained and need to finish all achievements before they disappear.
If this content were made permanent, more players would get to experience it and play it through to the finish because, as you say, they want to grind it to get its rewards. Atleast this allows more people to not only play it but finish it.
If SAB still existed more people would have continued to play it until they got the rewards they wanted and then would be jsut as excited for new levels to be added to play it again.
Time locking events only creates a false sense of exclusivity of items because you were available during the time rather then creating exclusivity due to content actually being hard. Because of the supposed difficulty of Gauntlet, we dont need the barrier of time in addition to create exclusivity.
(edited by Parisalchuk.9230)
Champion loot, that should keep some of the stress off the 6 domes.
I don’t care.
I don’t care about the Bazaar. I don’t care about the Dragon Bash and I certainly don’t care about the Jubilee.
Why? Because I’m going to spend 2 weeks frantically grinding, grab my shinies and leave like nothing ever happened.
This is getting worse and worse ANet. I’m not staying for your bloody kittening time gated RNG gated shinies that don’t give me any pleasure in doing or getting them. I’m staying because of the stuff you released at the beginning of the game, you know, that whole MMO game thing with five (not 3!) races heavily involved and there were dragons? That thing is alright, shame no one plays anymore.
Garbage at every profession 2015
I don’t care.
I don’t care about the Bazaar. I don’t care about the Dragon Bash and I certainly don’t care about the Jubilee.Why? Because I’m going to spend 2 weeks frantically grinding, grab my shinies and leave like nothing ever happened.
This is getting worse and worse ANet. I’m not staying for your bloody kittening time gated RNG gated shinies that don’t give me any pleasure in doing or getting them. I’m staying because of the stuff you released at the beginning of the game, you know, that whole MMO game thing with five (not 3!) races heavily involved and there were dragons? That thing is alright, shame no one plays anymore.
I think it could’ve been worded better but i understand you’re frustration. I played through what I felt was a great personal story, enjoyed fun and interesting story-mode dungeons (improvement could be made, but fun), and explored a beautiful world with a lot of things to do.
Now, every two weeks, I’m hit with a frenzy of achievements that must be done in a short timeframe and are highly difficult. Sometimes I feel like it wouldn’t matter if there were ANY story attached to these updates because I just don’t have the time to explore it.
I am however going to reserve final judgement until I see these events repeat next year. Colin has said this has been a year of laying framework to build upon, so maybe the payoff will be worth the frustration I feel now. Maybe it’s not worth it for you, but that’s a call each of us must make for ourselves.
ArenaNet is too darn good with lore and story for me to lose hope yet. We’re still in the first year of a new game. More content from Ree and Jeff please!!!
If a player is fighting a legendary and he misses his turn. Does he still maintain a place in line?
6 arenas, up to 75 people per instance of a Pavilon, up to 69 people in a queue. Assuming the queue is pooled, arenas are pruned at the same time (everyone starts at the same time, and finishes exactly 2 minutes after), the waiting time would be:
1-6: 0 minutes
7-12: 2 minutes
13-18: 4 minutes
19-24: 6 minutes
25-30: 8 minutes
31-36: 10 minutes
37-42: 12 minutes
43-48: 14 minutes
49-54: 16 minutes
55-60: 18 minutes
61-66: 20 minutes
72-2: 22 minutes (two people that started would re-enter now)So 22 minutes is the worst case scenario – everyone rushes, queues and fights for full two minutes. It’s highly unlikely (except first day, when everyone is searching for a bug and a way to exploit it, like 60s JP reward last time). I expect waiting more like 10-15 minutes if I’m unlucky though…
Hi, your calculation sounds to be very well thought-out. Just want to confirm if you have considered the players fighting at the lower level (like group event designed for 20-30 people).
If so, waiting time might be even less.
I feel so sorry for the devs. It’s bluntly obvious that you don’t get thank-you’s very often, so, thank you devs at ANet Most people focus on what they don’t like about something and then throw a fit about how it should have been done better, and think that the problem is as bad as ruining something in the game, but nobody ever realizes that they are getting something awesome, and they should enjoy it while it’s here.
Which brings me to this temporary content. People misunderstand what you are trying to do here, too, and ignore the fact that this is all here for now to build a foundation for much more enjoyable things in the future. This foundation will allow for higher-quality permanent content in the future. We just have to be patient (which by the way seems to be a rare virtue around here). I’ve seen it portrayed as “candy” to keep us happy until we eat it up, but that’s a terribly false idea.
Now I’m not going to reply to whoever responds to this post, because I don’t want to argue, I’m just hoping that I am helping to keep things civil and help people realize some things about the decisions you’ve made (ANet devs) and why you’ve made them. Besides, I’ve said all I can say and all that I feel needs to be said.
Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
75 people, 6 people at a time, 2 minute matches = 75/6 *2 = 25 minutes
Obviously some people will finish their matches faster, but even if they finish in 1 minute that is still a 12 minute wait, and I doubt everyone will finish that fast.
some will finish it faster, and some will lose before those 2 minutes are up… and if they manage to hold out for two minutes, then they lose… which isn’t something they’re going to repeat often.
Also while you wait there is a bunch of content below you. Not everyone is going there for the 1v1 gauntlet.
Well – I am on an overflow and in the waiting queue for more than 30 minutes now. I also don’t know how many people are in front of me – which is annoying all by itself.
As I have to leave soon – will I loose my ticket (I did not pay attention whether I paid in advance)?
I feel so sorry for the devs. It’s bluntly obvious that you don’t get thank-you’s very often, so, thank you devs at ANet
Most people focus on what they don’t like about something and then throw a fit about how it should have been done better, and think that the problem is as bad as ruining something in the game, but nobody ever realizes that they are getting something awesome, and they should enjoy it while it’s here.
Which brings me to this temporary content. People misunderstand what you are trying to do here, too, and ignore the fact that this is all here for now to build a foundation for much more enjoyable things in the future. This foundation will allow for higher-quality permanent content in the future. We just have to be patient (which by the way seems to be a rare virtue around here). I’ve seen it portrayed as “candy” to keep us happy until we eat it up, but that’s a terribly false idea.
Now I’m not going to reply to whoever responds to this post, because I don’t want to argue, I’m just hoping that I am helping to keep things civil and help people realize some things about the decisions you’ve made (ANet devs) and why you’ve made them. Besides, I’ve said all I can say and all that I feel needs to be said.
So you blanketly call negative feedback our ignorance to amazing content, accuse us all of pitching a fit and then announce you will not be responding to replies… didn’t see that one coming.
Here are some solutions for players:
- Go to the least populated arena
- Guest to a lower populated server
- If waiting, there is a pavilion right below you that you can farm in between battles.
There you go.
And yes, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that there will be a 6 man que with everyone running the time out at every arena.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
Actually it’s two minutes. And the map capacity of Crown Pavilion is limited to 75 before it starts to create overflows.
75 people, 6 people at a time, 2 minute matches = 75/6 *2 = 25 minutes
Obviously some people will finish their matches faster, but even if they finish in 1 minute that is still a 12 minute wait, and I doubt everyone will finish that fast.
some will finish it faster, and some will lose before those 2 minutes are up… and if they manage to hold out for two minutes, then they lose… which isn’t something they’re going to repeat often.
Also while you wait there is a bunch of content below you. Not everyone is going there for the 1v1 gauntlet.Well – I am on an overflow and in the waiting queue for more than 30 minutes now. I also don’t know how many people are in front of me – which is annoying all by itself.
As I have to leave soon – will I loose my ticket (I did not pay attention whether I paid in advance)?
I call BS on this. Max waiting time is theoretically 25 minutes. But practically I never had to wait more then 1-2 minutes. Most people are fighting mobs below. So only a fracture is participating in the gauntlet.
I never had to wait more than 2 fights, and that was because I chose to fight in an arena where 3 others were playing instead of the 2 empty ones next to them where nobody would ress me.
the wait is absolutely fine, even if it could theoretically sum up, it never does. the problem is not getting ressed by the npc’s if there isn’t anyone around.
I’ve noticed if you click on the ringmaster, he appears to have a “buff” on him which tells you how long the queue is.
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300
LMAO did OP actually try the gauntlet? There’s barely people there and wait times are not AT ALL a problem here. Jeez. Defeat Liadri and then complain.
I haven’t timed it exactly but so far the longest I’ve had to wait is about 2 minutes, and the most players I’ve ever seen around one arena is 4. I’m pretty sure at least one of them was afk.
IMO the ideal situation is 3 players to an arena. So if the one fighting dies one can swap in and the 3rd can res while waiting for their turn.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
It is a non-issue that people who mostly didn’t try QG keep propagating. Try it once and you’ll notice queue times aren’t that long. Disregard the math, it only speculates on a worst case scenario which most likely won’t happen (75 people queueing and fights lasting 2mins).
Also, you can farm below. And for those arguing that they’re not interested in joining the zerg below, then good for you, queue up for QG while bosses are up, it’s almost instant since chances are more people are interested in farming the bosses than doing QG.
There’s a buff on the ringmaster telling you how long the queue is. If it’s too long for you, go to another one.
I’ve been going to the gauntlet a lot these past few days, I never had to wait more than 2 matches, and that’s because I was too lazy to walk to another ring master.
If you guys made this instanced it would have alleviated all of the pains like camera issues, lag, and wait times. I can understand the general idea of not wanting to rely on instances, but I think this is one spot where instances make complete sense.