Clockwork Arena Woe's and twitch analysis

Clockwork Arena Woe's and twitch analysis

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: unknowable.8470


“We want to build a sense of community”
Ah yes, see I was happy to hear this in the twitch stream… Then it was revealed to be temporary, hell even the developer seemed upset having to say this.

So instead of a sense of community or mini’s that matter… no anything we can get from this is pointless as in 2-4 weeks from now nobody can see where we got the mini at all nor verify it’s difficulty. To top this off we have to compete in lines with heaps of other players because everyone knows that it is not staying.

For those arguing that there may be a story reason
“We don’t want Queen Jenna to seem to be allowing Divinities Reach to be constantly in celebration”
“It may come back in the future if you ask enough, but I cannot make any promises”

So no, I don’t think it will have a real thematic reason.

I AM OKAY with the idea of some temporary content, but we have gotten too much, and this was the first thing I was excited to have all year because I thought for sure it would be temporary… Make it funded by the people competing if you need a story hook. Make it something you are using to train the intelligence and battle power of the clockwork devices or even working with the Order of the Whispers to create spies.

But this is tiresome. Guild wars 2 may not have a subscription fee but there are big games on the horizon and people need a fond memory to return at all or they will just move on, not now, not in 6 months but in 8months time things will start to show I have no doubt.

The game’s base is fantastic, the things that can be done are great… But there is too much of an all or nothing approach going on.

The first two updates were amazing, the third was what I expected for wintersday.

I mean look at sky pirates of tyria, they went as far as to mark all the suspects on the maps in glowy yellow stars. Why weren’t there clues littered about, mad king memoirs style. People who find that hard can be directed to heralds for help, or even a consumable item that will do these things.

Overall I am sad, I have been here since beta weekend 1 and I am sad… It doesn’t have to be this way and the good content is just being thrown to the wayside.

As for people who say “well they have said they are bringing in more permanent content” yes they did… and have been saying changes for a long time “we are overhauling all the dungeons” “it is easy to add more fractals” and so on so forth… they haven’t happened yet so cannot be banked on, all we can discuss is their track record.

I would also like to say that LostShores despite the lag was AMAZING and I was so hyped at the time, even with having all that lag an hour into the last event.
Without the lag the event itself would have been amazing too, a perfect mix between story, events, rewards, timing, progression, challenge and content.
Not saying that every update should have a new area but the characters and ingame interaction was great.

I cannot say that about anything after wintersday.

Clockwork Arena Woe's and twitch analysis

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: unknowable.8470


I repeat, I don’t want it to all be permanent but they could make stuff like this permanent and it is going directly against what the developers were saying was the concept behind this content.

There will be no community nor any bragging rights nor any real fun challenge BECAUSE people cannot work up to it, go try it later and take their own time with it.

Just a terrible idea… So disappointed.

First was the way the election was handled with Gnashblade getting no story time before the election so people could get as attached to him as kiel and having the vote tied to content that people don’t care about but could still influence.

Having the fractals be voted upon was a cool idea, but the way it was done was stupid because the majority of players do not play fractals at all… It could have been extra content after the election and had a separate ballot.
have things drop “lions council referendum tokens” in world and be sent a mail in game asking which one the people of lions arch would like to support,