I’ve beaten liadri and will post my specs, gear and strategy to do so with elementalist.
First, let me say that anet deserves praise for bringing difficulty into an AAA game in this day where everything is an interactive movie with no difficulty or carrot on a stick MMOs.
Second, let me say that the Liadri fight is terribly unfair, and if you are dying after you get the hang of it, it´s not really your fault – unless someone can provide an effective proven strategy to counter the issues I’ll mention as Ele here.
Fire: 25 points, Traits: Ember’s Might and Internal Fire
Air: 10 points, Trait: bolt to the heart
Earth: 20 points, Traits: Earth’s Embrace, Stone Splinters
Water: 15 points, Trait: Aquamancer’s Alacrity
Arcane: nothing
Full zerk gear from flame citadel, with scholar rune. Since your HP is hardly above 90%, using jewels would be much much better. 1 zerk scepter and 1 zerk dagger from flame citadel as well with 5% crit chance sigil and 5% damage sigil
Jewlery is ALL ascended celestial, with zerk backpiece upgraded once.
With this build you will survive well and do enough damage to not worry about timer. I killed Liadri by the first time announcer said “wrap things up”, so I still had plenty of time.
Heal: Glyph of elemental harmony
Utility: Signet of air, Mist form, Arcane shield
Elite: fiery greatsword
First, you don’t have to worry about endurance. I hardly dodge during the whole fight. Not having to dodge is the first thing you’ll have to get used to. Still, having endurance regen food is great just in case.
The first phase is always exactly the same, except for the orb. You need to do this mechanically.
1) Go in, kill the first orb, position yourself in front of the White thing on the ground, so the AOE hits behind you. Next, go behind the white thing as the illusion approaches and hit with your first crystal. I usually heal myself during this part because evading Liadri’s attacks is not good here.
2) Again, just learn where the AOE is gonna hit and avoid it, after 2 AOEs stay in the corner of the screen waiting for the illusion. Keep strafing left and right and Liadri’s attack will miss you. Get crystal, throw at her and wait for orb to spawn and kill it.
3) After orb is dead, just lure illusions while again memorizing where the AOE is going to be.
For this part, if you are taking too much damage, remember that strafing left and right, depending on your angle towards her, will make her miss you. You can also use a dodge sometimes, but I would save at least endurance for one.
This should become second nature to you, you shouldn’t be wasting time during phase 1 since it´s always the same, nor should you have any difficulty with it since there are virutally nothing random to it.