Gauntlet is not playable for every class
It’s not as unlikely as you think… It just means he was told the gimmicks of each fight beforehand… Simple as that…
Or was observant enough when he actually faced them.
That could have been the case if it was a case of them needing a certain gimmick to kill, but not to survive… These fights are all about gimmicks to survive, not to kill however which means if he doesnt know the gimmick already, he’s dead…
I am highly disappointed in the Gauntlet, no not for me since i got all classes to do it, but for players who have actually only one class…. they will never get all achievements, because its impoissible to do so, without spending gold for extra sigils runes or w/e.
What if these players don’t have it? I just think it’s a very bad move for these.
I did all achievements except one (Still havent beaten Liadra with 8 throws) with only my ranger, and only in zerker gear. Sorry for sounding arrogant, but just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I can’t do that last achievement either. Impossible? I don’t think so.
Happened to have done Deadeye on your ranger that could give a tip on how to RELIABLY not have the pet trigger the mines? I’ve done him, but want to do with the 5 gambits, which kindof seems to requires knowledge of that
ok, by now how many of us go to before we even bother with events?
Just keeping it real
Also, how many are doing this in Zerker? If these fights were supposed to teach us something, it’s that Min/Max is still the overall meta. I’d have liked to have seen the need for balanced builds introduced more.
btw… I’m still stuck on Pirates. Grrr….
(edited by DeWolfe.2174)
That could have been the case if it was a case of them needing a certain gimmick to kill, but not to survive… These fights are all about gimmicks to survive, not to kill however which means if he doesnt know the gimmick already, he’s dead…
That would of course depend.
If I see something coming towards me (or an AoE circle) I am assuming that it will be something that will kill me if I do not avoid it.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Pleaser just take a look at one single non debatable aspect of queen’s gauntlet fight:
They all come with “enrage timer”, dropping you down through the floor is a even a rather harsh enrage I’d say.
Actually, that does not make anything more challenging or harder, it is just a cheapskate optimize check, this typically refers also to the well known “gear check”, Zerker anyone ?
And as you can see with the many posts around, people don’t just have probs because they are still looking for a good tactic or trait setup… no they can do everything top, just to get flushed down the toilet for not bringing max exotic zerk/condi/tank/dodge gear at 2% boss health on an otherwise well played almost perfect round.
To me this design resembles greatly the poor and I had hoped overcome unfun design decisions formerly made for typical gear-up-check-time-gating-brickwall raid area content of so many other games.
Guildwars 2 should not dip into those waters.. actually most players probably bought it because the basic concept was not about this old cheap pseudo-hard-mode again.
Acutally look a Liadri: Her moves are actually not hard at all, you could learn to play them in your sleep… if you weren’t under constant doom of being killed by magic pixels, slight lag differences, controls/camera that are sub-par for some parts of the encounter’s mechanics/movement or right out bad luck of being dunken by silly bugs, cheap enrage timer/gear, bad RNG on the projectile evading-wobbling-left-right-left-right or just draw a straight loose bad orb placement at rather disappointing unforeseen moment.
Actually the concept of the gauntlet is fantastic.. but as stated above, the execution thus is all the more disappointing.
While I do disagree with OP and consider this playable by all classes.
I cannot see all classes being able to earn all achievements.
Any advice on how to kill subject 7 without killing blobs on a Mesmer ? seeing kittentering and weapons skills hit multiple targets or shoot projectiles that can be intercepted.
Tried to pull, push position but this is dependent on ooze spawning randomly, luck basically.
(edited by Hastur.6231)
Elementalist here, stuck at Deadeye Dunwell (I think he’s bugged anyway, he spawns mines on top of me all the time and there’s no way I can dodge them).
It’s not fair for everyone not using full DPS gear. I need to get a new armor and weapons just because of this?
I dodge a lot, time my attacks with combos and survive, and then I get insta-downed or the timer runs away.
It’s pretty clear the only way to successfully achieve the Gauntlet is to be a berserker or a heavy condition damager. I saw a necromancer faceroll through the first 11 bosses, killing them all in 5-10 seconds with full DPS and conditions.
The Gauntlet doesn’t reward skill, it rewards DPS. Insta-downing attacks don’t help here, either, why go vitality or toughness when it won’t be useful at all?
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair
Happened to have done Deadeye on your ranger that could give a tip on how to RELIABLY not have the pet trigger the mines? I’ve done him, but want to do with the 5 gambits, which kindof seems to requires knowledge of that
I chose him for the gambit thing as well. In experience you WILL go down in this fight. My fight went something like this when I did it right.
Choice of DPS at all times: Shortbow, Rampage as one from beginning. Keep DPS up, don’t move anywhere.
At first one-shot use #3 on shortbow to dodge.
He now teleports somewhere behind you. Stay. (Sometimes he tp’s to far corner, if that happens you’re screwed – You can run for the middle, but you will most probably lose your pet when sending it after him. If your pet is dead at this point, switch to wolf. (Never start with wolf, but do have it)
He will one-shot again, use signet of stone (traited for player invulnerability)
He will one-shot again or sometimes just keep shooting, and you have trouble with hp. He’s a little less than 50%. Use #3 again.
If he pulls off another one-shot, pop “Protect Me” – After this you are very soon downed, but the fight is not over. Get your pet to res you as soon as you can. If you still have the wolf up, fear Deadeye first. (you can do this while downed) If he tries to one-shot you, use the downed #2 to interrupt. Try and get up now. If you make it this far he’s almost dead and you can finish him off.
Elementalist here, stuck at Deadeye Dunwell (I think he’s bugged anyway, he spawns mines on top of me all the time and there’s no way I can dodge them).
It’s not fair for everyone not using full DPS gear. I need to get a new armor and weapons just because of this?
I dodge a lot, time my attacks with combos and survive, and then I get insta-downed or the timer runs away.
It’s pretty clear the only way to successfully achieve the Gauntlet is to be a berserker or a heavy condition damager. I saw a necromancer faceroll through the first 11 bosses, killing them all in 5-10 seconds with full DPS and conditions.
The Gauntlet doesn’t reward skill, it rewards DPS. Insta-downing attacks don’t help here, either, why go vitality or toughness when it won’t be useful at all?
go staff earth 3 to reflect his killshot if you dont have a DPS build :p
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
Elementalist here, stuck at Deadeye Dunwell (I think he’s bugged anyway, he spawns mines on top of me all the time and there’s no way I can dodge them).
It’s not fair for everyone not using full DPS gear. I need to get a new armor and weapons just because of this?
I dodge a lot, time my attacks with combos and survive, and then I get insta-downed or the timer runs away.
It’s pretty clear the only way to successfully achieve the Gauntlet is to be a berserker or a heavy condition damager. I saw a necromancer faceroll through the first 11 bosses, killing them all in 5-10 seconds with full DPS and conditions.
The Gauntlet doesn’t reward skill, it rewards DPS. Insta-downing attacks don’t help here, either, why go vitality or toughness when it won’t be useful at all?
go staff earth 3 to reflect his killshot if you dont have a DPS build :p
Does the reflect work? have you tested it? … cause kill shot can go through my reflective heal, through my feedback and mimic abilities and one shot me while they are up. Mesmer btw.
Elementalist here, stuck at Deadeye Dunwell (I think he’s bugged anyway, he spawns mines on top of me all the time and there’s no way I can dodge them).
It’s not fair for everyone not using full DPS gear. I need to get a new armor and weapons just because of this?
I dodge a lot, time my attacks with combos and survive, and then I get insta-downed or the timer runs away.
It’s pretty clear the only way to successfully achieve the Gauntlet is to be a berserker or a heavy condition damager. I saw a necromancer faceroll through the first 11 bosses, killing them all in 5-10 seconds with full DPS and conditions.
The Gauntlet doesn’t reward skill, it rewards DPS. Insta-downing attacks don’t help here, either, why go vitality or toughness when it won’t be useful at all?
go staff earth 3 to reflect his killshot if you dont have a DPS build :p
I’ll try, but other reflection skills didn’t work well before. I think it’s some kind of bug, I tried doing it with my thief, too, and sometimes he ignored the fact that I was invisible.
Also, my main problem is mines. They spawn over me constantly, with no warning, even when I’m moving.
So basically, this is a huge gold sink within a farmable area? No amount of retraiting is going to make you that much different without completely reequipping your character.
I have a full glass cannon Thief. I respecced in to Shadow Arts, Acrobatics, and Trickery (full defensive) while still using my glass cannon gear. I killed everything on my first attempt, including Liadri.
Care sharing the build, please?
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair
actually no, i didnt test this, but shouldnt it reflect all projectiles? i did everything with ranger. flipped few traits around since i dont need 1500 range and piercing arrows and im at the tier 3 endboss now. lag makes me fail.
also ranger has the advantage that the pet sets off all the mines
when i saw killshot comming i just used “protect me” so the pet took all the dmg (about 5k)
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
That could have been the case if it was a case of them needing a certain gimmick to kill, but not to survive… These fights are all about gimmicks to survive, not to kill however which means if he doesnt know the gimmick already, he’s dead…
That would of course depend.
If I see something coming towards me (or an AoE circle) I am assuming that it will be something that will kill me if I do not avoid it.
Right… So then you’re dead on Salazan… Because simply avoiding the flames, will kill you if you avoid it the wrong way or take too long to kill…
actually no, i didnt test this, but shouldnt it reflect all projectiles? i did everything with ranger. flipped few traits around since i dont need 1500 range and piercing arrows and im at the tier 3 endboss now. lag makes me fail
Except for distortion or dodge which just make me invulnerable. All reflects failed and got me killed instead. Because arbitrary reasons.
Try it as a Ranger! I foresee a Chopps comment inbound…..
Be nice!
I’ve said it before, I’m really not a fan of “suffering” type of content. It’s not fun for me. The Mad King dungeon, even though difficult at times, was hilarious! When the whole party would fall and splat on top of each other again and again, that was funny. This is just suffering by annoyance. Nothing more than that for me.
Even when I get my mini, I’ll still A:forget to use them and B:Use the Kiel one
Crap, I am too harsh on people when they complain aren’t I? Sorry. good luck I hope you do well.
I killed everything on my first attempt, including Liadri.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
It’s a little late for that, unless you meant screenshot my achievement page, which I can’t do because I’m at work.
I don’t see how it is completely unbelievable, Stealth completely stops the fight if you’re in a bad situation. I also saw other people doing it before me, and figured out the AoE patterns.
Care sharing the build, please?
Blind on Stealth, Stealth returns initiative, regen on stealth, dodge gives might, dodge removes weakness/cripple, dodge drops caltrops, steal grants vigor.
I also used dodge food.
Worked on every boss.
(edited by Pinch.4273)
I just know how passionate you are about Rangers. The moment I started writing Ranger, I knew you would pounce.
TY from all of us whom need all the well wishes we can get. At least I have something now to spend the stacks of badges on. Zerker gear here I come!
My point in my earlier post wasn’t to be a ‘snowflake’ it was to say that the fight can be done without the invincibility mechanics in other classes that people are whining about being so overpowered or unbalanced. As someone who mains a necromancer and also has a guardian and thief, I don’t think in the slightest that my necromancer isn’t on par with my other two characters (who are fully geared, by the way). I like my necromancer and think it’s equally as strong as my other classes.
There are some things my necromancer brings to the table that my other classes, and all the other classes for that matter don’t bring. On my necro, I have a nearly 100% uptime for weakness. I’m sure someone could bring this to 100% uptime with traits and gear, which is pretty big. That’s a lot of raw damage mitigation. While it’s not absolute like aegis or things of that nature, it makes you last longer overall. Combined with this are spectral skills, which improve life force and allow you to access your second health bar easier which is further damage mitigation.
Another thing a necromancer can do is apply two different types of damage without really needing to spec for either. As a power necro, I can give the bosses some pretty heavy condition pressure without being a condition spec just with all of my skills. I have natural outlets for poisons, bleeds, torment and other DoT effects that make me do more damage than most other classes. (Contrary to popular belief, Necros actually do quite a bit of dps.)
I’m not touching on a lot of things, but I will mention one last thing. There’s a reason these bosses don’t have defiant. You’re supposed to make use of that, and a necromancer can do just that again, without even speccing for it. You already have an innate fear in the form of Death Shroud 3. Our weapons also include other CC. Stakitten is also a fear. Warhorn 4 is a daze. The list goes on. We can also cripple, chill…etc. There’s so much we can do without even trying to kite and control bosses to further mitigate damage. It may not be aegis or invulnerability, but it certainly brings the end result—the death of the boss.
So that’s why I say it doesn’t come down to class, merely skill. And there is skill involved. Liadri has a pattern. Nothing about the fight is RNG. Learn the pattern, and with the right amount of skill she’s more than beatable with any class.
I would say it definitely is beatable by every class…just not every build.
I did everything up until the final boss using my WvW specc’d Guardian(heavy toughness, healing, etc with GS+SW/F) and found it VERY easy. I switched to my Necro at the end because I got bored and 1shotted it first time.
Try it with different builds, but otherwise it’s an issue of knowing the fights NOT trying different classes.
For the Thieves that have beaten it… What was your set up for Tornado Lady? I cannot for the life of me get by her… Any help would be appreciated
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
I am highly disappointed in the Gauntlet, no not for me since i got all classes to do it, but for players who have actually only one class…. they will never get all achievements, because its impoissible to do so, without spending gold for extra sigils runes or w/e.
What if these players don’t have it? I just think it’s a very bad move for these.
I did all achievements except one (Still havent beaten Liadra with 8 throws) with only my ranger, and only in zerker gear. Sorry for sounding arrogant, but just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I can’t do that last achievement either. Impossible? I don’t think so.
And now you read again, what i wrote okay?
I am not talking about me, i’m talking about it in general what i am reading in overflows all day long.
Aight guys, we gonna dish out some more illmade content, brainstorm go!
“Hm, they wan’t challening content… Let’s make it so its really hard for some classes”
“Corpse run! Everybody love corpserun!”
“Some classes should have to buy expensive consumables because why the h*ll not!”
Meanwhile at character development HQ (the basement)
“Necromancers wants vigor? Pfff”
Anet at their prime… gj guys, gj!
Yes, it can be done by every class – just the bosses.
I’d love some of those who finished all/most of the achievements to come forward and tell us how they did them.
How do you do the Subject 7 achievement as a Mesmer?
What boss did you pick for 5 gambits?
What class/build did you use for the 8 orb achievement?
I honestly would love to know the answers to those…as these achievements CANNOT be done by every class imho. Bosses..sure..whatever, specific achievements…not so much.
For the Thieves that have beaten it… What was your set up for Tornado Lady? I cannot for the life of me get by her… Any help would be appreciated
Personally, I just used shortbow. 30 in Critical Strikes, and 20 in Acrobatics. Then you just kite her around, using bleeds and poisons to keep ticking damage while dodging. Trying to go for melee simply didn’t work that well, since then you have to avoid her knockbacks in addition to all the tornadoes.
I Anet wants use to change our builds on a regular bases. Than there should be NO FEE for changing traits. This can be limited to certain areas (like in GW).
And a way to save and load trait builds would be helpful.
Yes, it can be done by every class – just the bosses.
I’d love some of those who finished all/most of the achievements to come forward and tell us how they did them.
How do you do the Subject 7 achievement as a Mesmer?
What boss did you pick for 5 gambits?
What class/build did you use for the 8 orb achievement?I honestly would love to know the answers to those…as these achievements CANNOT be done by every class imho. Bosses..sure..whatever, specific achievements…not so much.
I’ve done all of the achievements on my Necromancer, using a full berserker build traited 30/25/0/0/15. So I guess that answers question 3. I can’t answer question 1 as I don’t play mesmer…if it helps, on my Necro, I just used the dagger with is strictly single target dps. So…whatever weapon is strictly single target for mesmer, use that and I imagine you won’t have any trouble. When Subject 7 splits, he retains his name. The adds will be named ‘ooze’, so you can target subject 7 and make sure you don’t kill the adds. For the five gambits I chose the tier 1 boss, as she’s by far the easiest of the 3.
I have only two lv80 exotic/ascended geared characters (support elementalist, dps engineer (build destroyed by update 2 month ago, not touched since)), and i am of the opinion that, given how this ‘achievement’ of beating Liadri is so trivialized by the current state of zerker equipment and warriors, it is not worth buying new gear or building a new character to obtain. It is a not-so-shiny trinket, nothing more.
(this is my opinion, nothing more. i fully respect arguments that disagree with it.)
It is absolutely beatable by every class. It is not beatable by every spec for every class. There is a clear difference. If you refuse to change to take up this challenge then the game is not at fault. Some races having a bit more challenge always sucks, but your point about classes is silly.
Some classes can’t spec into helpful things like extra vigor and whatnot. In fact, I’d argue that spec is largely irrelevant on a necromancer when it comes to Liadri. It’s far more important to carry a sigil of energy to make up for the natural deficiencies of the class.
Using sigils is a part of your spec. My guardian can change from super bursty to tanky just through the use of different runes and sigils. My necromancer that I beat this boss on uses sigils of energy. The game is making you change. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
BS… People are complaining about it being impossible or too difficult, because the difficulty is in the entirely wrong place… The content isnt challenging and it does not involve any actual skill… The only skill it required is finding the gimmick, and that’s seriously NOT a fun way to do encounters… Nor are the fights that are purely luck based for certain classes… All of the classes have atleast one of those along the way so it’s about even playingfield for that part, but dont kid yourself thinking that gimmicks are in any way hard skillwise… People expect SKILL based difficulty, and when skill simply isnt enough, because they havnt found the gimmick, then THAT is when people complain about the difficulty… You can tell them the gimmick, and the fight suddenly becomes super easy… That’s not skill…
Wrong the challenge is using the gauntlets(wrong term) to increase the difficulty and reward. The mentioned that the content itself isn’t that difficult it is the added debuffs and conditions that make it very hard.
Yes, it can be done by every class – just the bosses.
I’d love some of those who finished all/most of the achievements to come forward and tell us how they did them.
How do you do the Subject 7 achievement as a Mesmer?
What boss did you pick for 5 gambits?
What class/build did you use for the 8 orb achievement?I honestly would love to know the answers to those…as these achievements CANNOT be done by every class imho. Bosses..sure..whatever, specific achievements…not so much.
I’ve done all of the achievements on my Necromancer, using a full berserker build traited 30/25/0/0/15. So I guess that answers question 3. I can’t answer question 1 as I don’t play mesmer…if it helps, on my Necro, I just used the dagger with is strictly single target dps. So…whatever weapon is strictly single target for mesmer, use that and I imagine you won’t have any trouble. When Subject 7 splits, he retains his name. The adds will be named ‘ooze’, so you can target subject 7 and make sure you don’t kill the adds. For the five gambits I chose the tier 1 boss, as she’s by far the easiest of the 3.
She who? As in the boss. And the achievement states “tier 3” – so the tier 1 boss is confusing.
For the Thieves that have beaten it… What was your set up for Tornado Lady? I cannot for the life of me get by her… Any help would be appreciated
She dies from bleeding. I brought Withdraw, RFI, and Caltrops and just rotate my dodges the entire fight — really boring.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I am highly disappointed in the Gauntlet, no not for me since i got all classes to do it, but for players who have actually only one class…. they will never get all achievements, because its impoissible to do so, without spending gold for extra sigils runes or w/e.
What if these players don’t have it? I just think it’s a very bad move for these.
I did all achievements except one (Still havent beaten Liadra with 8 throws) with only my ranger, and only in zerker gear. Sorry for sounding arrogant, but just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I can’t do that last achievement either. Impossible? I don’t think so.
And now you read again, what i wrote okay?
I am not talking about me, i’m talking about it in general what i am reading in overflows all day long.
So you are reading from people that they feel like they can’t kill the bosses without buying new gear? You then take it as fact that they are all skilled enough to kill them but just don’t have the gear for it? I however just gave an example of doing it all with 1 class on 1 set of gear. I did it. Others can too then, my gear was definitely not the best for all fights. (Again, I dont mean to sound oh so pro, I hate those people q: )
Now is good time nerf and boost classes. Guardian needs some serious nerf and necro boost.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Now is good time nerf and boost classes. Guardian needs some serious nerf and necro boost.
Totally agreed. We need to move away from the zerker faceroll meta guardians are responsible for. Maybe then we can start seeing balanced and fun fights. Unfortunately it seems like Anet only cares about SPvP balance.
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
BS… People are complaining about it being impossible or too difficult, because the difficulty is in the entirely wrong place… The content isnt challenging and it does not involve any actual skill… The only skill it required is finding the gimmick, and that’s seriously NOT a fun way to do encounters… Nor are the fights that are purely luck based for certain classes… All of the classes have atleast one of those along the way so it’s about even playingfield for that part, but dont kid yourself thinking that gimmicks are in any way hard skillwise… People expect SKILL based difficulty, and when skill simply isnt enough, because they havnt found the gimmick, then THAT is when people complain about the difficulty… You can tell them the gimmick, and the fight suddenly becomes super easy… That’s not skill…
Wrong the challenge is using the gauntlets(wrong term) to increase the difficulty and reward. The mentioned that the content itself isn’t that difficult it is the added debuffs and conditions that make it very hard.
No… You’re confusing hard with knowledge… All these fights are either all about knowledge, or pure luck depending on class and specific challenge… NONE of them, are actually based on any actual amount of skill… Subject Alpha has a LOT higher actual skill requirement than these gimmick fights… Those fights are intresting and fun… These, are neither hard, nor fun… They’re just an annoyance to learn the gimmick, and then they’re suddenly super easy…
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
10 gold and 105 laurels later, I finally beat the Pirates. Everyone cover your ears while I take this moment to tell the Dev’s what I think of them. Grrr….
10 gold and 105 laurels later, I finally beat the Pirates. Everyone cover your ears while I take this moment to tell the Dev’s what I think of them. Grrr….
Yeah, I’m suspecting that it requires a lot of Ascended gears to get this done, which is a shame.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
The fact people are saying they need berserker gear or equivalent is odd to me.
I did everything as a BM Ranger in Settlers/Apoth bar the final boss, for her I had to switch it up to a shortbow and the equivalent traits to make that better.
The only thing that gave me trouble was the asuran pyro, because I didn’t realise I had to stay in the ring. The fact my pet blows up mines made deadeye with 5 gambits even easier as well.
Rangers probably have all of this the easiest. Rampage as One for Tornadoes, Wolves and A/D slows for Chomper, pets blowing up everything for Deadeye.
Consider yourself either elite skilled or got a good run in. I tried my Settlers and Rampagers for the Pirates several times. Just couldn’t get enough output to get it done in time. Switched to an Ascended Rabid build, retraited for traps, and the first shot got it done. It’s the timer that makes it a Zerker’ish requirement.
Using Drakes for their bouncing F2 and killing the healer first is what I did on my blind run, I’m not sure how much time I did have left, but it did take at least 90s to do the Pirates.
Consider yourself either elite skilled or got a good run in. I tried my Settlers and Rampagers for the Pirates several times. Just couldn’t get enough output to get it done in time. Switched to an Ascended Rabid build, retraited for traps, and the first shot got it done. It’s the timer that makes it a Zerker’ish requirement.
It’s not about skill… All the fights are either 100% luck, or 100% gimmick… Such as the pirate crew, is 100% gimmick… You can have very low dps, and still make it in time, IF you kill them in the right order… Take Gaets→Adil→Stitches→Barricus… Just kite Gaets away from Stitches so he doesnt heal… Then burst Adil before Stitches has a chance to heal too much… Akittenesnt have much HP so… This way you dont have Stitches heals increasing the lenght of the fight for more than Barricus… The real important part, is to not begin with Stitches and Barricus… Because Stitches grant regen to all, and Barricus gives 50% evade for all… So they basicly tripple the time it takes to kill anything else after that… Also, dont go for AoE, as whenever you kill one, the rest is healed to max so it’s pointless… Always focus on 1, and dont switch until dead…
Consider yourself either elite skilled or got a good run in. I tried my Settlers and Rampagers for the Pirates several times. Just couldn’t get enough output to get it done in time. Switched to an Ascended Rabid build, retraited for traps, and the first shot got it done. It’s the timer that makes it a Zerker’ish requirement.
It’s not about skill… All the fights are either 100% luck, or 100% gimmick… Such as the pirate crew, is 100% gimmick… You can have very low dps, and still make it in time, IF you kill them in the right order… Take Gaets->Adil->Stitches->Barricus… Just kite Gaets away from Stitches so he doesnt heal… Then burst Adil before Stitches has a chance to heal too much… Akittenesnt have much HP so… This way you dont have Stitches heals increasing the lenght of the fight for more than Barricus… The real important part, is to not begin with Stitches and Barricus… Because Stitches grant regen to all, and Barricus gives 50% evade for all… So they basicly tripple the time it takes to kill anything else after that… Also, dont go for AoE, as whenever you kill one, the rest is healed to max so it’s pointless… Always focus on 1, and dont switch until dead…
Congratulations, you used your brain to figure out the pattern and kill order.
You got skills, son.
as much as i love my ranger, i wish i could go back to when i created her. events such as these which i also love require other classes in order to beat (well, trying to beat it with them) or at least having a bit more time with my ranger.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
Consider yourself either elite skilled or got a good run in. I tried my Settlers and Rampagers for the Pirates several times. Just couldn’t get enough output to get it done in time. Switched to an Ascended Rabid build, retraited for traps, and the first shot got it done. It’s the timer that makes it a Zerker’ish requirement.
It’s not about skill… All the fights are either 100% luck, or 100% gimmick… Such as the pirate crew, is 100% gimmick… You can have very low dps, and still make it in time, IF you kill them in the right order… Take Gaets->Adil->Stitches->Barricus… Just kite Gaets away from Stitches so he doesnt heal… Then burst Adil before Stitches has a chance to heal too much… Akittenesnt have much HP so… This way you dont have Stitches heals increasing the lenght of the fight for more than Barricus… The real important part, is to not begin with Stitches and Barricus… Because Stitches grant regen to all, and Barricus gives 50% evade for all… So they basicly tripple the time it takes to kill anything else after that… Also, dont go for AoE, as whenever you kill one, the rest is healed to max so it’s pointless… Always focus on 1, and dont switch until dead…
Congratulations, you used your brain to figure out the pattern and kill order.
You got skills, son.
No… It’s knowledge, not skill… And that’s the really sad part about constructing fights as gimmicks because they have nothing to do with any actual skills…
Just wondering, but do people pretty much need to be 80 in order to beat all the gauntlet bosses?
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. If I have change my build and gear every 5 minutes, I would rather not even participate.
I’ve beaten every boss but the last one with just my Berserker set on my Engineer. I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be.
They can easily make it challenging for ALL classes without it being easier for one than it is for another.
There’s only ONE person in that dome at a time. They could easily have different challengers depending on the class in the bubble. People on both sides of the debate have been saying that it IS easier for guardians than it is for others.
Why SHOULD it be easier for guardians than it is for others though? You’re meant to respec and regear. Why should we have to? Did the guardians have to respec and regear in order to finish this? I doubt it. Why should everyone else pay gold to do it? Especially when the whole thing could be avoided from the start by having appropriate scaling within the dome.