Gauntlet is not playable for every class
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. If I have change my build and gear every 5 minutes, I would rather not even participate.
I’ve beaten every boss but the last one with just my Berserker set on my Engineer. I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be.
Nah. You may need to change up weapon sets or utilities. Or go from melee to ranged. But majority of the bosses can be beat by just knowing the mechanics.
It is beatable by every class. Every class has a condition build/DPS build/Tanky build/Dodgy build.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
Yeah…that’s not gonna happen. If I have change my build and gear every 5 minutes, I would rather not even participate.
I’ve beaten every boss but the last one with just my Berserker set on my Engineer. I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be.
Nah. You may need to change up weapon sets or utilities. Or go from melee to ranged. But majority of the bosses can be beat by just knowing the mechanics.
I actually didn’t change weapons or utilities, either. Only because they are immune to Immobilize, but still.
Only hard part about the entire gauntlet is trying to out DPS Liadri in magi gear on a BM ranger with no pet because her mechanic is horribly imbalanced for some profs…
And don’t give me that “go buy zerker gear!” Bull kitten because I shouldn’t have to drop like kittening 16g just so I can complete a boss fight, respecing is one thing, regearing is just stupid.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
At first i though as my main and only class is necro, i’m gonna have a tough time dealing with this since we have no vigor/invul/blocks but after buying sigils of energy and changing my skills and traits a bit (not to mention 50+ tries) i defeated her as well. Sure was a challenge, but not impossible. It wasn’t meant to be a steamroll and whoever isn’t willing to take the challenge shouldn’t whine about it.
@Durzlla, “i shouldn’t have to drop 16g to complete a boss fight”. Well then don’t i did and it worked, cause guess what? I wanted to kill her.
Only hard part about the entire gauntlet is trying to out DPS Liadri in magi gear on a BM ranger with no pet because her mechanic is horribly imbalanced for some profs…
And don’t give me that “go buy zerker gear!” Bull kitten because I shouldn’t have to drop like kittening 16g just so I can complete a boss fight, respecing is one thing, regearing is just stupid.
Yeah, but a large part of respeccing is making sure your gear is appropriate for the spec you’re trying to play, sadly. I agree with you, but a spec isn’t just about traits in GW2.
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
Well, as a Ranger, it isn’t fair that half your damage is out the window during the Liadri fight due to developers wanting to constantly make 1-hit-Aoe-mechanics.
I’m not quite sure how a BM Bunker/Healing ranger in full/100% survival/defensive gear is going to get through this without a complete change (purchase) of expensive gear to get the DPS needed to beat the timer. Not to mention retraiting into a style that will require a complete change in how I play/react. I don’t have the money for that. So I guess I’m screwed.
I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.
Did you manage to beat the last boss like that? Because i can barely dent her health =(, then again i’m a direct damage BM ranger…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Only hard part about the entire gauntlet is trying to out DPS Liadri in magi gear on a BM ranger with no pet because her mechanic is horribly imbalanced for some profs…
And don’t give me that “go buy zerker gear!” Bull kitten because I shouldn’t have to drop like kittening 16g just so I can complete a boss fight, respecing is one thing, regearing is just stupid.
Yeah, but a large part of respeccing is making sure your gear is appropriate for the spec you’re trying to play, sadly. I agree with you, but a spec isn’t just about traits in GW2.
Yeah, i tried respeccing and the results were pretty much i shouldn’t have even bothered, almost no change at all even if i went 30/30/10/0/0 instead of my traditional 0/30/10/0/30. I wish they just patch in that pets take less damage from the AoE because my damage is essentially all on them (if i at least could micro him like in other PvE encounters i’d be ok with the one shot mechanics but even with guard i can’t get him to get out of the kitten) so i’m just kittened, even when i dance the dance flawlessly i just can’t do the damage.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
1. Then Anet shouldnt be lying when they say they dont want respeccing to be something natural in GW2… Our chosen specs should give a feeling of permanent according to Anet… One or the other, is actually wrong… In this case, it’s actually that everyone needs to respec, which simply isnt true… All the classes, and all the viable specs, can complete the gauntlet… You may need to switch weapons and utility skills, but THOSE are intended to be changed for each situation…
2. Not to kitten on your parade there but umm… Glint could be AFK farmed with just heroes with pretty much 100% successrate… Basicly, mesmers is king on that fight… Discord spikers are queens bring those two things aplenty and then throw in a buff bot for good measure (though not really needed)… And you can stand there at the dragon doing nothing, and you’ll still win… The hard part of Glint, was not to complete it, but to get as good score as possible while doing it
It was kindof nice that people were having a hard time on it though because that meant I could sell the cloths for like 5-10plat each when I was earning like 4/hr, while mainly AFK not to mention all the other loot that is gained. I still have like 500 lockpicks from doing that.
Only hard part about the entire gauntlet is trying to out DPS Liadri in magi gear on a BM ranger with no pet because her mechanic is horribly imbalanced for some profs…
And don’t give me that “go buy zerker gear!” Bull kitten because I shouldn’t have to drop like kittening 16g just so I can complete a boss fight, respecing is one thing, regearing is just stupid.
Yeah, but a large part of respeccing is making sure your gear is appropriate for the spec you’re trying to play, sadly. I agree with you, but a spec isn’t just about traits in GW2.
Yeah, i tried respeccing and the results were pretty much i shouldn’t have even bothered, almost no change at all even if i went 30/30/10/0/0 instead of my traditional 0/30/10/0/30. I wish they just patch in that pets take less damage from the AoE because my damage is essentially all on them (if i at least could micro him like in other PvE encounters i’d be ok with the one shot mechanics but even with guard i can’t get him to get out of the kitten) so i’m just kittened, even when i dance the dance flawlessly i just can’t do the damage.
You can basicly give up trying to control your pet… The reactions and AI on them, makes that a futile endeavor… It’s actually better to just pretty much ignore your pet for most of the arena fights… Press f4 every CD, and that’s pretty much it when it comes to pet control… It’s the same as every other gimmick fight… It’s one of the main failures of using gimmicks for fights rather than any actual difficulty… Because pets simply cant do the gimmicks.
I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.
Did you manage to beat the last boss like that? Because i can barely dent her health =(, then again i’m a direct damage BM ranger…
DD BM doesnt really work… BM only works when combined with bunker, and bunker specs are condition specs due to stat pairing on our traits… That’s the problem Because even the last boss can be done by a BM bunker
it’s just painfully slow and you’re not gonna have a pet for the fight anyway… So while you can go BM, you probably shouldnt
BM or condi bunker ranger doesn’t work too well because most of your condi application prefers melee. Throw torch and crippling talon get body blocked by the visions and there goes most of your damage as a large part of the condi ranger’s damage is a melee range splitblade+throw torch+crippling talon. If any of those gets blocked, aand the pet that is your main source of sustained damage is dead the entire time, it’s pretty stupid.
Necro and engineer on the other hand can sustain condis very well.
I did it on a trapper/bm ranger. Axe/torch to keep good chilled and burning on then occasionally swap to SB for an extra evade and cripple + poison, coupled with flame and spike trap to keep constant burning and cripple on.
Full rabid set for tankyness and massive condi dmg.
The best part is, that we are doing it for the mini, and Queens jubille mini is 100x times better looking and it’s easier to obtain :P
BM or condi bunker ranger doesn’t work too well because most of your condi application prefers melee. Throw torch and crippling talon get body blocked by the visions and there goes most of your damage as a large part of the condi ranger’s damage is a melee range splitblade+throw torch+crippling talon. If any of those gets blocked, aand the pet that is your main source of sustained damage is dead the entire time, it’s pretty stupid.
Necro and engineer on the other hand can sustain condis very well.
Or you simply use a shortbow and apply bleeds galore… Also, splitblade and throw torch, is not melee range… They’re 600 range which is 4 times the melee range for 2h weapons…
Most of the people I’ve seen hit the timer are just using silly support weapons, like guardians trying to damage one target with a staff. And/or they’re just aimlessly running around trying to kite instead of attacking. You don’t need berserker gear but you do need to be willing to change your weapons and your traits as appropriate.
BM or condi bunker ranger doesn’t work too well because most of your condi application prefers melee. Throw torch and crippling talon get body blocked by the visions and there goes most of your damage as a large part of the condi ranger’s damage is a melee range splitblade+throw torch+crippling talon. If any of those gets blocked, aand the pet that is your main source of sustained damage is dead the entire time, it’s pretty stupid.
Necro and engineer on the other hand can sustain condis very well.
Or you simply use a shortbow and apply bleeds galore… Also, splitblade and throw torch, is not melee range… They’re 600 range which is 4 times the melee range for 2h weapons…
What part of body blocking did you not understand. Only splitblade pierces baseline. If the visions get in the way of a throw torch to the boss it’s a huge DPS loss.
Compared to my necro’s scepter with is not a projectile and several of its skills are aoe and I can sustain via my auto alone 6-7 bleeds plus poison plus burning procs.
In terms of sustained condition damage the engineer and necro do much better, because the ranger is balanced around his pet’s damage to compensate.
Except that pet damage is nonexistent in this fight.
I wonder how I’m supposed to get the ooze achievement with my ele. If anyone has a pure single target ele build that does that much damage, then please go ahead and link it.
Offhand, I’d think earth tune with the scepter. Or DD. That spike only hits one target, and the stone stream is pretty tight. Just don’t walk you LOF over the adds. Same prob you’d have with a ranger and I did it with my ranger. Haven’t tried on my ele yet. I switched from her after getting tired of bouncing round with wind girl. That and my ele is the glassiest of my toons. Gotta remedy that. Don’t know how I did that, didn’t mean to.
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
Do guardians have to respec to finish the gauntlet? No? Then I don’t see why anyone else should.
Is this all possible to do with rare mf gear+2x ascended rings as a guardian? because I’ve stuck at pirates, Always one’s left. I used torch zerg build(last boss, half hp), zerg(not enough hp) and bunker(same as torch), time limit is a kittening joke. I need to buy exo zerg gear for 7g+badges to do minigame with not proportional reward.
(edited by Psychol.5783)
I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.
Easiest time ever — when a substantial portion of the class designed DPS (the pet) is missing for most of the fight? Surely you are joking/trolling.
95% of my deaths in the Gauntlet have come from the timer. I rarely die inside the dome, but with my pet MIA, I simply cannot dish out the required DPS in the short time allotted. I use GS/LB, which are not great weapons for condition damage, esp. now that GS2 is vuln rather than bleed and LB3 is stealth. But switching up traits, gear ($$$), and weapons means that I have to completely relearn how to play — just to advance in the gauntlet.
I consider this very unreasonable.
They’ve stated you might need to change your build within your class
Translation: pay money to do content.
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
Where’s the exo armor and weapon merchant?
I play a tank guardian, changing my traits won’t turn me into a damage dealer…
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
The key word here is “required” (and I doubt they ever said nor implied NO SITUATION). This content is NOT required to progress in the game itself. Also, my statement was about obtaining ALL Achievements….those didn’t even exist with the game released.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I play a tank guardian, changing my traits won’t turn me into a damage dealer…
People have done this in cleric gear on guardian, check the earlier posts. Yes you may need to change your traits, this costs less than a waypoint and there is a trainer provided in the zone, so refusal to change traits is just pure stubbornness.
It just goes to show that they balance everything around guardians and don’t really give two figs about the rest of the classes. Sure it’s beatable as a necromancer or ranger. You just have to try a hundred times harder. Balance!
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
The key word here is “required” (and I doubt they ever said nor implied NO SITUATION). This content is NOT required to progress in the game itself. Also, my statement was about obtaining ALL Achievements….those didn’t even exist with the game released.
What a bunch of non-sense.
It is clearly understood that certain achievement rewards those who frequent certain part of the game (i.e. WvW ach. rewards those who frequent WvW) and a lot of the Achievements are required. So in the realm of PvE, Achievement points became a progression at the time Anet introduced the Leaderboard.
Without the Leaderboard and the reward system, sure, it’s nothing to worry about, but as soon as they’ve activated these features, it became a tool to gauge progression.
So stop with your non-sense.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Beating hard content limited in time should not be about how many characters with different gear sets you have ready or how much moneys you have yo quickly make a new set.
Either they add a way to keep these arenas indefinitely, like rare tradable ticket drops in champions, so people have time to get the gear, or move them to PvP so people can just set the gear+skills build they think will work in each case.
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
The key word here is “required” (and I doubt they ever said nor implied NO SITUATION). This content is NOT required to progress in the game itself. Also, my statement was about obtaining ALL Achievements….those didn’t even exist with the game released.
No situation is implied under “ALL CONTENT” being available to you regardless of spec… And from what I can see, queens gauntlet IS within that guideline because as I’ve stated before… Even the tankiest of bunker builds can complete it… It’s all just about knowing the gimmicks or doing it enough times to be lucky or stop being unlucky… Because in the end, all these fights are all down to either gimmick or luck… None of it actually relies on your gear, traits or skill… Only with gambits active does some of these fights become a question of any actual skill and then to some degree also require specific specs… But for just completing it baseline, nope, can be done in any spec…
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
Do guardians have to respec to finish the gauntlet? No? Then I don’t see why anyone else should.
Actually, I’ve seen quite a few Guardians say they needed to respec, and of course some did not (myself being one of them).
On the other hand, some necros say they had no need to respec and completed it and simply plowed through it with their normal condition builds.
(edited by Celestina.2894)
so how many of you actually beat it without using berserker gear again?
its simply not possible for all classes to beat it
without berserker and stuns wich not all classes have easy access to
so how many of you actually beat it without using berserker gear again?
I did, knight gear.
I tried this on PVT guardian but the difference against berserker is noticeable.
The more damage you can put while moving the much easier the fight is. And if you are a warrior or guardian you can pop blocks and burst her down in melee.
I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.
Easiest time ever — when a substantial portion of the class designed DPS (the pet) is missing for most of the fight? Surely you are joking/trolling.
95% of my deaths in the Gauntlet have come from the timer. I rarely die inside the dome, but with my pet MIA, I simply cannot dish out the required DPS in the short time allotted. I use GS/LB, which are not great weapons for condition damage, esp. now that GS2 is vuln rather than bleed and LB3 is stealth. But switching up traits, gear ($$$), and weapons means that I have to completely relearn how to play — just to advance in the gauntlet.
I consider this very unreasonable.
You are a bad ranger, nothing more said. By no means am I a good ranger, nor do I claim it, I merely know how to play my class.
The pet never died in any of the fights bar for the final boss. No fight ever took me more then 60s with conditions, unless a mechanic made me do otherwise.
Since I normally main in Settlers, I even retraited for my berserker gear and did every boss again with sword/horn and greatsword. And guess what, you can kill almost any champion in under 15s. My surprise was beating subject 7 in that time and getting the achievement while also having 5 gambits.
All this has told me is any ranger in any gear setup is just a bad player. If you are complaining as a ranger, you are the reason rangers get a bad name.
(edited by Vermillion.1429)
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
Do guardians have to respec to finish the gauntlet? No? Then I don’t see why anyone else should.
Actually, I’ve seen quite a few Guardians say they needed to respec, and of course some did not (myself being one of them).
On the other hand, some necros say they had no need to respec and completed it and simply plowed through it with their normal condition builds.
When you just happen to be using the build needed to finish the gauntlet, it doesn’t really count.
People shouldn’t have to respec and especially not have to regear unless the challenge is even for all classes. Some Guardians might have to respec. Most don’t. Some players of other classes might not have to respec. Most do though.
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
Do guardians have to respec to finish the gauntlet? No? Then I don’t see why anyone else should.
Actually, I’ve seen quite a few Guardians say they needed to respec, and of course some did not (myself being one of them).
On the other hand, some necros say they had no need to respec and completed it and simply plowed through it with their normal condition builds.
When you just happen to be using the build needed to finish the gauntlet, it doesn’t really count.
People shouldn’t have to respec and especially not have to regear unless the challenge is even for all classes. Some Guardians might have to respec. Most don’t. Some players of other classes might not have to respec. Most do though.
I countered you claim, and then you go “uuuuh… that doesn’t count because…….because it doesn’t!”
You’re making a lot of assumptions already, it’s pretty clear anything from you will be pretty biased at this point, no offense.
(edited by Celestina.2894)
I have done it all on my Elementalist, only thing left is to hit Liadri with 8 crystal thingy, and have someone beat with 5 Gambits. Didn’t need to change much. Only Traits and Utility