How do you fight the Conjured Greatswords ?
We killed them with retaliation and maybe lifesteal. Took about 10 mins and they dropped no loot and gave no XP. So yeah just leave it until the event repeats and hopefully they’ll reset.
You don’t fight them. Seriously, just don’t.
Go find another fight. It’s easier.
My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.
I would, but they have a rather unpleasant habit of chasing you down, even so far as the center area where all of the NPCs are. Can I take it to mean there is genuinely no way of killing them?
I believe they are a bug? I think there is a legendary boss that spawns them, and they fail to despawn at the end.
80 Necromancer (Main) | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 80 Warrior
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Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Just had one sitting on the centaur boss. Nothing like an invincible spawn that cripples sitting on top of a boss that spams AOE circles akittens feet and has an arrow cart.