In and out before Anet patches it

In and out before Anet patches it

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Clouded Judgement.7834

Clouded Judgement.7834

What content of this patch should be done before its broken by patch?
I’m guessing the Guantlet should be completed within the first day or two before it becomes impossible.

Anything else we should focus on?

In and out before Anet patches it

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


I would definitely try to finish the Gauntlet within the first day – the first 6 hours would be even better. The other things don’t seem to be needing patching? Basically there’s just a free travel to Divinity’s Reach via hotair balloons and some olympic torch relay race – I’d probably do the torch beacon lighting thing after you’ve finished Gauntlet as people might have found shortcuts/ezmode ways of doing it that will b e patched in subsequent days.

In and out before Anet patches it

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Yeah, the gauntlet is clearly the most likely to have some kind of exploit or “bug” which makes it easy to complete and will be removed before the event ends. Unfortunately, the lines will be the longest during the first day (guest to a low population server to minimise this).

In and out before Anet patches it

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Yeah, my strategy now is always to tackle the toughest achievements first when new LS content comes out, just in case.

I honestly wish I didn’t have to. I’d much prefer it if content stayed permanently so we could re-try as many times as we wanted.

In and out before Anet patches it

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Or, you could try to do the content the way it was designed to, at the very least giving it a try. You sound super paranoid about the achievements.

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