Light Up the Darkness achievement
1. Thief
2. Traits & Gear
3. 20-30 tries.
Phase 1: Use Shortbow and use Cluster Bomb to kill the Cosmic Rifts. You might need to Dodge if your projectile is going to hit it too late. On the third Orb of Light, use Shadow Refuge for throwing it and start dealing damage with Caltrops and your dodge Caltrops.
Phase 2: Headshot her whenever she charges. If she manages to Cripple, make sure you dodge right away to remove the Weakness/Cripple. Kite towards Radiant Hope fields and use Stealth whenever tossing an Orb of Light on her. Whenever you do Stealth also remember to use Sneak attack from your Pistol (#1). Eventually you’ll be ahead on damage so you can keep Shortbow out the rest of the time for the Cosmic Rifts and the extra Evasion.
(edited by Nokaru.7831)
I don’t get it…
BUT I took all other achievements with my main (Mesmer) – my best run was about 8 flames, but i only take her to ~80%, time was running out. So, i’m really really interessed, if someone will get it?
And, what i really want to know: Tried ArenaNet this for itselfs? Without there godmode (like the twitch)?
Cause it seems nearly impossible with that tons of “instant kill”-aoe to get the flames fast enough.
My Mesmer: Full Berserker Gear, Sword/Pistol & Staff, Traits: 0/20/0/30/20
I see you can spawn multiple lights at once if you get the adds onto the pool at exactly the same time. I don’t have this achievement yet but I figure you need to make use of that combined with some huge survivability to do it.
I’ve tried that using the guardian’s 5th skill from the GS – pulling them all into that, but they despawn before i can use all of them and not always are all the shades transformed, sometimes just one or two instead of 3-4.
So i would love to hear an answer from someone who did it. Thanks for the replies
I’ve answered my own question. All it took was a break from the game and apparently doing it at an odd hour.
0/0/10/30/30 with power/tough/vit gear (happened to be my current equipped slot, you don’t really need this type of gear)
Skills: Shelter, Hold the Line, Save Yourselves!, Retreat, Renewed Focus
Weapons: GS + scepter/focus
Phase 1 just avoid aoe, kill the pulling orb, kite clones into the light and toss the shard
Phase 2: Move towards the light, if you can’t dodge the aoe, use either the heal or the elite skill. Use shouts to remove conditions and scepter away.
+1 on guardian with greatsword and scepter/focus. Gear was all zerker and used endurance food (The 30% one).
6 tries I think with that build Erika posted.
Best of luck to everyone and hope you all manage to get it!
Any warriors beat it? seeing as my main is a warrior I have no other options
Okay, I took it with Mesmer:
Full-Berserker Gear with Staff & Sword/Pistol, Traits: 20 (III, V)/20 (IV, X)/0/0/30 (VI, X, III), Slotskills: Ehter Feast, Decoy, Mantra of Resolve, Blink, Moa Morph
Link for Traits only
1. Phase:
Quite easy – move fast as u can to the Hope fields und move with sidesteps her AA.
2. Phase:
Main-Weapon at this is your Staff. Put Illusions as many as you can, to cripple and take her down. She also often aggro the illus, so it’s easier to get and throw the lights. If you don’t get to the Pattern, switch to S/P and use Blurred Frenzy. If there is CD or not enough time, use F4 or blink. Only her cripple is hard to handle, but if you keep your eyes open, you dogde to cripple or use Phase Retreat from Staff – use Mantra only for emergency. Decoy is best, to get fast a light, cause the Shadows don’t move, while you’re in stealth.
I took me ~12 tries, cause my biggest Problem was my high dps. If she don’t destroy the Phantasm, she goes down really fast.
1. Engineer
2. 20/0/0/30/20
Explosives: condition duration, bomb radius + recharge.
Alchemy: boon duration, vigor on swiftness, elixir condition removal (not required), and kit regeneration
Tools: swiftness on kit swap (and so vigor), toolkit recharge
medkit, bomb kit, toolkit, elixir s, supply crate
3. Full (ascended) rabid, 30% boon duration, 10% cond duration from runes.
Pistol/shield with sigil of energy (and generosity, which did probably not even help, because of shared the shared ICD)
Cond damage and duration food.
4. Probably more than 100 attempts on necro and warrior with all kinds of builds, then maybe 30 using enginer and this build eventually.
This is probably easy mode and will make alot of other classes want to cry:
With the increased boon duration, you can stack +1min of swiftness and vigor before entering the arena simply by swapping kits.
This means you can completely ignore weakness and cripple and dont even need any condition removal (but you got some anyways).
Sigil of energy gives you an additional dodge every 9 seconds. You should actually never run out of dodges as long as you keep swapping kits.
Bombs allow you to deal sustained damage while moving anywhere you want. The confusion from bomb and toolkit skill 3 deal alot of damage and takes most of Liadri’s health down alone. At least i think so, I did not see her most of the time.
You actually have to take care, to not kill her too early.
Medkit and passive regeneration provide more than enough healing.
You can place medkits everywhere to pick them up later, also remember those from the supply crate.
Pistol 1 (or simply bombs) takes down the rifts without “obstructed” and in case you get pulled, you got Elixir S to save your kitten .
You also got two blocks with multiple seconds duration from shield 5 and toolkit 4,
just in case.
Getting orbs:
Big Ol’ Bomb’s aoe knockback, supply crate’s stun, shield push, and last but not least toolkit’s pull provide a good amount of cc to be able to pick up orbs and even pull a single illusion into a swirl to speed things up. You may also try your luck by using the toolbelt skill from Elixir S to get stealth.
1. Necro
2. http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=V00;3kH-J004FJ-w2;9;4TJJ;023A18-46;5U-k6K;1oHAhoubUl-F81-NYU;2A-F0K1PYUZ_44q-Fk1e;5F18ZF18Z;9;9;9;9;7V3s5A
3. full rabid
4. 45 on necro (20 engi)
When I succed have only Mango Pie.
Pro tip, take north and north west arena, white whirl was more inside than other arenas
pro tip 2, move alot, even in 1st phase if u strafe boss hit u less.
Guardian 0/0/30/30/10 for easy and hard mode liadri
hard mode took me around 30 tries :/
used scepter+shield, knights armor +soldier rune, zerker accessory