List of bugs (Friendly Warning)

List of bugs (Friendly Warning)

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Warzaw.2708


This is kind of a track to warn anyone who hasn’t participated in the Gauntlet as of yet, or hasn’t advanced too far.

Just gonna list a few bugs, and if the thread gets closed or anything, moved, etc, it’s all good, just wanted to give a friendly warning.

1. Subject 7’s oozes will sometimes stay inside the arena if the player doesn’t beat him within the time limit, forcing the next player to fight their boss with the oozes inside. The only fix for it I’ve noticed is to die, I have yet to see someone with this bug complete their fight.

2. Apparently the Tremors gambit will self-activate in fights, causing constant knockdowns to unsuspecting players.

3. I’ve seen two separate instances where no bosses will spawn. Either some how downing yourself, or re-logging can fix this. In one case two players entered but one got ported out.

4. I’ve been involved in (and seen) a case where two players will spawn into the arena with their selected fights. It was me battling Liadri before I managed to beat her, and someone fighting the very first Gauntlet boss.

Anyhow, just a warning to some of the bugs that may occur, and if Anet hasn’t heard or seen some of these yet.

If anyone has any others, feel free to post them here.

Vicodium – Ranger (IX) Coldsnap

List of bugs (Friendly Warning)

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

ow, sounds like some nasty bugs! > . <
i hope they fix them ASAP !!!