New Builds to Farm Deadeye
Omg you cannot be serious you are the guy that was begging for it to be nerfed, practically crying because you wanted to stop. And here you are…
No one give this troll advice for the love of sanity.
(edited by KingClash.3186)
D/P Thief works exactly the same way. Shadow Shot, Ambush, Steal, Black Powder, spam auto-attack, Scorpion Wire when he runs away, rinse, repeat.
Resident Thief
Omg you cannot be serious you are the guy that was begging for it to be nerfed, practically crying because you wanted to stop. And here you are…
No one give this troll advice for the love sanity.
Unfortunately it still might be possible to farm him so I have to try because it’ll likely be profitable. It would have been awesome if it was impossible. But since there’s a chance I need to maximize my gold regardless of the fact that I find it boring.
I don’t understand why this concept is so incomprehensible to some.
Position yourself so that you’re in between the mines and then sword 2 to leap without blowing up. You should easily be able to do at least 3 gambits on a warrior.
/15 char
Begs for nerf, asks to keep farming it. I don’t think guild wars 2 is the game for you bhagwad
I’m sorry dude, I just can’t take you seriously anymore, but I will be a polite player and help you out….
Ranger build is the same for me though, so is the order of skills used. It takes about 15 seconds longer, and is much, much harder.
*Full Rabid Gear with Earth Sigils, Traited for Signets and Condition Damage.
*Use Rampage as One before entering the arena.
*Path of scars, Eagle F2, Signet of the Wild.
*Winter’s Bite, SplitBlade, then Whirling Defense. Use Sharpening Stone after you activate Whirling Defense.
*He teleports somewhere by the time you finish using Whirling Defense, and immediately uses the killshot. Use Signet of Stone, then switch to Shortbow, and start spamming 1.
*Use Concussion Shot when he starts to use the Killshot. When he tries to killshot again 2 seconds later, use Quickshot to evade.
*If he isn’t dead yet, then you need to get better gear (as in use Exotics).
On an Alternate Ranger Build, you can use full Berzerker’s gear, and kill him just as fast by spamming 1 on any weapon, and being aware of that killshot move.
Is this guy serious? I’m sorry but it seems this guy is just flooding the forums with all his troll threads.
He made a thread asking for deadeye to be nerfed, and then made a huge thread thanking anet for nerfing deadeye so he can ‘move on to other aspects of the game’.
And now he’s made a new thread asking for advice and builds on how to efficiently farm it again. I’m sorry I never personally call anyone out on the forums like this, but there’s something intrinsically wrong with this person.
Is this guy serious? I’m sorry but it seems this guy is just flooding the forums with all his troll threads.
He made a thread asking for deadeye to be nerfed, and then made a huge thread thanking anet for nerfing deadeye so he can ‘move on to other aspects of the game’.
And now he’s made a new thread asking for advice and builds on how to efficiently farm it again. I’m sorry I never personally call anyone out on the forums like this, but there’s something intrinsically wrong with this person.
It seems that there’s a genuine difficulty in understanding the motivations of farmers and people like. In good faith, I’ll try and explain:
1. I always do the most profitable thing in the game
2. I would prefer the most profitable activity to be fun
3. Hence I was complaining that farming Deadeye was boring
4. But since there are still builds allowing him to be farmed I have to do it (Refer 1)
Is this really so difficult to understand? If so, please let me know and I’ll try and explain.
Instead of that I’m being called a troll etc etc. Why?
Yeah, because why does money matter? why is showing off so important, if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. That kind of mentality is kind of dumb. but I will say i was messing around with runes of the flock, with 4 of them the bird that is summoned blind and it’s once every 10 seconds, I wasn’t trying with gambits cuz runes of the flock, but I wonder if there’s any potential with those runes, even though it is a gamble
Yeah, because why does money matter? why is showing off so important, if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right. That kind of mentality is kind of dumb. but I will say i was messing around with runes of the flock, with 4 of them the bird that is summoned blind and it’s once every 10 seconds, I wasn’t trying with gambits cuz runes of the flock, but I wonder if there’s any potential with those runes, even though it is a gamble
If its once every 10 seconds, it still might not work, because Deadeye does his killshot about every 5 seconds now. Plus the bird will probably kill itself by running over all the mines on its way to him anyways.
Is this guy serious? I’m sorry but it seems this guy is just flooding the forums with all his troll threads.
He made a thread asking for deadeye to be nerfed, and then made a huge thread thanking anet for nerfing deadeye so he can ‘move on to other aspects of the game’.
And now he’s made a new thread asking for advice and builds on how to efficiently farm it again. I’m sorry I never personally call anyone out on the forums like this, but there’s something intrinsically wrong with this person.
It seems that there’s a genuine difficulty in understanding the motivations of farmers and people like. In good faith, I’ll try and explain:
1. I always do the most profitable thing in the game
2. I would prefer the most profitable activity to be fun
3. Hence I was complaining that farming Deadeye was boring
4. But since there are still builds allowing him to be farmed I have to do it (Refer 1)Is this really so difficult to understand? If so, please let me know and I’ll try and explain.
Instead of that I’m being called a troll etc etc. Why?
- Its because you created a Thread Talking about how boring the event, you can just Faceroll and make so much gold by doing nothing.
- Then you make a thread thanking Anet for nerfing Deadeye,
- Then a few minutes later, you make a thread asking for new builds to farm the new version of Deadeye, because if finally got “interesting” enough to where you can’t Faceroll him in 4 seconds. (it takes 10 seconds to kill him now because instead of any actual pattern, like all the other bosses in Queen’s Gauntlet, its all random now, which is probably for the better, but its just annoying rather then fun because of the randomness)
(serious) No offense, but people are going to accuse you of Trolling just because of those three things, no matter what you say, no matter what, because it ticked off alot of people when Deadeye got nerfed and they lost their access to all their gold farming.
(not so serious)According to the unwritten, unpublished, and banned everywhere, Rules of the Internet, Published atleast 100 years ago, what you did is exactly how Trolls act, whether it was your intention or not, and its not going to change anyone’s opinions.
+1 thread, will read again!
Champion Paragon – #Magswag
well I think I can sum this up, here goes:
1) he was asking for complete nerf to deadeye (as not possible anymore) that way he would move on to the next source of income aka frost farm or pavilion farm without worrying someone is making more money that him
2) after nerf he found people still farming deadeye so asks what to keep farming and making most money (fyi unless you got guard, Mesmer or to some extent necro or thief don’t expect to jump back on the money train for easy money rest have to work harder)
3) if deadeye was completely nerfed way he had wanted it he would have moved on to next money farm as stated to make most money see above for location ( would have got sick of that too after awhile and asked for another nerf and so on in a vicious cycle)
4) sry to break it you but you cant have your cake and eat it to there is no best of both worlds you can make money in gw2 or have fun and here is why. farming involves doing same thing over and over and over and over again and is usually so easy a trained monkey or even untrained could do it and its not fun; if you find repeating things endlessly fun that have no challenge your brain just turns off and you get bored fast, the only thing that can repeat the same thing over and over endlessly is a computer as to my knowledge humans get burned out doing things repeatedly over and over.
5) last and final point this can all be summed up in one simple word “GREED” yep that’s it. Having money is good and all but if you do same thing over and over like cof was, nobody ever finds it fun after awhile and why play a game if you not having fun. Just some things to think about, have fun money will come; farm is just for the greed or vanity farmers will never come close to tp flippers and their 1000’s on precursors. That’s just the way the game is, but I don’t care how much money the next guy has as long as I am having fun; don’t get me wrong your free to farm as much as you want, but don’t complain that it isn’t fun farming isn’t supposed to be fun. That said I got better things to do than play a game that isn’t fun, so I will play till it ceases to be fun then do something else and come back later. You can farm or have fun cant have both.
This is why GW2 needs to make rewards account bound and obtained from specific content instead of making gold rule everything. All the people running dungeons for 20-90 minutes a path are competing with people who are making double digits in that time. The OP is a fool and I have no sympathy for him, but the “gold rules all” design of the game is a rot that plagues the rewards side of the game. We need more things like dungeon tokens or fractal weapons and less gold.
When gold is the only relevant currency, players feel pressured to play in the most profitable areas of the game (the OP takes this to new levels) and players who choose fun over profit are being punished for their choice. That’s wrong.
Stop exploiting this guys jeez.
This is why GW2 needs to make rewards account bound and obtained from specific content instead of making gold rule everything. All the people running dungeons for 20-90 minutes a path are competing with people who are making double digits in that time. The OP is a fool and I have no sympathy for him, but the “gold rules all” design of the game is a rot that plagues the rewards side of the game. We need more things like dungeon tokens or fractal weapons and less gold.
When gold is the only relevant currency, players feel pressured to play in the most profitable areas of the game (the OP takes this to new levels) and players who choose fun over profit are being punished for their choice. That’s wrong.
I love this idea. This will allow me to enjoy various aspects of the game and not be concerned that something else is more efficient. For example, right now I can buy my way to a legendary either by purchasing most of the crafting components, or just getting it off the TP if I’m really rich.
This makes gold acquisition the common denominator of all activities and everything is measured by that yardstick. If for example lodestones and cores etc were account bound, that would mean I can run the dungeons without bothering about whether or not it’s the most optimal thing to do. I can just have fun. But with the current system as it is today, my efficient and wealth maximizing nature simply insists that I need to get the max amount of gold.
I don’t think I’m alone in this either.
So I second the notion of a lot more account bound items. Here’s hoping!
P.S: Now that I think about it, it’s possible that Anet deliberately created the gold system to make people buy gems and hence increase their revenue source. If true, I can’t really blame them. But it is what it is…
My only solution is to turn deadeye into noeyes. But then again this may require opening your own eyes…
Champion Paragon – #Magswag