Ranger vs Crew of the Ravenous
This with the 4 pirates?
I was downed I think 3 times (glassy beserker ranger) I ran with LB and GS with a bear, and feline for dps. I was able to get resurrected by my bear every time. Killed the first guy no prob, by the second I was downed but back up. Took me 3 tries in all.
Used Signets and Rampage as One 30, 30, 10
Hey there, my guild and I posted videos of us completing all the gauntlet challenges. I also posted a video of the build I used (ranger since day 1! ) check them out, I hope they help
PTNThe Part Time Nerd on YouTube.
I completed the ravenous crew first time round and a few times more after that.
Weapons: short bow-power/vit/cd
: Sword/ Torch-Power/vit/cd
Ring/accessories/ amulets are all toughness/power/hp regen
Pets jag for damage and raven for blindness/damage
Heal- troll unguent for the heal regen
ability 7-hunt signet
ability 8- renewed signet
ability 9-wild signet
elite- rampage as one
traits 30 I/III/XI
10 III
Stitches first due to the heal
First mate
Master Gunner- aoe damage seemed to do nothing so left to last
I found with my build that u get a lot of stamina and enough evades and dodges to last the battle, just got to be hitting from the sides for the bleed.
I was constantly running in a circle applying the bleeds while pet was upping the direct damage. i had enough pace/evades to keep away from the melee attacks and more than enough passive hp regen for the small damage. troll unguent was used when i ran out of stamina or evades and i knew i was going to take damage.
hope this helps, gl and hf
I used the old contion BM build. 0/10/30/0/30 with the jaguar pet (I don’t think I had to swap it). The jaguar still hits hard and I can run circles around the arena with flame and viper trap with Signet of the Hunter.
Using that build I beat every person I came up against on the first try, until I ran out of tickets (I didn’t fight Liandri yet and I can’t be assed to farm tickets to do so for now). I was using the axe/torch and shortbow.
(edited by Shiren.9532)
I had problems doing enough DPS with my guard so i switched to ranger. Did it with apothecary bunker first try.
Full berserker ranger here.
Went with shortbow/longbow.
Pets were jaguar/wolf
traits were 30/20/20/0/0
Kill stitches first, then after that go for the gunner. After those 2 are dead, it doesn’t matter who you kill.
Same problem as the OP. Beastmaster build (0/0/20/20/30), Jaguar/Hyena pet, full 80/exotic/ascended gear, but it’s all bunker/survival. SB or LB (tried both) + GS, always target Stitches first, takes a full 45 seconds to kill her because DPS is just so low. Best I’ve ever done is manage to get the Captain down while in Downed state, but the floor immediately dropped out afterwards. Almost never die but I don’t think I could kill these 4 in 2 minutes if you just lined them up and let me whack on them unfettered.
Sure I could completely retrait (and have to learn how to play a build I’ve never used), but I’ll be darned it I’m going to spend good $$$ to buy new exotic gear just for the Gauntlet.
If I were close to winning (maybe having killed 3 of them at least once) I’d have some hope. But as it is, I’m not remotely close to being able to do this, at least not in the Bunker gear I’m wearing.
I did it with sword/warhorn and axe/torch. I’m using rampagers gear and have quite a bit of condition damage. Didn’t have to respec, but I did swap out my usual utilities for a couple of traps (spike and poison) and dropped them every time they were ready. Also, don’t forget food. If you don’t have enough damage on your own, buff yourself. I was using Truffle Steak and Sharpening Stones, I believe. I killed the Captain first and the Gunner last. I’m not sure the order of the other two mattered, but I did find that the time I killed the Gunner first, I died in a hail of bullets (which, oddly, seems to be the opposite of the experience that WatchTheShow had). If you are full bunker, yeah, you are probably going to have to spec temporarily into Marksmanship and Skirmisher to get your power and precision up, but maybe that will be enough without changing armor.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
Don’t know much about ranger but I beat them on necro the first try. I looked up dulfy’s guide and only to follow the order of killing, so you can check that if not already. I then use my usual skill/trait to kill them one by one. They heal when one is killed so aoe is not necessary but aoe cc would help kiting.
did it first try with my berserker ranger. 30,20,20 with longbow + axe and warhorn. i just kept kiting and dpsing. stiches, captain, the cannon guy and last was the melee. elite skill was the aoe root. pets was the lynx n dog
I used my normal trait set-up (25-25-0-0-20) with a shortbow and sword/torch and a bird pet (eagle specifically) for the increased DPS. I also used fire trap (without the trait that lets you ground target it), Sharpening Stone, Signet of Renewal and Rampage as One. Oh and Troll Unguent.
I started with the First Mate because she does the most damage, then the Gunner because the AoE was annoying, then the Captain and I left Stitches till last because she lets the others regen.
After that my strategy was painfully simple – I’d kite in circles constantly (this is why I swapped out Healing Spring, having to double back on myself to reapply the regen didn’t work) attacking with the short bow (everything except 3 which I saved for when I needed a dodge) and using my utilities and elite whenever they came off recharge.
When I was down to just fighting Stitches I switched to sword and torch and again just spammed skills until they were all down.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Umm… I just pretty much just fought this like everything I fight. Just target the gunner first to get rid of the AoE. Then circle straffed everything with Troll Ungent and continuous dodging. Made sure to have piercing shot and just try to hit at least 2 targets with my shortbow at all time. Did this in one try with no downs before I even knew there was a strategy on this.
Oh, I’m a full blown glass canon with 30-30-10-0-0.
Edit: Forgot to say I use the Wolf and Alpine Wolf. Their F2 helps tremendously when you’re kiting.
(edited by yoshoken.9432)