Should I be concern with changes...

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Meriem.3504


… to anything in Divinity, ie the city itself, npcs etc? I never did the human area yet, due to be being broken and was waiting for fixes. Has anyone seen/read anything in regards to possible changes and that may effect the area permanently?

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: zenleto.6179


… to anything in Divinity, ie the city itself, npcs etc? I never did the human area yet, due to be being broken and was waiting for fixes. Has anyone seen/read anything in regards to possible changes and that may effect the area permanently?

No idea. I’d like to know what was broken and needed fixing though.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Blaine.4251


… to anything in Divinity, ie the city itself, npcs etc? I never did the human area yet, due to be being broken and was waiting for fixes. Has anyone seen/read anything in regards to possible changes and that may effect the area permanently?

No idea. I’d like to know what was broken and needed fixing though.

Also no clue what bugs you are talking about, but you don’t have to be afraid of any permanent change, Anet is much more afraid of it than you are.

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Meriem.3504


… to anything in Divinity, ie the city itself, npcs etc? I never did the human area yet, due to be being broken and was waiting for fixes. Has anyone seen/read anything in regards to possible changes and that may effect the area permanently?

No idea. I’d like to know what was broken and needed fixing though.

A lot of the low level events were broken such as bull, windmill, bridge, something to do with plans be stolen at the water pump along with the outfit I want to wear is buggy. x.x But its been months and seems hopeless anything will be done. I was going to start to do everything but this event HAD to be at Divinity which means it most likely won’t look normal which will ruin my RP!

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: RileyTheRad.8542


I don’t honestly recall anything in Kryta being overly buggy when compared to anything else. But since the patch hasn’t hit yet, I don’t think anyone can answer that question for you.

Hoopa doopa.

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Zenon.4328


Can someone clear this up for me, the OP have me a little confused. Those bugs that he is mentioning sounds more like they are issues in Queensdale, not Divinity’s Reach.

Should I be concern with changes...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Meriem.3504


Can someone clear this up for me, the OP have me a little confused. Those bugs that he is mentioning sounds more like they are issues in Queensdale, not Divinity’s Reach.

Yes it is Queensdale. I am an Rper and wasn’t going to explore DR yet until I did more quests in Queens but because so much was broken I held off until they fixed it. This was back in last October. They still haven’t fixed anything other then the swamp thing.

Now I am royally bloody angry cause they made a massive change to DR which I never got to see which why the whole reason I made this post in the first place in hopes to find out what the might of change so I could check it before it was too late.

However it didn’t matter cause changes were already made back I think July 26th I found out today. Anet is just making me madder and madder at their lack of any passion in making a game and just being greedy.

Already there is bugs in THIS living story. It isn’t even that complicated and there is bugs. They need to knock off this 2 week crap.