The true last boss is the GUI

The true last boss is the GUI

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Disclamer: i use a norn (that could explain the first problem).
And i can’t see anything around me if i’m even slightly near the borders of the dome. And it isn’t like i can stay at the center all the time, the white whirls will spawns on the sides, eventually.

I can’t even see the AoE rings on the floor decently – putting RED rings on a RED grid-like floor strains my eyes quite a bit. And it isn’t like i can do anything about that.
Same for the orbs, after all. You haven’t got a clear view of the arena while fighting, so it is quite easy to get pulled by some orb you couldn’t even see.

Basically, for a fight that requires you to be aware of everything around you – cause everything can and will kill you – i feel the camera and gui are actively working against the player.

The true last boss is the GUI

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Grimno.6172


Charr and Norn are never considered when they make these sort of things.

Even during the fight against the Hunter and his Dog it took me 4 tries to finally FINALLY see the meat being thrown and where it was going. The whole match I had to keep swinging my camera around going “Where is it?! WHERE IS IT!?”

Grimno Lvl 80 WR
Lance Delgado Lvl 20 Thief