Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Zenon.4328



I am trying to complete this fight and aiming for the achievement as well but is having trouble.

I have been using my Elementalist. I can trait up to run fast enough and with chill, can get to the meat before Chomper if it was just a race of speed and reflex, but Strugar pulls so much, I don’t have enough Stability to handle it. Worse part is when he literally throws the meat right in front of Chomper.

Any tips on this? I also have a Mesmer and Guardian as well if those classes would make this easier.


Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: MystF.5186


Strugar also throws the meat every 2 seconds, and sometimes 2 meats at once. This guy needs to be a bit nerfed.
I could understand if it’s either meat spam or pulling you over all the time, but both – freaking impossible.
Obviously people who completed it got lucky that Strugar wasn’t actually spamming the meat. Watched a video on Youtube and the person clearly had enough time to attack Strugar and Chomper between picking up each meat. But I just keep running for one, and two, and three.. and can’t even attack if I want to get the achievement.
Finally Strugar pulls me over and there are like 2 meats on the ground… -.-

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Just pick up meat until you have 3 stacks on you, then rush the hell out on Chomper. Strugar should be dead easy once Chomper is dead.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Zenon.4328


Well, I switch to my Mesmer and is able to beat them now, but still working on the achievement.

It is true if I can get the first 3 pieces of meat, Chomper goes down pretty fast, I was so close once but he got a piece of meat with like 5% health left. Strugar is not even an issue for my Mesmer once Chomper goes down.

Although now that I can beat them pretty consistently, I don’t mind having to keep retrying for the achievement since I am making a profit on sprockets and silver even by buying the tickets.

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: matjazmuhic.1649


Just pick up meat until you have 3 stacks on you, then rush the hell out on Chomper. Strugar should be dead easy once Chomper is dead.

What he said.

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Scizzor.8137


Hey Zenon, I find it easiest on mesmer. Took me a few tries to get achievement. I run a phantasm build and use IDefender, IBerserker, and then IDuelist right at the beginning of the match on Strugar. I then proceeded to kite around until I saw him throw meat and blinked to it. Very helpful to have some kind of speed boost (I was using Runes of Centaur). They seem to completely ignore the phantasms… Anyways I just let the phantasms kill Strugar while I prance around the arena collecting the meat.

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Sleel.8365


Annoying that we have that glitchy/crappy pickup animation that as often as not wont activate while in combat. Combined with the dog having no pickup animation to cycle and it is pita. I’m also kitten ed that after beating them they are putting me in a match against them again anyway. I didn’t sign up for a repeat with gambits, yet repeat I gets.

Tips for Strugar and Chomper?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


if you cant stop chomper from eating, focus strugar

try to race chomper to the meat, use stuns dazes and knockbacks

meat on a stick poisons you, meat hunks buff and heal you

…dont bother immobilizing, as usual. but cripple and chill are really useful.

make sure your finger is off move and you arent in a dodge roll when you push f to pick up meat

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