I get it that people operate on the classic rule of “everything I can do is too easy and everything I cant do is too hard”. Same as “all who did something I cant are no-lifers and all who cant do what I did are noobs”. I get that, I am sometimes also guilty of that.
Will I complain that Liadri is too hard and must be nerfed? No. At least not yet. I’ll give it few more weeks to see. As the matter of fact I already managed to beat her on my thief and now I am trying to get the 8-orb challenge on my guardian (which for now seems to be impossible for my skill level, but who knows, maybe I will come up with something later).
I just wanted to address people who say that she is quite easy (yes, you can find such posts, look around the forums). Saying like they defeated her within 10 tries and how lots of player must be “terrible” at this game and “entitled”.
Well. For what it is worth, I believe that Liadri is the hardest “skill” challenge in any MMO released in the past decade. I played a lot of them and some on highly competetive level. People say that some heroic raid content in WoW is hard (HC Ragnaros, Sunwell, HC Lich King etc. etc.). Truth is, none of those are even close to Liadri in terms of reflex and multitasking requirements from a solo player. Big bulk of HC raiding challenge comes from the need of coordinating 10 or 25 people. Now imagine closing 25 people in 25 domes, each with his own Liadri. And they all must kill her together or a single KO will reset it for everyone. Although I dont play WoW since over a year, I had my fair share of cutting edge content, and nothing, absolutely nothing from their hardcore content was even close to Liadri in terms of how much skill it demanded from me.
Single player games? I believe for example that infamous Dark Souls is easier from Liadri. Mainly becouse it punishes mistakes but it is easier to master over time while Liadri is still a mess even on the 200th try. No area or boss in Dark Souls challenged me so much as Liadri does atm.
The only game I played and I believe it to be harder from Liadri is I Wanna Be The Boshy by Solgryn. I played it a bit for amusement and eventually I gave up. But Boshy (or Touhou Project series) is a joke indie project. A game created solely for the purpose of being as hard and sadistic as possible. Its sole purpose is to kill you 5000 times and laugh at you while doing so.
Do people beat all games? Sure they do. Every single game these days is ripped apart and dissected by speedruns posted on Youtube. Some people are extremely talented. That is their benefit and rightfully so. But I would really ask to stop alluding that Liadri is easy. If someone beat her easily, it means he is very skilled or very lucky. Either way good for him. But please, tell me what other content in MMO games in the last 10 years (or mainstream single player games) was clearly harder than this (speaking about skill here, not required grind)? Please tell me becouse I will be glad to argue with that. Nothing so far in GW2 was even close as hard as her (Halloween JP was a joke in comparison). Nothing in GW1 ever was even close in terms of difficulty as well. Liadri is a huge step-up from that. She is one of the hardest things I have ever done in video games. And I am playing games hardcore since more than 20 years. Is it nice to have such a challenging niche content in a game? I guess it is. Is it nice to call people “bad” and “horrible” becouse they cant beat her? Not by a long shot.