To be honest, I couldn’t agree more. Pets are a hindrance, no matter how you beat around the bush.
They die faster than you can pick your nose, and calling them back is useless when you’re ALREADY in melee.
Their F2 skills take too long (and have huge kitten CDs) and have minimal effects.
Pets die too fast.
Pets don’t scale with your gear.
Pets are dead most of the time.
The pet swap cooldown is way too long.
Pets need more survivability.
The “attack my target” feature is often useless.
I know this is related to the new LS, but you can’t tell me those still don’t apply here.
I only play my ranger because it’s… visually appealing (IYKWIM), but I’m tempted to just delete it because I’ve given up hope on having it balanced.
Even though I am not happy with the way rangers are currently, I have to disagree in regards to the damage issue, somewhat.
While it is anything but foolproof, I use Orr as a test bed whenever I make changes.
Currently my ranger is pow/pre/crit (5 of 6 are rare, only 1 exotic), with 6 Superior Rune of the Ranger. I generally cruise with a pow/prec/mf exotic longbow, and I use birds (raven/snow-owl) as pets. I also use imob/cripple traps.
With my current setup, there aren’t very many standard mobs (risen nobles excepted) that can get within melee range long enough to hit me. The exception there is when the mobs magically ignore knockback and just instantly are back where they started (a known bug). Even with Risen Nobles before the lowering of the damage their marks do, I was able to keep them back long enough to take them out.
The point? My point is that during my time in playing around with this, I have enough time to pay attention to how my pet is acting, and I’ve found that birds, at least, do some substantial damage. Without the right kind of pet, I’d need to swap to my melee weapon probably 80% of the time, even though it would be for only a couple seconds, but even with full aggro on me, as often happens, the birds are helping a LOT with dps.
This is part of my complaint about their lack of defense. I’ve tried various pets for boss fights, but for me it’s come down to which pet will hold aggro the longest in order for others to be mobile with their attacks.
Soon as the boss one-shots “PET DOWN!” and it’s time to hit F4 and hope I’ve not done so in the previous half minute.
Using a heavy defense pet takes away from the dps, which is an understandable exchange, but if you see me using a bird in a boss fight, it’s because I figure to get as much damage in before they get one-shotted like the rest.
As for cooldowns, the attacks (F2) need to be shorter recharge and much faster on action.
The swap cooldown could stay the same if the pets were made more survivable.
Personally, I’d like to see a trait-line specifically for pets (part of the pet window), and the ability to specialize in specific pet types (for me, I’d specialize in birds). This would add advantage in many locations, but would allow Anet to also create dungeon bosses that are a bane to certain pet types, thus forcing the ranger to make some decisions on what to use, and what to specialize in, just like some bosses are better fought with ranged, vs. melee.
Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!