(edited by morrigana sedai.2091)
fix the **** orbs, please
Please, there is no reason why that orb should able to pull me from across the arena, yet I can’t just shoot it and move on.
Yup. This is the biggest problem, but Liadri is still beatable.
yeah, it’s stupid how ranged fighters still struggle to hit objects. i thought they had said they’d solved that months ago.
Pretty much. Still no response as to if this is actually the intended mechanic. I can’t see how it is.
I’d say it’s intended IF the same thing didn’t also happen with ranged AoE (rarely) and Melee (I have this happen the first hit most times, second normally works fine), it’s annoying, and is the main thing that kills me in that fight.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
I’m going to keep bumping this thing as longs as it takes to prove a point.
Engineer rifle has same issue, rifle hits do not hit the orb
Im pretty sure its intended for you to melee them or use a blast aoe.
I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. One of many. Unfortunately Anet won’t fix it in a timely manner, because they are to busy nerfing everyones farming. Amazing how fast those things get fixed.
I don’t hope they prove you right havoc, since my strongest specs are ranged specs and that would give me some huge trouble killing her.