Anyone else get event chest rewards below 80?
Agree, I got 2 lvl 40 items and one lvl 62. Most others only got lvl 80. So that was just bad luck?
I got some stuff in the mid seventies, but I disposed of it rather quickly (salvaged or sold).
I was surprised, really, and I did a double-take when I saw that the stuff wasn’t level 80.
Was this intended? I don’t understand.
My wife was in the same boat as you, while someone in our party got a precursor. He then logged in on an alt and looted the chest again really fast and got another precursor.
My wife was in the same boat as you, while someone in our party got a precursor. He then logged in on an alt and looted the chest again really fast and got another precursor.
Perfect example of why this event was terrible. Legitimate people couldn’t loot the chest once and some clown logs over to an alt to loot it again. These are the people that should have their items removed.
I got crap from that chest, don’t know if dying 4 times meant that I wasn’t going to get all level 80 drops. Guild mate of mine got level 40-60 drops but that’s because she’s level 45. Most people who got precursors just chuck it up on trade post for 300g. As for the person who swapped to an alt, he needed to have had the alt there and participated in order to get the chest and personally i think its a great plan, move all you chars together let them each touch the boss for a minute then swap out, chest shows up swap back in and “boom” at most 5 chances to get something nice. Bollocks.
Other than the Karka Shell I didn’t get any level 80 items. They were all level 75-79 but I’m used to that.
After I did Arah story mode and my reward from finishing my personal story was a bunch of sub-70 blues I stopped expecting to get anything worthwhile that I didn’t intentionally farm for.
I got 2 lvl 62 exotics (i’m level 80) , while my guild mates got 2-3 lvl 80 exotics.
Very balanced chest..
Other than the Karka Shell I didn’t get any level 80 items. They were all level 75-79 but I’m used to that.
After I did Arah story mode and my reward from finishing my personal story was a bunch of sub-70 blues I stopped expecting to get anything worthwhile that I didn’t intentionally farm for.
That’s really odd because the chest was supposed to drop 2 rares and 2 exotics. Anet said “they have people looking into it.” That is really odd though.
Other than the Karka Shell I didn’t get any level 80 items. They were all level 75-79 but I’m used to that.
After I did Arah story mode and my reward from finishing my personal story was a bunch of sub-70 blues I stopped expecting to get anything worthwhile that I didn’t intentionally farm for.
That’s really odd because the chest was supposed to drop 2 rares and 2 exotics. Anet said “they have people looking into it.” That is really odd though.
I guess I should have specified, the chest did give me 2 rares and 2 exotics they were just level 75-79 and the most expensive one was worth a little over 1g but the value was from the rune. I actually salvaged them because it was worth more that way because of ecto extraction and then selling the ‘parts’ individually.
The blues were my ‘gifts’ for personal story completion back before they ‘fixed it’ (not sure how good it is now).
I did the event with my level 19 Ele.. I was lucky that I crashed and missed the whole final fight but got back just in time to see the chest up…
I got the 20 slot bag and the 80 earring, 2 exotic chest pieces that were level 62 (and i can use one when i get to 62!) .. and a yellow level 39 ring and a yellow level 39 Horn.
I just think there is something wrong with the recent loot part of the update, since it went in loot just seems to be even more random with more of a chance to get below level items. – and well the “you will get loot” from champions etc is hardly working at all (i’ve killed loads and the only thing i have gotten is 1 level 76 blue).
For this event despite being 80 i got 2 level 79 exotics and 2 even lower rares, but also for loads of drops since the recent update i’ve been geting things from 70 to 80 a lot. Before the update i hardly ever got below 80 items and yet now after the update i seem to get them easily 50% of the time (this is in level 80 zones).
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Yep I have 2 level 80’s did all the events and quests, and end up with a level 76 or 78 exotic not in game so have to check. Pretty lame it’s worth 1 gold lol
Ditto with other peoples experiences. One of my exotics with a worthless level 76 ring (about 30 silver on TP) even though I myself am level 80.
I’m not too bothered though, as a trader I recognise the importance of getting more precursors into the market and not getting one is just a matter of bad luck, and getting 1g worth of exotics as opposed to like 2g which is about average isn’t a big enough dip for me to care about.
I still think the people who quickly switched toons to run it multiple times though need to be penalised, besides being tantamount to an exploit, they also adversly affect the game’s fragile economy by flooding the market with exotics and precursors
Garnished Toast
My exotics were 78 and 76. My rares 80 and 78.
So is this worth making a support ticket over or should I cut my losses and congrats to all those that got nice things!
all mine were 62
all mine were 62
Well, I thought I had it rough, guess I’m not…
I completed the event with a level 40 character (don’t have any level 80’s) and got 2 level 39 Rares and 2 level 62 Exotics. Seems pretty standard as per loot from other chests; it’s scaled to your level. You basically need to be level 80 to even have a chance at getting a Precursor from it.
I got a lvl 78 exotic shield (sold in auction house), a lvl 76 yellow (sold in merchant) and a lvl 80 exotic light armor piece. Also got a lvl 80 rare (yellow) jewel (dont remember which).