Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Christina.1528


Our server’s event has not progressed. Any updates from a dev on what happens next?

Many have been waiting since 12:00pm and would like some update as to whether or not this over and they should continue to wait.

Thank you!


[PM] Dragonbrand Originals
Meiaya – Ranger | Stasija – Mesmer
[PM] Project Mayhem

(edited by Christina.1528)

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


Yeah i’m on dragonbrand and would really like to know what is happening and if i should stop waiting at the event.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Same here, but on Vabbi
15 char limit stuff

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: blackgoat.5172


I’d very much like to get to finish this event. I made sure I was logged in and ready to go so I didn’t miss this “One Time Special Event” and it bugged out (still stuck). I’m not even going to get into the item drops because that’s not as important to me as getting to actually finish the event that I made sure I was present for.

Káge – 80 Thief / Asháman – 80 Elementalist
Project Mayhem A multigaming, PVx social guild on Dragonbrand
Dragonbrand Community Forums

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: pendevin.4263


I hope Arenanet fixes this so I can finish this fun event. I was on an overflow server doing the event until I got disconnected. After that I could only get to overflows that had completed the event. When I could finally join Dragonbrand, hoping the event wasn’t finished, I found that the event had stalled.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gliss.9713


Waiting there for something to happen as well.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Christina.1528


Hopefully we’ll get a reply. Many are still waiting here.

[PM] Dragonbrand Originals
Meiaya – Ranger | Stasija – Mesmer
[PM] Project Mayhem

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: blackgoat.5172


I know that everyone is very busy with all the issues that occurred during the event but some kind of dev response would be very much appreciated. Just so that we know that you are aware of the issue.

Káge – 80 Thief / Asháman – 80 Elementalist
Project Mayhem A multigaming, PVx social guild on Dragonbrand
Dragonbrand Community Forums

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


I know they’ve posted what they’re doing with people that have dc during the event. However I’ve still yet hear whats going to happen to the people that were at a bugged event.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: GUNSHIN.5194


I think what is frustrating is that we didn’t have a DC situation on the regular Dragonbrand server. We followed the NPC, the champion spawned, we killed it then the NPC runs back up to the cave and has been glued here since 12:30 pacific today. We know Anet wants to fix it but everyone is scared to log in case the event starts going today. Just put us out of our misery and tell us its OK to log.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gliss.9713


There are about 50 people here still waiting. Would be real nice to see an Anet tag in game to tell us if we should give up or not.


Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: haxcb.4092


Yep. Everyone’s just standing around, chilling. Could we get an answer as to whether the event will occur on Dragonbrand or whether it’ll be removed? =[

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


Still waiting for some kind of response. A lot of people are waiting.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: blackgoat.5172


I hope they get around to us soon.

Káge – 80 Thief / Asháman – 80 Elementalist
Project Mayhem A multigaming, PVx social guild on Dragonbrand
Dragonbrand Community Forums

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Joel.6587


Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Loltha.2390


You have an event that started at 12 which is 3 pm my time…it is now 9:30 and you STILL can’t answer people??? UNREAL. An ENTIRE server unable to play an event. Words escape me to even try to describe the mishandling and major fiasco this event was.

And watch, when the event FINALLY, starts, if it does start, you’re going to have everybody and their brother jumping to Dragonbrand to do it a second time because of the chance of precursers…ANET you get an F grade for this mess.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


Bit harsh, but yeah I’ve been waiting almost 7 hours for some kind of response regarding the bugged events.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


Is there going to be some kind of response? Because i’m staying till there is one.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: GUNSHIN.5194


I went ahead and posted on the BIG BOSS picture threat. Got tired of people congratulating Anet on a job well done. I guess they got our $60 at launch and don’t really care. I probably dropped another $60 at the Black Lion Trading Company but kitten if I will give them any more money. Even if they make right, the fact that I wasted a weekend for nothing and they gave out 200G plus precursors is insulting to all of us that have been here since Day 1. Somebody at Anet needs to take a course on how to give Customer Service because it really stinks. Thats OK, let me vent to the npc that has been sitting next to me for 7 hours, I know that he won’t be moving anytime soon.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


What this i’m hearing about the event repeating and why has nothing been done to fix or reset dragonbrand final event chain. There hasn’t even been a GM to show up to even look at this problem and we’re closing onto 8 hours of it being bugged.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Skittles.9285


I got disconnected during the chain events and couldn’t get back on. When I got on the Dragonbrand one and saw the event there, I rejoiced until I realized it was stuck. kitten the luck.

Lakota De Ortus – 80 Mes WvW Commander | Kota De Ortus – 80 Guard WvW Commander
Regina De Ortus – 80 Elementalist | Sophia De Ortus – 80 Ranger
Henge of Denravi [PHZE]

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Skittles.9285


Btw… seems like you guys disabled the Join overflow option so I can get back with my party. Thanks a plenty. =.=

Lakota De Ortus – 80 Mes WvW Commander | Kota De Ortus – 80 Guard WvW Commander
Regina De Ortus – 80 Elementalist | Sophia De Ortus – 80 Ranger
Henge of Denravi [PHZE]

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


Well its been about 8 hour since the start of when the bug occurred and this event is still frozen. At this point I don’t know which fact make me madder, the fact that such a big bug could be in this one time event, the fact that I will most likely never get to see this awesome event that I made time in my schedule for, the fact that Anet only assured some sort of compensation for dc with no mention on people in bugged events. But thinking about it is probably the fact that in these 8 hours I have yet to hear anything from Anet with regards to the people who where unfortunate to get a bugged final event.

(edited by Hudak.6809)

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sirakou.8170


Even just a “Yes, we know it’s bugged. Don’t worry, we got you covered.” would be nice, so that we don’t have to sit online in the off-chance that the event will restart. Since we didn’t get DC’d, we didn’t even get to the point where we could have DC’d, we don’t know if we’re getting the same compensation.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Thrace.2036


Was this on the main server or an overflow? I am on Dragonbrand and we finished the event around 3pm PST. It was a heck of a drawn out lag fest, but it didn’t seem to get stuck at all.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sirakou.8170


Definitely not an overflow. Been in overflow twice today, before getting back to the main Dragonbrand server. Was on since it started at noon, stayed on for about 4 hours before getting DC’d, then waited to get back in afterwards.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: pendevin.4263


You must have been on an overflow, because the home server has been stuck.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


9 hours since the bug, final event in dragonbrand is frozen and i’m still waiting for some kind of response.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

bump. We need a response here. Many people are waiting around, worried that they’ll miss out on the event rewards if they leave.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Qthemuse.1673


Hey, I’m in Dragonbrand,
And this is crazy,
the event is stuck,
unstick it maybe?

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

They can’t. Map is full, and it’s not an overflow.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sirakou.8170


So even after the widespread DC’s, the event is still bugged on Dragonbrand. Tawel hasn’t moved at all.
Still no word on if we get rewards or not, either. I’ve noticed other threads about it got merged, but this didn’t.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hudak.6809


Well the patch made event is over and Anet said nothing to address people who were at a bugged events. I really expected more from them.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sorry.6741


well the DB main map channel never got to complete the event. The charred remains are there now, but they didnt actually get to kill the ancient because of the new build.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: GUNSHIN.5194


Don’t feel bad guys, I sat with you for 8 hours and made the leap to log on one of these other servers at 9PM pac. I found one, got almost to the boss, only to get booted near the end for a 10PM pac Anet wipe of all the friend accts. I got into one more only to find it replaced with a new build. Game over, gone and nothing to show for it. I almost wish I had stayed on the reg Dragonbrand server, you didn’t miss anything. The sham of it is if they had only told us earlier to find a new server, just a simple courtesy PM sometimes between 12pac today and tonight, we could have completed somewhere else.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sirakou.8170


We don’t even have the merchants at Canach’s Folly that were present in the overflows after the event. I really have no clue what’s going on here.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sorry.6741


Something is off on DB main channel atm. – Some of The Karkas on the beach are the big egg laying types that belong in the event. The main map says Lionsguard are still trying to wrestle controll back – and I lost some WPs from pre-build patch. Some said that the bridge was gone as well as some of the vendors from post event.

Dragonbrand Event Chain Stuck

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Bump. Some clarity from Arenanet would be really appreciated. Many people waited the whole period before the build came up, and have no idea if we’ll be compensated or not.