I am dissatisfied
If your guildmates do not want to play Fractals at level 1 you should find yourself another guild.
Which costume is it that you are dissappointed with?
Yea honestly I agree,
This isn’t the game I paid for. I was a pretty big fanboy eagerly awaiting this game’s release thinking it was going to be the most next gen and fun MMO/game I had ever played.
But Anet is just turning their back on their whole philosophy that they set out with.
Now before I am hammered with merciless “Go back to wow” or “Stop playing” comments I’d like you to watch this and remember the game you were suppose to be playing.
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35BPhT-KI1E ]
Now there are a select few people who got spoonfed hundreds of gold, the community is at each-others throats over the RNG gamble with the Karka chest, there’s a gear treadmill, and endgame has become nothing but a fluffed up currency grind.
I too am a dissatisfied customer and I will probably be spending my time somewhere else where I can play the game and not feel like there is a giant rift between me and my fellow players.
Maybe come back for wintersday because…well holiday events are always neat =3 and hopefully the game hasn’t taken another turn for the worst.