Karka hp keeps resetting to full

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Upsetter.2908


Dragonbrand overflow.. although i switched over to a different toon and was put in a different overflow where the even has already been completed so I missed out on it completely.
Same thing happened during the lagfest failure yesterday.. I was disconnected in the middle of the event and when I logged back on I was stuck in an overflow where the event was already done.
Awesome. I missed both of the events.
Glad to know this is a “free” content addition so nobody cares if we get to experience it or not.
Also.. cannot complete Phase 1 on my other 80 because I didn’t get the map fragment for more than one toon yesterday. Thanks for not making it clear that the option to get the map fragment would not be available today. Quite a few people I know did not get the fragment on multiple characters.. so they are only able to finish phase 1 on one char.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hyde.6189


Aurora Glade, (non overflow)


Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pugsley.5294


On Yak’s Bend, The Krata Champ is still up resetting and not moving lol, cmon, really Over 2 hours now?? Yesterday the event was laggy so bad no loot or anything, then the gate wouldn’t work to get in new dungeon and Lionguard Tyrron wouldn’t do anything, you reset server then Ty disappeared and it still said to talk to him. But then we could go in Dungeon?

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cero.1209


I’ve noticed that it only does it once, its like they have two health bars.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tangman.1478


Piken Square (overflow)
ancient karka stuck in a wall behind the catapult, health resetting… except a lot of our people wouldn’t listen when we tried to get them to stop attacking to lure it away, and then I crashed. Never mind.
btw does anything else happen in Lions Arch after it dies? When I logged back in I was on a different overflow where it had finished.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Zoey Hellry.7298

Zoey Hellry.7298

I was on Yaks Bend. Tried for 45 minutes and then logged out.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Bobby Fizz.5706

Bobby Fizz.5706

Gunnars Hold overflow

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ThaArchivist.3579


Sorrow’s furnace (overflow)

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Markadis.9012


Blackgate non-overflow update. He just ran towards the cliff and magically disappeared. Is that normal?

Server- Blackgate
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: aurelin.5190


Ehmry Bay, overflow.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra


Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead


Blackgate non-overflow update. He just ran towards the cliff and magically disappeared. Is that normal?

Yes, that is what it was supposed to do.

The trebuchet was meant to fire at the karka, chasing it off into the ocean. Then people take the boat to Southsun Cove to fight the karka on their home turf.

Regardless of whether that karka is still there, the boat to Southsun Cove should have appeared on your map so you can travel to the island.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

(edited by Regina Buenaobra.6193)

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dorsk Khomm.6803

Dorsk Khomm.6803

Could Anet advised if we can do anything to fix this? Is it worth me staying on?

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


My son noticed this on the Karka… when you take their health down the first time they seem to refill their health bars with… themselves, so to speak. Watch their legs, they go from fat and beefy to skinny legs. The second bar also goes down more quickly.


Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Harper.6709


Thats actually you breaking the shell off. The first HP is with a shell, the second is without, thats why it goes down so much faster. Also, if you use the sprayers laying around in weapon crates, it melts thier shells/hp

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pugsley.5294


Blackgate non-overflow update. He just ran towards the cliff and magically disappeared. Is that normal?

Yes, that is what it was supposed to do.

The trebuchet was meant to fire at the karka, chasing it off into the ocean. Then people take the boat to Southsun Cove to fight the karka on their home turf.

Regardless of whether that karka is still there, the boat to Southsun Cove should have appeared on your map so you can travel to the island.

Oh, well, how stupid of us, we should have just known that then, not just sit and fight something bugged and regaining its health for 2 hours lol. Least some npc could have yelled out or a in game mail, something. It was bad, very bad day for Yak’s Bend at least.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Stuhac.6254


Bad call planning an event and a dungeon door in already crowded LA…

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: wildcode.5403


We never saw the Ancient Karka on the overflow I was on (yaks bend) … everyone was waiting at the treb as it was being built then someone said somethign about the boat and we all ran to it.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: phantomdust.4729


Blackgate non-overflow update. He just ran towards the cliff and magically disappeared. Is that normal?

Yes, that is what it was supposed to do.

The trebuchet was meant to fire at the karka, chasing it off into the ocean. Then people take the boat to Southsun Cove to fight the karka on their home turf.

Regardless of whether that karka is still there, the boat to Southsun Cove should have appeared on your map so you can travel to the island.

That wasn’t obvious at all. Was there dialog that I missed explaining it? There should have been. Sudden de-spawn looks like a bug when not explained.

Also, I couldn’t see the mob. That bug is still around.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dorsk Khomm.6803

Dorsk Khomm.6803

Okay so I load the new build in to an overflow with no Ancient Karka! Why have I just been sat here for 3 hours hours waiting for a fix if you’re just going to eliminate the battle! I wanted to fight it as I haven’t had the chance to kill Karka yet due to all the bugs!

I loved GW1 (pre-ordered it and played since the start) so looked forward to this game. My wife and I came on immediately after putting the kids to bed so we could participate and have instead wasted an entire evening!

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mark Katzbach


Mark Katzbach

Content Marketing Manager


Okay so I load the new build in to an overflow with no Ancient Karka! Why have I just been sat here for 3 hours hours waiting for a fix if you’re just going to eliminate the battle! I wanted to fight it as I haven’t had the chance to kill Karka yet due to all the bugs!

I loved GW1 (pre-ordered it and played since the start). My wife and I came on immediately after putting the kids to bed so we could participate and have instead wasted an entire evening!

There are plenty of karka to fight on Southsun Cove. Head over to the docks and take the ship that is waiting over to the island and fight karka to your heart’s content.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pugsley.5294


Okay so I load the new build in to an overflow with no Ancient Karka! Why have I just been sat here for 3 hours hours waiting for a fix if you’re just going to eliminate the battle! I wanted to fight it as I haven’t had the chance to kill Karka yet due to all the bugs!

I loved GW1 (pre-ordered it and played since the start). My wife and I came on immediately after putting the kids to bed so we could participate and have instead wasted an entire evening!

There are plenty of karka to fight on Southsun Cove. Head over to the docks and take the ship that is waiting over to the island and fight karka to your heart’s content.

Yeah, why do something everyone else got to, even though we didnt think ahead to test and make sure our ISP and Servers could handle it. Shame on you!! Who do you think we work for, you???

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dorsk Khomm.6803

Dorsk Khomm.6803

Hi Mark, I think you are missing the point. We came on at 8pm to participate in this specific event but have been cheated out of it. Could you not have just reset LA to prior to the start of the battle – this is what most of us wanted (i.e. all the people who have been waiting since 8pm for the Karka to not be bugged).

I’m not sure if it’s worth turning up tomorrow for the next event since we feel that it’ll probably be bugged again and you’ll just do the same as you have tonight. I appreciate that it’s difficult to release something perfect but I feel tonight’s resolution is most disappointing.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra


Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead

The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

We understand that this was not clear in the way the event unfolded, and this feedback will be relayed to the development team (thank you to those who have provided feedback about this and all the other events). We apologize at the frustration you all experienced due to this event being stuck.

Content Marketing Lead
Twitter: @ArenaNet, @GuildWars2
In-Game Name: Cm Regina Buenaobra

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pugsley.5294


Hi Mark, I think you are missing the point. We came on at 8pm to participate in this specific event but have been cheated out of it. Could you not have just reset LA to prior to the start of the battle – this is what most of us wanted (i.e. all the people who have been waiting since 8pm for the Karka to not be bugged).

I’m not sure if it’s worth turning up tomorrow for the next event since we feel that it’ll probably be bugged again and you’ll just do the same as you have tonight. I appreciate that it’s difficult to release something perfect but I feel tonight’s resolution is most disappointing.

Totally agree, I left Blizz after years of playing for this exact same attitude towards the players who made them big. It was such a refreshing game from WOW, but this Weekend has seriously got me reconsidering even playing MMo’s at all anymore. Just not about the Game and Players to these companies. All about the money. It’s quite sad. But guess can be said about most thing’s anymore, just no Morales left in or World today. People all about themselves.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dorsk Khomm.6803

Dorsk Khomm.6803

Sorry but one-time events have proven to be a severe disappointment. I invited friends this weekend and they have found a buggy, lagged game with special events you don’t get to play.

We don’t get to play much having two young children (under-3) so to have a night wasted is extremely upsetting. Reading about what you planned to have happen does not make up for having missed out on a “one time” experience we were actually trying to participate in.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: phantomdust.4729


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

We understand that this was not clear in the way the event unfolded, and this feedback will be relayed to the development team (thank you to those who have provided feedback about this and all the other events). We apologize at the frustration you all experienced due to this event being stuck.

Of those things, I only experienced steps two, five and six.

I don’t think it was the event being stuck, I think it was how the progression of events was communicated to the players.

I think this could have been helped with more communication from NPCs in the moment, and not through in-game mail.

For example, after the fight with the Ancient Karka, instead of telling the players to ‘get on a boat’, the NPCs could have said ’let’s prepare a boat at [some location] and set sail as soon as possible!’

Not only does this set the appropriate expectation of having to wait for the trip to the island, it reduces the confusion induced by getting on the boat and going nowhere.

Additionally, getting to Southsun didn’t involve getting on a boat at all. The NPC to start the journey was on the dock, and the cutscene didn’t even involve a boat at all.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kissofthehell.3720


This happens because you are not supposed to kill it in ph2.. you kill it in ph3

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pifil.5193


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

We understand that this was not clear in the way the event unfolded, and this feedback will be relayed to the development team (thank you to those who have provided feedback about this and all the other events). We apologize at the frustration you all experienced due to this event being stuck.

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

That’s the sequence I encountered on the overflow server I was on. We were all standing around the trebuchets as they slowly got built and then… nothing. We just stood there waiting for something to happen when someone noticed the boat icon on the map. I have to say that this has been a disappointment, terrible lag on the drawn out brawl yesterday, a broken scavenger hunt and tonight another broken sequence. I don’t have high hopes that this will end any better tomorrow.

(edited by Pifil.5193)

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: drkn.3429


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

We understand that this was not clear in the way the event unfolded, and this feedback will be relayed to the development team (thank you to those who have provided feedback about this and all the other events). We apologize at the frustration you all experienced due to this event being stuck.

I managed to keep track of it, and it indeed has worked out as planned – at least on my EU overflow. Was good to see Magnus taking participation and him and Kiel shutting up Blingg.


Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Bregah.7365


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

We understand that this was not clear in the way the event unfolded, and this feedback will be relayed to the development team (thank you to those who have provided feedback about this and all the other events). We apologize at the frustration you all experienced due to this event being stuck.

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

That’s the sequence I encountered on the overflow server I was on. I have to say that this has been a massive disappointment. Please, no more of these kind of events. There are just too many bugs they don’t work. Were they even tested?

Same here.

The trebuchet didn’t start building until 20 minutes after the kick off time, though, so there was much confusion.

There were reports from guildmates in other instances of a fight, that mine never saw.

Then the boat showed up.

However, 3 hours later, in seemingly a different overflow, the Ancient Karka was stuck in the P2 loop (health resetting at 75%).

My home instance queue popped (Yak’s Bend) so I went there. Same thing – Karka resetting at 75%, and this lasted until the servers came down for the new build.

I wonder in what % of instances the event worked properly? My experience was 0 out of 3.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kooki.6074


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

A lot people are saying that the Ancient Karka didn’t show up on the overflow servers. On the overflow server I was in, the Trebuchet was built and then the tool tip in the corner updated to say the boat was available. Players rushed over and sailed away, I had waited for my party to be ready before moving on. A few minutes later the Ancient Karka part of the event started. We were lucky enough to have caught it.

So maybe the problem wasn’t that it didn’t happen in overflows, it was just in the wrong order. The boat was made available to early, leading a lot of people to jump the gun and ultimately miss parts of the event.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Veteran Karkas intentionally have 2 life bars, 1 is armored, the second is when you break through their armored shell.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

A lot people are saying that the Ancient Karka didn’t show up on the overflow servers. On the overflow server I was in, the Trebuchet was built and then the tool tip in the corner updated to say the boat was available. Players rushed over and sailed away, I had waited for my party to be ready before moving on. A few minutes later the Ancient Karka part of the event started. We were lucky enough to have caught it.

So maybe the problem wasn’t that it didn’t happen in overflows, it was just in the wrong order. The boat was made available to early, leading a lot of people to jump the gun and ultimately miss parts of the event.

First overflow: no trebuchet. Relogged.
Second overflow: trebuchet but no Karka. Went to the island. Unintentionally disconnected.
Third overflow: event on the island already over. Relogged.
Fourth overflow: event on the island had not even started. Spawned within an army of Karka with like five other people. Some minutes later, the ships arrived. We followed the event chain, fighting invisible enemies, building camps or trebuchets we could not see. Then a champion karka spawned right within a camp, oneshotting everything including full exo warriors. Somehow zerged it down. Followed the event, building a road. Then a second event spolit the group, we followed to the south which was obviously wrong. Couldn’t find Ellen again. Missed half of the event. Logged out frustrated, having wasted a weekend.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: punchbunny.1325


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers
  • Ancient Karka shows up
  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka
  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available
  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

Here’s how the event unfolded for me:

  • Stand around in Lion’s Arch, get excited message on map chat that treb is being built
  • Hang out next to treb and watch it get built
  • Wait for 45 minutes as people brawl around me
  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available

Sanctum of Rall overflow.

And to actually respond to the original intent of this thread, add Sanctum of Rall overflow to the resetting Veteran Karka health bar. Makes for a REALLY boring trek through the dynamic events, considering there are 953,000 veterans you have to kill along the way.

Also, are they supposed to drop anything ever? Because I’ve been through two runs of the event chain and veterans have dropped absolutely nothing. Ever. Everything else drops loot, just not the veterans.

So, cool.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: nollywood.3724


The following sequence was supposed to happen:

  • Trebuchet is built by workers

Happened nearly 30 mins after it was supposed to start. And hadrly anyone even knew where to go for this. If it wasnt for a commander standing there and spamming /map with “come to commander on map” i dont think people would have known.

  • Ancient Karka shows up

Not on Underworld overflow . Not even a mention of it.

  • Trebuchet fires at Ancient Karka

Couldnt have happened as above (wasnt there)

  • Ancient Karka jumps into the water and flees to Southsun Cove

See above and above that.

  • Boat to Southsun Cove is available

Yes this happened straight after the trebuchet was up. Literally 2 seconds after it went up (guess since they didnt need to fire it at something that wasnt there, so no need to wait any longer.

  • Players travel to Southsun Cove to fight karka there

Went there, killed a few of them, got to a champion one. vanishes, people not knowing where to go, ran around the island for a while killing random karka’s until bored and no one seemed to know if event was over or still going.

Gave up on event now. But the event is making it hard for people who dont want to do the event anymore. Since 90% of the people would rather stand around a buggy npc or wait for a event to maybe start or maybe not., then actually do something in game.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Also, are they supposed to drop anything ever? Because I’ve been through two runs of the event chain and veterans have dropped absolutely nothing. Ever. Everything else drops loot, just not the veterans.

I just opened a thread about that in the bug forum, we also killed several veterans and two champions and they didn’t give any loot. Seems the patch that should increase the chance did the opposite, at least on the new island.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake