Kicked Out During Final Event

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: captaincrash.6528


My overflow server was in the middle of the final Lost Shores event when a new build was available. Since it was an overflow server, we wont be able to get back onto it, missing out on the event. Can anything be done about this?


Crash ~ Charr Reaper

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ghostchipz.2341


yes i was there too not very happy

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vinny.6924


Wait for it.

Merge and ignore.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Baby.1405


my cousin.. was there as well… for his first time.. felt so bad for him..

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: FleaKill.4108


This is ridiculous, got done by the new build as well.


Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aero.4829


Yea nice… spent hundreds $$$ on the gems so far without even a kittening precursor to show for it. Good fun gambling, no more gems for me though. Booted on last even as well…

(edited by Aero.4829)

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Weza.9041


So troll Anet so very very troll T_T

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tea Badger.6425

Tea Badger.6425

was kicked too, i never got the chest and this was my 2nd attempt.

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HealingFreakI.1325


Anet, after spending over 4k hours in GW1 during 6 years, and over 600 hours in this GW2 alrdy, u guys messed it up with this one time crap…atleast u still made sense in GW1 with events repeating each 3 hours, now ppl who HAVE to do something else with their life during the day are just screwed over by you guys…lets give ppl precursors and amazing loot, but ppl who have to work…just get messed up, thats just wrong, u guys letting ppl down because of ur incompetence for these events. Now i finally managed it to be in an overflow and do some of the event and u decide to reset servers…REALLY?

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: cilantroll.5136


I think I was part of your server. I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT—the home stretch, after HOURS.


Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Absolutionis.9427


New build killed all hope.


Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Obiwan.8102


i dunno if it was same server but i was on the final phase we were on the champion karka and it was dieing so if that is the final boss we just got ROYALLY SCREWED!!!

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Stormy.3519


gotta say tried like crazy to get into one of these overflow servers, just because I was working during the one and only time the event was up. Almost completed the event just to have the game reset with 15 minutes to go… Those overflow servers allowed alot of people to do the event, even when A-net had no plans to make the event available anymore… dissapointed

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BMW.2951


WOWWWWWWWWWWWW Anet! People have lives like me, i had to work on my friends car earlier so i couldnt make it at 12pst time. 30 minutes ago I finally made it into an overflow with the event happening. You guys did a new build to get rid of the event… you shouldnt of booted anyone until all servers was done with events. Im pissed.

Character- [KnT] Masta Yodaa
Asura Thief
Server- Beastgate

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Stormy.3519


New build killed all hope.

Oh Man I was there! The chest Hustle!!! to bad i didn’t even get to complete the event once.

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Cerediron.3508


Thank you very much guys! Few Hours into this, have school soon, and this….. thanks


Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Briar.9460


Yeah, our overflow was in the middle of it as well, I was on my first run of the event…
After a few hours of grinding this thing…


(edited by Briar.9460)

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Nivlem.1349


I got kicked out at final too when boss was at 10%


Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tequila Sunrise.1392

Tequila Sunrise.1392

New build, right when we killed the boss. I’ve never been so crest fallen in a game before.

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: sparkster.8563


First run for me, excited to get the chest, but build killed it. Stayed up all night for this event, then this

Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Leweegibo.1562


Yup i was in with a few of you!

Needed 2 more mins, looks like OP was even closer!


Kicked Out During Final Event

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mudcat.1364


Happened to our overflow as well, sad times after spending a couple hours getting to that point…